# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2022
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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Optimize the synthesis of an n-qubit circuit contains only CX gates for
linear nearest neighbor (LNN) connectivity.
The depth of the circuit is bounded by 5*n, while the gate count is approximately 2.5*n^2
[1]: Kutin, S., Moulton, D. P., Smithline, L. (2007).
Computation at a Distance.
`arXiv:quant-ph/0701194 <https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0701194>`_.
import numpy as np
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.synthesis.linear.linear_matrix_utils import (
def _row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions, mat, a, b):
# Add a cx gate to the instructions and update the matrix mat
cx_instructions.append((a, b))
_row_op(mat, a, b)
def _get_lower_triangular(n, mat, mat_inv):
# Get the instructions for a lower triangular basis change of a matrix mat.
# See the proof of Proposition 7.3 in [1].
mat = mat.copy()
mat_t = mat.copy()
mat_inv_t = mat_inv.copy()
cx_instructions_rows = []
# Use the instructions in U, which contains only gates of the form cx(a,b) a>b
# to transform the matrix to a permuted lower-triangular matrix.
# The original Matrix is unchanged.
for i in reversed(range(0, n)):
found_first = False
# Find the last "1" in row i, use COL operations to the left in order to
# zero out all other "1"s in that row.
for j in reversed(range(0, n)):
if mat[i, j]:
if not found_first:
found_first = True
first_j = j
# cx_instructions_cols (L instructions) are not needed
_col_op(mat, j, first_j)
# Use row operations directed upwards to zero out all "1"s above the remaining "1" in row i
for k in reversed(range(0, i)):
if mat[k, first_j]:
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i, k)
# Apply only U instructions to get the permuted L
for inst in cx_instructions_rows:
_row_op(mat_t, inst[0], inst[1])
_col_op(mat_inv_t, inst[0], inst[1])
return mat_t, mat_inv_t
def _get_label_arr(n, mat_t):
# For each row in mat_t, save the column index of the last "1"
label_arr = []
for i in range(n):
j = 0
while not mat_t[i, n - 1 - j]:
j += 1
return label_arr
def _in_linear_combination(label_arr_t, mat_inv_t, row, k):
# Check if "row" is a linear combination of all rows in mat_inv_t not including the row labeled by k
indx_k = label_arr_t[k]
w_needed = np.zeros(len(row), dtype=bool)
# Find the linear combination of mat_t rows which produces "row"
for row_l, _ in enumerate(row):
if row[row_l]:
# mat_inv_t can be thought of as a set of instructions. Row l in mat_inv_t
# indicates which rows from mat_t are necessary to produce the elementary vector e_l
w_needed = w_needed ^ mat_inv_t[row_l]
# If the linear combination requires the row labeled by k
if w_needed[indx_k]:
return False
return True
def _get_label_arr_t(n, label_arr):
# Returns label_arr_t = label_arr^(-1)
label_arr_t = [None] * n
for i in range(n):
label_arr_t[label_arr[i]] = i
return label_arr_t
def _matrix_to_north_west(n, mat, mat_inv):
# Transform an arbitrary boolean invertible matrix to a north-west triangular matrix
# by Proposition 7.3 in [1]
# The rows of mat_t hold all w_j vectors (see [1]). mat_inv_t is the inverted matrix of mat_t
mat_t, mat_inv_t = _get_lower_triangular(n, mat, mat_inv)
# Get all pi(i) labels
label_arr = _get_label_arr(n, mat_t)
# Save the original labels, exchange index <-> value
label_arr_t = _get_label_arr_t(n, label_arr)
first_qubit = 0
empty_layers = 0
done = False
cx_instructions_rows = []
while not done:
# At each iteration the values of i switch between even and odd
at_least_one_needed = False
for i in range(first_qubit, n - 1, 2):
# "If j < k, we do nothing" (see [1])
# "If j > k, we swap the two labels, and we also perform a box" (see [1])
if label_arr[i] > label_arr[i + 1]:
at_least_one_needed = True
# "Let W be the span of all w_l for l!=k" (see [1])
# " We can perform a box on <i> and <i + 1> that writes a vector in W to wire <i + 1>."
# (see [1])
if _in_linear_combination(label_arr_t, mat_inv_t, mat[i + 1], label_arr[i + 1]):
elif _in_linear_combination(
label_arr_t, mat_inv_t, mat[i + 1] ^ mat[i], label_arr[i + 1]
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i, i + 1)
elif _in_linear_combination(label_arr_t, mat_inv_t, mat[i], label_arr[i + 1]):
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i + 1, i)
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i, i + 1)
label_arr[i], label_arr[i + 1] = label_arr[i + 1], label_arr[i]
if not at_least_one_needed:
empty_layers += 1
if empty_layers > 1: # if nothing happened twice in a row, then finished.
done = True
empty_layers = 0
first_qubit = int(not first_qubit)
return cx_instructions_rows
def _north_west_to_identity(n, mat):
# Transform a north-west triangular matrix to identity in depth 3*n by Proposition 7.4 of [1]
# At start the labels are in reversed order
label_arr = list(reversed(range(n)))
first_qubit = 0
empty_layers = 0
done = False
cx_instructions_rows = []
while not done:
at_least_one_needed = False
for i in range(first_qubit, n - 1, 2):
# Exchange the labels if needed
if label_arr[i] > label_arr[i + 1]:
at_least_one_needed = True
# If row i has "1" in column i+1, swap and remove the "1" (in depth 2)
# otherwise, only do a swap (in depth 3)
if not mat[i, label_arr[i + 1]]:
# Adding this turns the operation to a SWAP
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i + 1, i)
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i, i + 1)
_row_op_update_instructions(cx_instructions_rows, mat, i + 1, i)
label_arr[i], label_arr[i + 1] = label_arr[i + 1], label_arr[i]
if not at_least_one_needed:
empty_layers += 1
if empty_layers > 1: # if nothing happened twice in a row, then finished.
done = True
empty_layers = 0
first_qubit = int(not first_qubit)
return cx_instructions_rows
def _optimize_cx_circ_depth_5n_line(mat):
# Optimize CX circuit in depth bounded by 5n for LNN connectivity.
# The algorithm [1] has two steps:
# a) transform the originl matrix to a north-west matrix (m2nw),
# b) transform the north-west matrix to identity (nw2id).
# A square n-by-n matrix A is called north-west if A[i][j]=0 for all i+j>=n
# For example, the following matrix is north-west:
# [[0, 1, 0, 1]
# [1, 1, 1, 0]
# [0, 1, 0, 0]
# [1, 0, 0, 0]]
# According to [1] the synthesis is done on the inverse matrix
# so the matrix mat is inverted at this step
mat_inv = mat.copy()
mat_cpy = calc_inverse_matrix(mat_inv)
n = len(mat_cpy)
# Transform an arbitrary invertible matrix to a north-west triangular matrix
# by Proposition 7.3 of [1]
cx_instructions_rows_m2nw = _matrix_to_north_west(n, mat_cpy, mat_inv)
# Transform a north-west triangular matrix to identity in depth 3*n
# by Proposition 7.4 of [1]
cx_instructions_rows_nw2id = _north_west_to_identity(n, mat_cpy)
return cx_instructions_rows_m2nw, cx_instructions_rows_nw2id
[문서]def synth_cnot_depth_line_kms(mat):
Synthesize linear reversible circuit for linear nearest-neighbor architectures using
Kutin, Moulton, Smithline method.
Synthesis algorithm for linear reversible circuits from [1], Chapter 7.
Synthesizes any linear reversible circuit of n qubits over linear nearest-neighbor
architecture using CX gates with depth at most 5*n.
mat(np.ndarray]): A boolean invertible matrix.
QuantumCircuit: the synthesized quantum circuit.
QiskitError: if mat is not invertible.
1. Kutin, S., Moulton, D. P., Smithline, L.,
*Computation at a distance*, Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 2007, (2007),
`arXiv:quant-ph/0701194 <https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0701194>`_
if not check_invertible_binary_matrix(mat):
raise QiskitError("The input matrix is not invertible.")
# Returns the quantum circuit constructed from the instructions
# that we got in _optimize_cx_circ_depth_5n_line
num_qubits = len(mat)
cx_inst = _optimize_cx_circ_depth_5n_line(mat)
qc = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
for pair in cx_inst[0]:
qc.cx(pair[0], pair[1])
for pair in cx_inst[1]:
qc.cx(pair[0], pair[1])
return qc