- class qiskit.opflow.converters.TwoQubitReduction(num_particles)[소스]#
기반 클래스:
Deprecated: Two qubit reduction converter which eliminates the central and last qubit in a list of Pauli that has diagonal operators (Z,I) at those positions.
Chemistry specific method: It can be used to taper two qubits in parity and binary-tree mapped fermionic Hamiltonians when the spin orbitals are ordered in two spin sectors, (block spin order) according to the number of particles in the system.
버전 0.24.0부터 폐지됨: The class
is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.24.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. For code migration guidelines, visit 매개변수:
num_particles (int | List[int] | Tuple[int, int]) – number of particles, if it is a list, the first number is alpha and the second number if beta.
- convert(operator)[소스]#
Converts the Operator to tapered one by Z2 symmetries.
- 매개변수:
operator (OperatorBase) – the operator
- 반환:
A new operator whose qubit number is reduced by 2.
- 반환 형식: