- class qiskit.circuit.library.C4XGate(label=None, ctrl_state=None)[소스]#
기반 클래스:
The 4-qubit controlled X gate.
This implementation is based on Page 21, Lemma 7.5, of [1], with the use of the relative phase version of c3x, the rc3x [2].
[1] Barenco et al., 1995. https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/9503016.pdf [2] Maslov, 2015. https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.03273
Create a new 4-qubit controlled X gate.
- condition_bits#
Get Clbits in condition.
- ctrl_state#
Return the control state of the gate as a decimal integer.
- decompositions#
Get the decompositions of the instruction from the SessionEquivalenceLibrary.
- definition#
Return definition in terms of other basic gates. If the gate has open controls, as determined from self.ctrl_state, the returned definition is conjugated with X without changing the internal _definition.
- duration#
Get the duration.
- label#
Return instruction label
- name#
Get name of gate. If the gate has open controls the gate name will become:
where <original_name> is the gate name for the default case of closed control qubits and <ctrl_state> is the integer value of the control state for the gate.
- num_clbits#
Return the number of clbits.
- num_ctrl_qubits#
Get number of control qubits.
- 반환:
The number of control qubits for the gate.
- 반환 형식:
- num_qubits#
Return the number of qubits.
- params#
Get parameters from base_gate.
- 반환:
List of gate parameters.
- 반환 형식:
- 예외 발생:
CircuitError – Controlled gate does not define a base gate
- unit#
Get the time unit of duration.