- class qiskit.providers.fake_provider.ConfigurableFakeBackend(name, n_qubits, version=None, coupling_map=None, basis_gates=None, qubit_t1=None, qubit_t2=None, qubit_frequency=None, qubit_readout_error=None, single_qubit_gates=None, dt=None, std=None, seed=None)[소스]#
기반 클래스:
Configurable backend.
Creates backend based on provided configuration.
- 매개변수:
name (str) – Name of the backend.
n_qubits (int) – Number of qubits in the backend.
version (str | None) – Version of the fake backend.
basis_gates (List[str] | None) – Basis gates of the backend.
qubit_t1 (float | List[float] | None) – Longitudinal coherence times.
qubit_t2 (float | List[float] | None) – Transverse coherence times.
qubit_frequency (float | List[float] | None) – Frequency of qubits.
qubit_readout_error (float | List[float] | None) – Readout error of qubits.
single_qubit_gates (List[str] | None) – List of single qubit gates for backend properties.
dt (float | None) – Discretization of the input time sequences.
std (float | None) – Standard deviation of the generated distributions.
seed (int | None) – Random seed.
- options#
Return the options for the backend
The options of a backend are the dynamic parameters defining how the backend is used. These are used to control the
- version = 1#
- configuration()#
Return the backend configuration.
- 반환:
the configuration for the backend.
- 반환 형식:
- provider()#
Return the backend Provider.
- 반환:
the Provider responsible for the backend.
- 반환 형식:
- run(run_input, **kwargs)#
Main job in simulator
- set_options(**fields)#
Set the options fields for the backend
This method is used to update the options of a backend. If you need to change any of the options prior to running just pass in the kwarg with the new value for the options.
- 매개변수:
fields – The fields to update the options
- 예외 발생:
AttributeError – If the field passed in is not part of the options
- status()#
Return the backend status.
- 반환:
the status of the backend.
- 반환 형식: