
class qiskit.pulse.library.Gaussian(duration, amp, sigma, angle=None, name=None, limit_amplitude=None)[código fonte]#

Bases: object

A lifted and truncated pulse envelope shaped according to the Gaussian function whose mean is centered at the center of the pulse (duration / 2):

\[\begin{split}f'(x) &= \exp\Bigl( -\frac12 \frac{{(x - \text{duration}/2)}^2}{\text{sigma}^2} \Bigr)\\ f(x) &= \text{A} \times \frac{f'(x) - f'(-1)}{1-f'(-1)}, \quad 0 \le x < \text{duration}\end{split}\]

where \(f'(x)\) is the gaussian waveform without lifting or amplitude scaling, and \(\text{A} = \text{amp} \times \exp\left(i\times\text{angle}\right)\).

Create new pulse instance.

  • duration – Pulse length in terms of the sampling period dt.

  • amp – The magnitude of the amplitude of the Gaussian envelope. Complex amp support is deprecated.

  • sigma – A measure of how wide or narrow the Gaussian peak is; described mathematically in the class docstring.

  • angle – The angle of the complex amplitude of the Gaussian envelope. Default value 0.

  • name – Display name for this pulse envelope.

  • limit_amplitude – If True, then limit the amplitude of the waveform to 1. The default is True and the amplitude is constrained to 1.


ScalableSymbolicPulse instance.


alias = 'Gaussian'#