- class qiskit.pulse.instructions.Acquire(duration, channel, mem_slot=None, reg_slot=None, kernel=None, discriminator=None, name=None)[소스]#
기반 클래스:
The Acquire instruction is used to trigger the ADC associated with a particular qubit; e.g. instantiated with AcquireChannel(0), the Acquire command will trigger data collection for the channel associated with qubit 0 readout. This instruction also provides acquisition metadata:
the number of cycles during which to acquire (in terms of dt),
the register slot to store classified, intermediary readout results,
the memory slot to return classified results,
the kernel to integrate raw data for each shot, and
the discriminator to classify kerneled IQ points.
Create a new Acquire instruction.
- 매개변수:
duration (int | ParameterExpression) – Length of time to acquire data in terms of dt.
channel (AcquireChannel) – The channel that will acquire data.
mem_slot (MemorySlot | None) – The classical memory slot in which to store the classified readout result.
reg_slot (RegisterSlot | None) – The fast-access register slot in which to store the classified readout result for fast feedback.
kernel (Kernel | None) – A
for integrating raw data.discriminator (Discriminator | None) – A
for discriminating kerneled IQ data into 0/1 (str | None) – Name of the instruction for display purposes.
- acquire#
Acquire channel to acquire data. The
index maps trivially to qubit index.
- channels#
Returns the channels that this schedule uses.
- discriminator#
Return discrimination settings.
- duration#
Duration of this instruction.
- id#
Unique identifier for this instruction.
- instructions#
Iterable for getting instructions from Schedule tree.
- kernel#
Return kernel settings.
- mem_slot#
The classical memory slot which will store the classified readout result.
- name#
Name of this instruction.
- operands#
Return instruction operands.
- parameters#
Parameters which determine the instruction behavior.
- reg_slot#
The fast-access register slot which will store the classified readout result for fast-feedback computation.
- start_time#
Relative begin time of this instruction.
- stop_time#
Relative end time of this instruction.
- append(schedule, name=None)#
Return a new
inserted at the maximum time over all channels shared betweenself
- ch_duration(*channels)#
Return duration of the supplied channels in this Instruction.
- ch_start_time(*channels)#
Return minimum start time for supplied channels.
- ch_stop_time(*channels)#
Return maximum start time for supplied channels.
- draw(dt=1, style=None, filename=None, interp_method=None, scale=1, plot_all=False, plot_range=None, interactive=False, table=True, label=False, framechange=True, channels=None)#
Plot the instruction.
버전 0.23.0부터 폐지됨: The method
is deprecated as of qiskit-terra 0.23.0. It will be removed no earlier than 3 months after the release date. No direct alternative is being provided to drawing individual pulses. But, instructions can be visualized as part of a complete schedule usingqiskit.visualization.pulse_drawer
.- 매개변수:
dt (float) – Time interval of samples
style (Optional[SchedStyle]) – A style sheet to configure plot appearance
filename (str | None) – Name required to save pulse image
interp_method (Callable | None) – A function for interpolation
scale (float) – Relative visual scaling of waveform amplitudes
plot_all (bool) – Plot empty channels
plot_range (Tuple[float] | None) – A tuple of time range to plot
interactive (bool) – When set true show the circuit in a new window (this depends on the matplotlib backend being used supporting this)
table (bool) – Draw event table for supported instructions
label (bool) – Label individual instructions
framechange (bool) – Add framechange indicators
channels (List[Channel] | None) – A list of channel names to plot
- 반환:
A matplotlib figure object of the pulse schedule
- 반환 형식: