Quantum Circuit Extensions (qiskit.extensions)#

Unitary Extensions#

UnitaryGate(data[, label])

Class quantum gates specified by a unitary matrix.

HamiltonianGate(data, time[, label])

Class for representing evolution by a Hamiltonian operator as a gate.

SingleQubitUnitary(unitary_matrix[, mode, ...])

Single-qubit unitary.

Simulator Extensions#

Snapshot(label[, snapshot_type, num_qubits, ...])

Simulator snapshot instruction.


Initialize(params[, num_qubits, normalize])

Complex amplitude initialization.

Uniformly Controlled Rotations#

UCPauliRotGate(angle_list, rot_axis)

Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).


Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).


Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).


Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).


The additional gates in this module will tend to raise a custom exception when they encounter problems.

exception qiskit.extensions.ExtensionError(*message)[código fonte]#

Base class for errors raised by extensions module.

Set the error message.