Código fonte de qiskit.transpiler.synthesis.aqc.fast_gradient.fast_gradient

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Implementation of the fast objective function class.

import warnings
import numpy as np

from .layer import (
from .pmatrix import PMatrix
from ..cnot_unit_objective import CNOTUnitObjective

[documentos]class FastCNOTUnitObjective(CNOTUnitObjective): """ Implementation of objective function and gradient calculator, which is similar to :class:`~qiskit.transpiler.aqc.DefaultCNOTUnitObjective` but several times faster. """ def __init__(self, num_qubits: int, cnots: np.ndarray): super().__init__(num_qubits, cnots) if not 2 <= num_qubits <= 16: raise ValueError("expects number of qubits in the range [2..16]") dim = 2**num_qubits self._ucf_mat = PMatrix(num_qubits) # U^dagger @ C @ F self._fuc_mat = PMatrix(num_qubits) # F @ U^dagger @ C self._circ_thetas = np.zeros((self.num_thetas,)) # last thetas used # array of C-layers: self._c_layers = np.asarray([object()] * self.num_cnots, dtype=LayerBase) # array of F-layers: self._f_layers = np.asarray([object()] * num_qubits, dtype=LayerBase) # 4x4 C-gate matrices: self._c_gates = np.full((self.num_cnots, 4, 4), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) # derivatives of 4x4 C-gate matrices: self._c_dervs = np.full((self.num_cnots, 4, 4, 4), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) # 4x4 F-gate matrices: self._f_gates = np.full((num_qubits, 2, 2), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) # derivatives of 4x4 F-gate matrices: self._f_dervs = np.full((num_qubits, 3, 2, 2), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) # temporary NxN matrices: self._tmp1 = np.full((dim, dim), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) self._tmp2 = np.full((dim, dim), fill_value=0, dtype=np.complex128) # Create layers of 2-qubit gates. for q in range(self.num_cnots): j = int(cnots[0, q]) k = int(cnots[1, q]) self._c_layers[q] = Layer2Q(num_qubits=num_qubits, j=j, k=k) # Create layers of 1-qubit gates. for k in range(num_qubits): self._f_layers[k] = Layer1Q(num_qubits=num_qubits, k=k)
[documentos] def objective(self, param_values: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Computes the objective function and some intermediate data for the subsequent gradient computation. See description of the base class method. """ depth, n = self.num_cnots, self._num_qubits # Memorize the last angular parameters used to compute the objective. if self._circ_thetas.size == 0: self._circ_thetas = np.zeros((self.num_thetas,)) np.copyto(self._circ_thetas, param_values) thetas4d = param_values[: 4 * depth].reshape(depth, 4) thetas3n = param_values[4 * depth :].reshape(n, 3) init_layer2q_matrices(thetas=thetas4d, dst=self._c_gates) init_layer2q_deriv_matrices(thetas=thetas4d, dst=self._c_dervs) init_layer1q_matrices(thetas=thetas3n, dst=self._f_gates) init_layer1q_deriv_matrices(thetas=thetas3n, dst=self._f_dervs) self._init_layers() self._calc_ucf_fuc() objective_value = self._calc_objective_function() return objective_value
[documentos] def gradient(self, param_values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes the gradient of objective function. See description of the base class method. """ # If thetas are the same as used for objective value calculation # before calling this function, then we re-use the computations, # otherwise we have to re-compute the objective. tol = float(np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)) if not np.allclose(param_values, self._circ_thetas, atol=tol, rtol=tol): self.objective(param_values) warnings.warn("gradient is computed before the objective") grad = np.full((param_values.size,), fill_value=0, dtype=np.float64) grad4d = grad[: 4 * self.num_cnots].reshape(self.num_cnots, 4) grad3n = grad[4 * self.num_cnots :].reshape(self._num_qubits, 3) self._calc_gradient4d(grad4d) self._calc_gradient3n(grad3n) return grad
def _init_layers(self): """ Initializes C-layers and F-layers by corresponding gate matrices. """ c_gates = self._c_gates c_layers = self._c_layers for q in range(self.num_cnots): c_layers[q].set_from_matrix(mat=c_gates[q]) f_gates = self._f_gates f_layers = self._f_layers for q in range(self._num_qubits): f_layers[q].set_from_matrix(mat=f_gates[q]) def _calc_ucf_fuc(self): """ Computes matrices ``ucf_mat`` and ``fuc_mat``. Both remain non-finalized. """ ucf_mat = self._ucf_mat fuc_mat = self._fuc_mat tmp1 = self._tmp1 c_layers = self._c_layers f_layers = self._f_layers depth, n = self.num_cnots, self._num_qubits # tmp1 = U^dagger. np.conj(self.target_matrix.T, out=tmp1) # ucf_mat = fuc_mat = U^dagger @ C = U^dagger @ C_{depth-1} @ ... @ C_{0}. self._ucf_mat.set_matrix(tmp1) for q in range(depth - 1, -1, -1): ucf_mat.mul_right_q2(c_layers[q], temp_mat=tmp1, dagger=False) fuc_mat.set_matrix(ucf_mat.finalize(temp_mat=tmp1)) # fuc_mat = F @ U^dagger @ C = F_{n-1} @ ... @ F_{0} @ U^dagger @ C. for q in range(n): fuc_mat.mul_left_q1(f_layers[q], temp_mat=tmp1) # ucf_mat = U^dagger @ C @ F = U^dagger @ C @ F_{n-1} @ ... @ F_{0}. for q in range(n - 1, -1, -1): ucf_mat.mul_right_q1(f_layers[q], temp_mat=tmp1, dagger=False) def _calc_objective_function(self) -> float: """ Computes the value of objective function. """ ucf = self._ucf_mat.finalize(temp_mat=self._tmp1) trace_ucf = np.trace(ucf) fobj = abs((2**self._num_qubits) - float(np.real(trace_ucf))) return fobj def _calc_gradient4d(self, grad4d: np.ndarray): """ Calculates a part gradient contributed by 2-qubit gates. """ fuc = self._fuc_mat tmp1, tmp2 = self._tmp1, self._tmp2 c_gates = self._c_gates c_dervs = self._c_dervs c_layers = self._c_layers for q in range(self.num_cnots): # fuc[q] <-- C[q-1] @ fuc[q-1] @ C[q].conj.T. Note, c_layers[q] has # been initialized in _init_layers(), however, c_layers[q-1] was # reused on the previous step, see below, so we need to restore it. if q > 0: c_layers[q - 1].set_from_matrix(mat=c_gates[q - 1]) fuc.mul_left_q2(c_layers[q - 1], temp_mat=tmp1) fuc.mul_right_q2(c_layers[q], temp_mat=tmp1, dagger=True) fuc.finalize(temp_mat=tmp1) # Compute gradient components. We reuse c_layers[q] several times. for i in range(4): c_layers[q].set_from_matrix(mat=c_dervs[q, i]) grad4d[q, i] = (-1) * np.real( fuc.product_q2(layer=c_layers[q], tmp1=tmp1, tmp2=tmp2) ) def _calc_gradient3n(self, grad3n: np.ndarray): """ Calculates a part gradient contributed by 1-qubit gates. """ ucf = self._ucf_mat tmp1, tmp2 = self._tmp1, self._tmp2 f_gates = self._f_gates f_dervs = self._f_dervs f_layers = self._f_layers for q in range(self._num_qubits): # ucf[q] <-- F[q-1] @ ucf[q-1] @ F[q].conj.T. Note, f_layers[q] has # been initialized in _init_layers(), however, f_layers[q-1] was # reused on the previous step, see below, so we need to restore it. if q > 0: f_layers[q - 1].set_from_matrix(mat=f_gates[q - 1]) ucf.mul_left_q1(f_layers[q - 1], temp_mat=tmp1) ucf.mul_right_q1(f_layers[q], temp_mat=tmp1, dagger=True) ucf.finalize(temp_mat=tmp1) # Compute gradient components. We reuse f_layers[q] several times. for i in range(3): f_layers[q].set_from_matrix(mat=f_dervs[q, i]) grad3n[q, i] = (-1) * np.real( ucf.product_q1(layer=f_layers[q], tmp1=tmp1, tmp2=tmp2) )