Código fonte de qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers.level3

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# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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"""Pass manager for optimization level 3, providing heavy optimization.

Level 3 pass manager: heavy optimization by noise adaptive qubit mapping and
gate cancellation using commutativity rules and unitary synthesis.
from __future__ import annotations
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import BasePass
from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager_config import PassManagerConfig
from qiskit.transpiler.timing_constraints import TimingConstraints
from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager import PassManager
from qiskit.transpiler.passmanager import StagedPassManager

from qiskit.transpiler.passes import SetLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import VF2Layout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import TrivialLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import DenseLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import NoiseAdaptiveLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import SabreLayout
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import MinimumPoint
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Depth
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Size
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RemoveResetInZeroState
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Optimize1qGatesDecomposition
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import CommutativeCancellation
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import OptimizeSwapBeforeMeasure
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import RemoveDiagonalGatesBeforeMeasure
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Collect2qBlocks
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import ConsolidateBlocks
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import UnitarySynthesis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import GatesInBasis
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements
from qiskit.transpiler.runningpassmanager import ConditionalController, FlowController
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import common
from qiskit.transpiler.passes.layout.vf2_layout import VF2LayoutStopReason
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers.plugin import (

[documentos]def level_3_pass_manager(pass_manager_config: PassManagerConfig) -> StagedPassManager: """Level 3 pass manager: heavy optimization by noise adaptive qubit mapping and gate cancellation using commutativity rules and unitary synthesis. This pass manager applies the user-given initial layout. If none is given, a search for a perfect layout (i.e. one that satisfies all 2-qubit interactions) is conducted. If no such layout is found, and device calibration information is available, the circuit is mapped to the qubits with best readouts and to CX gates with highest fidelity. The pass manager then transforms the circuit to match the coupling constraints. It is then unrolled to the basis, and any flipped cx directions are fixed. Finally, optimizations in the form of commutative gate cancellation, resynthesis of two-qubit unitary blocks, and redundant reset removal are performed. Args: pass_manager_config: configuration of the pass manager. Returns: a level 3 pass manager. Raises: TranspilerError: if the passmanager config is invalid. """ plugin_manager = PassManagerStagePluginManager() basis_gates = pass_manager_config.basis_gates inst_map = pass_manager_config.inst_map coupling_map = pass_manager_config.coupling_map initial_layout = pass_manager_config.initial_layout init_method = pass_manager_config.init_method layout_method = pass_manager_config.layout_method or "sabre" routing_method = pass_manager_config.routing_method or "sabre" translation_method = pass_manager_config.translation_method or "translator" optimization_method = pass_manager_config.optimization_method scheduling_method = pass_manager_config.scheduling_method instruction_durations = pass_manager_config.instruction_durations seed_transpiler = pass_manager_config.seed_transpiler backend_properties = pass_manager_config.backend_properties approximation_degree = pass_manager_config.approximation_degree unitary_synthesis_method = pass_manager_config.unitary_synthesis_method timing_constraints = pass_manager_config.timing_constraints or TimingConstraints() unitary_synthesis_plugin_config = pass_manager_config.unitary_synthesis_plugin_config target = pass_manager_config.target hls_config = pass_manager_config.hls_config # Layout on good qubits if calibration info available, otherwise on dense links _given_layout = SetLayout(initial_layout) def _choose_layout_condition(property_set): # layout hasn't been set yet return not property_set["layout"] def _vf2_match_not_found(property_set): # If a layout hasn't been set by the time we run vf2 layout we need to # run layout if property_set["layout"] is None: return True # if VF2 layout stopped for any reason other than solution found we need # to run layout since VF2 didn't converge. if ( property_set["VF2Layout_stop_reason"] is not None and property_set["VF2Layout_stop_reason"] is not VF2LayoutStopReason.SOLUTION_FOUND ): return True return False # 2a. If layout method is not set, first try VF2Layout _choose_layout_0: list[BasePass] | BasePass = ( [] if pass_manager_config.layout_method else VF2Layout( coupling_map, seed=seed_transpiler, call_limit=int(3e7), # Set call limit to ~60 sec with rustworkx 0.10.2 properties=backend_properties, target=target, max_trials=250000, # Limits layout scoring to < 60 sec on ~400 qubit devices ) ) if target is None: coupling_map_layout = coupling_map else: coupling_map_layout = target # 2b. if VF2 didn't converge on a solution use layout_method (dense). if layout_method == "trivial": _choose_layout_1: BasePass = TrivialLayout(coupling_map_layout) elif layout_method == "dense": _choose_layout_1 = DenseLayout(coupling_map, backend_properties, target=target) elif layout_method == "noise_adaptive": if target is None: _choose_layout_1 = NoiseAdaptiveLayout(backend_properties) else: _choose_layout_1 = NoiseAdaptiveLayout(target) elif layout_method == "sabre": _choose_layout_1 = SabreLayout( coupling_map_layout, max_iterations=4, seed=seed_transpiler, swap_trials=20, layout_trials=20, skip_routing=pass_manager_config.routing_method is not None and routing_method != "sabre", ) # Choose routing pass routing_pm = plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "routing", routing_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=3 ) # 8. Optimize iteratively until no more change in depth. Removes useless gates # after reset and before measure, commutes gates and optimizes contiguous blocks. _minimum_point_check: list[BasePass | FlowController] = [ Depth(recurse=True), Size(recurse=True), MinimumPoint(["depth", "size"], "optimization_loop"), ] def _opt_control(property_set): return not property_set["optimization_loop_minimum_point"] _opt: list[BasePass | FlowController] = [ Collect2qBlocks(), ConsolidateBlocks( basis_gates=basis_gates, target=target, approximation_degree=approximation_degree ), UnitarySynthesis( basis_gates, approximation_degree=approximation_degree, coupling_map=coupling_map, backend_props=backend_properties, method=unitary_synthesis_method, plugin_config=unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, target=target, ), Optimize1qGatesDecomposition(basis=basis_gates, target=target), CommutativeCancellation(target=target), ] # Build pass manager init = common.generate_control_flow_options_check( layout_method=layout_method, routing_method=routing_method, translation_method=translation_method, optimization_method=optimization_method, scheduling_method=scheduling_method, basis_gates=basis_gates, target=target, ) if init_method is not None: init += plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "init", init_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=2 ) else: init += common.generate_unroll_3q( target, basis_gates, approximation_degree, unitary_synthesis_method, unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, hls_config, ) init.append(RemoveResetInZeroState()) init.append(OptimizeSwapBeforeMeasure()) init.append(RemoveDiagonalGatesBeforeMeasure()) if coupling_map or initial_layout: if layout_method not in {"trivial", "dense", "noise_adaptive", "sabre"}: layout = plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "layout", layout_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=3 ) else: def _swap_mapped(property_set): return property_set["final_layout"] is None layout = PassManager() layout.append(_given_layout) layout.append(_choose_layout_0, condition=_choose_layout_condition) layout.append( [BarrierBeforeFinalMeasurements(), _choose_layout_1], condition=_vf2_match_not_found ) embed = common.generate_embed_passmanager(coupling_map_layout) layout.append( [pass_ for x in embed.passes() for pass_ in x["passes"]], condition=_swap_mapped ) routing = routing_pm else: layout = None routing = None if translation_method not in {"translator", "synthesis", "unroller"}: translation = plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "translation", translation_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=3 ) else: translation = common.generate_translation_passmanager( target, basis_gates, translation_method, approximation_degree, coupling_map, backend_properties, unitary_synthesis_method, unitary_synthesis_plugin_config, hls_config, ) if optimization_method is None: optimization = PassManager() unroll = [pass_ for x in translation.passes() for pass_ in x["passes"]] # Build nested Flow controllers def _unroll_condition(property_set): return not property_set["all_gates_in_basis"] # Check if any gate is not in the basis, and if so, run unroll passes _unroll_if_out_of_basis: list[BasePass | FlowController] = [ GatesInBasis(basis_gates, target=target), ConditionalController(unroll, condition=_unroll_condition), ] optimization.append(_minimum_point_check) if (coupling_map and not coupling_map.is_symmetric) or ( target is not None and target.get_non_global_operation_names(strict_direction=True) ): pre_optimization = common.generate_pre_op_passmanager(target, coupling_map, True) _direction = [ pass_ for x in common.generate_pre_op_passmanager(target, coupling_map).passes() for pass_ in x["passes"] ] if optimization is not None: optimization.append( _opt + _unroll_if_out_of_basis + _minimum_point_check, do_while=_opt_control, ) else: pre_optimization = common.generate_pre_op_passmanager(remove_reset_in_zero=True) optimization.append( _opt + _unroll_if_out_of_basis + _minimum_point_check, do_while=_opt_control ) else: optimization = plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "optimization", optimization_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=3 ) if (coupling_map and not coupling_map.is_symmetric) or ( target is not None and target.get_non_global_operation_names(strict_direction=True) ): pre_optimization = common.generate_pre_op_passmanager(target, coupling_map, True) else: pre_optimization = common.generate_pre_op_passmanager(remove_reset_in_zero=True) if scheduling_method is None or scheduling_method in {"alap", "asap"}: sched = common.generate_scheduling( instruction_durations, scheduling_method, timing_constraints, inst_map, target=target ) elif isinstance(scheduling_method, PassManager): sched = scheduling_method else: sched = plugin_manager.get_passmanager_stage( "scheduling", scheduling_method, pass_manager_config, optimization_level=3 ) return StagedPassManager( init=init, layout=layout, routing=routing, translation=translation, pre_optimization=pre_optimization, optimization=optimization, scheduling=sched, )