# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Visualization function for a pass manager. Passes are grouped based on their
flow controller, and coloured based on the type of pass.
import os
import inspect
import tempfile
from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optionals
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import AnalysisPass, TransformationPass
from .exceptions import VisualizationError
DEFAULT_STYLE = {AnalysisPass: "red", TransformationPass: "blue"}
def pass_manager_drawer(pass_manager, filename=None, style=None, raw=False):
Draws the pass manager.
This function needs `pydot <https://github.com/pydot/pydot>`__, which in turn needs
`Graphviz <https://www.graphviz.org/>`__ to be installed.
pass_manager (PassManager): the pass manager to be drawn
filename (str): file path to save image to
style (dict or OrderedDict): keys are the pass classes and the values are
the colors to make them. An example can be seen in the DEFAULT_STYLE. An ordered
dict can be used to ensure a priority coloring when pass falls into multiple
categories. Any values not included in the provided dict will be filled in from
the default dict
raw (Bool) : True if you want to save the raw Dot output not an image. The
default is False.
PIL.Image or None: an in-memory representation of the pass manager. Or None if
no image was generated or PIL is not installed.
MissingOptionalLibraryError: when nxpd or pydot not installed.
VisualizationError: If raw=True and filename=None.
.. code-block::
%matplotlib inline
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.compiler import transpile
from qiskit.transpiler import PassManager
from qiskit.visualization import pass_manager_drawer
from qiskit.transpiler.passes import Unroller
circ = QuantumCircuit(3)
circ.ccx(0, 1, 2)
pass_ = Unroller(['u1', 'u2', 'u3', 'cx'])
pm = PassManager(pass_)
new_circ = pm.run(circ)
pass_manager_drawer(pm, "passmanager.jpg")
import pydot
passes = pass_manager.passes()
if not style:
# create the overall graph
graph = pydot.Dot()
# identifiers for nodes need to be unique, so assign an id
# can't just use python's id in case the exact same pass was
# appended more than once
component_id = 0
prev_node = None
for index, controller_group in enumerate(passes):
subgraph, component_id, prev_node = draw_subgraph(
controller_group, component_id, style, prev_node, index
output = make_output(graph, raw, filename)
return output
def _get_node_color(pss, style):
# look in the user provided dict first
for typ, color in style.items():
if isinstance(pss, typ):
return color
# failing that, look in the default
for typ, color in DEFAULT_STYLE.items():
if isinstance(pss, typ):
return color
return "black"
def staged_pass_manager_drawer(pass_manager, filename=None, style=None, raw=False):
Draws the staged pass manager.
This function needs `pydot <https://github.com/erocarrera/pydot>`__, which in turn needs
`Graphviz <https://www.graphviz.org/>`__ to be installed.
pass_manager (StagedPassManager): the staged pass manager to be drawn
filename (str): file path to save image to
style (dict or OrderedDict): keys are the pass classes and the values are
the colors to make them. An example can be seen in the DEFAULT_STYLE. An ordered
dict can be used to ensure a priority coloring when pass falls into multiple
categories. Any values not included in the provided dict will be filled in from
the default dict
raw (Bool) : True if you want to save the raw Dot output not an image. The
default is False.
PIL.Image or None: an in-memory representation of the pass manager. Or None if
no image was generated or PIL is not installed.
MissingOptionalLibraryError: when nxpd or pydot not installed.
VisualizationError: If raw=True and filename=None.
.. code-block::
%matplotlib inline
from qiskit.providers.fake_provider import FakeLagosV2
from qiskit.transpiler.preset_passmanagers import generate_preset_pass_manager
pass_manager = generate_preset_pass_manager(3, FakeLagosV2())
import pydot
# only include stages that have passes
stages = list(filter(lambda s: s is not None, pass_manager.expanded_stages))
if not style:
# create the overall graph
graph = pydot.Dot()
# identifiers for nodes need to be unique, so assign an id
# can't just use python's id in case the exact same pass was
# appended more than once
component_id = 0
# keep a running count of indexes across stages
idx = 0
prev_node = None
for st in stages:
stage = getattr(pass_manager, st)
if stage is not None:
passes = stage.passes()
stagegraph = pydot.Cluster(str(st), label=str(st), fontname="helvetica", labeljust="l")
for controller_group in passes:
subgraph, component_id, prev_node = draw_subgraph(
controller_group, component_id, style, prev_node, idx
idx += 1
output = make_output(graph, raw, filename)
return output
def draw_subgraph(controller_group, component_id, style, prev_node, idx):
"""Draw subgraph."""
import pydot
# label is the name of the flow controller parameter
label = "[{}] {}".format(idx, ", ".join(controller_group["flow_controllers"]))
# create the subgraph for this controller
subgraph = pydot.Cluster(str(component_id), label=label, fontname="helvetica", labeljust="l")
component_id += 1
for pass_ in controller_group["passes"]:
# label is the name of the pass
node = pydot.Node(
color=_get_node_color(pass_, style),
component_id += 1
# the arguments that were provided to the pass when it was created
arg_spec = inspect.getfullargspec(pass_.__init__)
# 0 is the args, 1: to remove the self arg
args = arg_spec[0][1:]
num_optional = len(arg_spec[3]) if arg_spec[3] else 0
# add in the inputs to the pass
for arg_index, arg in enumerate(args):
nd_style = "solid"
# any optional args are dashed
# the num of optional counts from the end towards the start of the list
if arg_index >= (len(args) - num_optional):
nd_style = "dashed"
input_node = pydot.Node(
component_id += 1
subgraph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(input_node, node))
# if there is a previous node, add an edge between them
if prev_node:
subgraph.add_edge(pydot.Edge(prev_node, node))
prev_node = node
return subgraph, component_id, prev_node
def make_output(graph, raw, filename):
"""Produce output for pass_manager."""
if raw:
if filename:
graph.write(filename, format="raw")
return None
raise VisualizationError("if format=raw, then a filename is required.")
if not _optionals.HAS_PIL and filename:
# pylint says this isn't a method - it is
return None
_optionals.HAS_PIL.require_now("pass manager drawer")
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname:
from PIL import Image
tmppath = os.path.join(tmpdirname, "pass_manager.png")
# pylint says this isn't a method - it is
image = Image.open(tmppath)
if filename:
image.save(filename, "PNG")
return image