- qiskit.visualization.plot_bloch_multivector(state, title='', figsize=None, *, rho=None, reverse_bits=False, filename=None, font_size=None, title_font_size=None, title_pad=1)[소스]#
Plot a Bloch sphere for each qubit.
Each component \((x,y,z)\) of the Bloch sphere labeled as ‘qubit i’ represents the expected value of the corresponding Pauli operator acting only on that qubit, that is, the expected value of \(I_{N-1} \otimes\dotsb\otimes I_{i+1}\otimes P_i \otimes I_{i-1}\otimes\dotsb\otimes I_0\), where \(N\) is the number of qubits, \(P\in \{X,Y,Z\}\) and \(I\) is the identity operator.
버전 0.15.1부터 폐지됨:
’s argumentrho
is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.15.1. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. Instead, use the argumentstate
, which behaves identically.- 매개변수:
state (Statevector or DensityMatrix or ndarray) – an N-qubit quantum state.
title (str) – a string that represents the plot title
figsize (tuple) – size of each individual Bloch sphere figure, in inches.
reverse_bits (bool) – If True, plots qubits following Qiskit’s convention [Default:False].
font_size (float) – Font size for the Bloch ball figures.
title_font_size (float) – Font size for the title.
title_pad (float) – Padding for the title (suptitle y position is y=1+title_pad/100).
- 반환:
A matplotlib figure instance.
- 반환 형식:
- 예외 발생:
MissingOptionalLibraryError – Requires matplotlib.
VisualizationError – if input is not a valid N-qubit state.
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector from qiskit.visualization import plot_bloch_multivector qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.x(1) state = Statevector(qc) plot_bloch_multivector(state)
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.quantum_info import Statevector from qiskit.visualization import plot_bloch_multivector qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h(0) qc.x(1) # You can reverse the order of the qubits. from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix qc = QuantumCircuit(2) qc.h([0, 1]) qc.t(1) qc.s(0) qc.cx(0,1) matrix = DensityMatrix(qc) plot_bloch_multivector(matrix, title='My Bloch Spheres', reverse_bits=True)