
class qiskit.qobj.Qobj(qobj_id=None, config=None, experiments=None, header=None)[소스]#

기반 클래스: QasmQobj

A backwards compat alias for QasmQobj.

Initialize a Qobj object.

버전 0.19.0부터 폐지됨: The class qiskit.qobj.Qobj is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.19.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. Instead, use QasmQobj or PulseQobj


classmethod from_dict(data)#

Create a new QASMQobj object from a dictionary.


data (dict) – A dictionary representing the QasmQobj to create. It will be in the same format as output by to_dict().


The QasmQobj from the input dictionary.

반환 형식:



Return a dictionary format representation of the OpenQASM 2 Qobj.

Note this dict is not in the json wire format expected by IBM and Qobj specification because complex numbers are still of type complex. Also, this may contain native numpy arrays. When serializing this output for use with IBM systems, you can leverage a json encoder that converts these as expected. For example:

import json
import numpy

class QobjEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj):
        if isinstance(obj, numpy.ndarray):
            return obj.tolist()
        if isinstance(obj, complex):
            return (obj.real, obj.imag)
        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)

json.dumps(qobj.to_dict(), cls=QobjEncoder)

A dictionary representation of the QasmQobj object

반환 형식:
