
class qiskit.opflow.converters.DictToCircuitSum(traverse=True, convert_dicts=True, convert_vectors=True)[código fonte]#

Bases: ConverterBase

Deprecated: Converts DictStateFns or VectorStateFns to equivalent CircuitStateFns or sums thereof. The behavior of this class can be mostly replicated by calling to_circuit_op on an Operator, but with the added control of choosing whether to convert only DictStateFns or VectorStateFns, rather than both.

Obsoleto desde a versão 0.24.0: The class qiskit.opflow.converters.dict_to_circuit_sum.DictToCircuitSum is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.24.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. For code migration guidelines, visit https://qisk.it/opflow_migration.

  • traverse (bool) – Whether to recurse down into Operators with internal sub-operators for conversion.

  • convert_dicts (bool) – Whether to convert VectorStateFn.

  • convert_vectors (bool) – Whether to convert DictStateFns.


convert(operator)[código fonte]#

Convert the Operator to CircuitStateFns, recursively if traverse is True.


operator (OperatorBase) – The Operator to convert


The converted Operator.

Tipo de retorno:
