# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Parametric waveforms module. These are pulses which are described by a specified
If a backend supports parametric pulses, it will have the attribute
`backend.configuration().parametric_pulses`, which is a list of supported pulse shapes, such as
`['gaussian', 'gaussian_square', 'drag']`. A Pulse Schedule, using parametric pulses, which is
assembled for a backend which supports those pulses, will result in a Qobj which is dramatically
smaller than one which uses Waveforms.
This module can easily be extended to describe more pulse shapes. The new class should:
- have a descriptive name
- be a well known and/or well described formula (include the formula in the class docstring)
- take some parameters (at least `duration`) and validate them, if necessary
- implement a ``get_waveform`` method which returns a corresponding Waveform in the case that
it is assembled for a backend which does not support it. Ends are zeroed to avoid steep jumps at
pulse edges. By default, the ends are defined such that ``f(-1), f(duration+1) = 0``.
The new pulse must then be registered by the assembler in
by following the existing pattern:
class ParametricPulseShapes(Enum):
gaussian = library.Gaussian
new_supported_pulse_name = library.YourPulseWaveformClass
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
import math
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression import ParameterExpression
from qiskit.pulse.exceptions import PulseError
from qiskit.pulse.library import continuous
from qiskit.pulse.library.discrete import gaussian, gaussian_square, drag, constant
from qiskit.pulse.library.pulse import Pulse
from qiskit.pulse.library.waveform import Waveform
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
[문서]class ParametricPulse(Pulse):
"""The abstract superclass for parametric pulses.
.. warning::
This class is superseded by :class:`.SymbolicPulse` and will be deprecated
and eventually removed in the future because of the poor flexibility
for defining a new waveform type and serializing it through the :mod:`qiskit.qpy` framework.
"Instead, use SymbolicPulse because of QPY serialization support. See "
"qiskit.pulse.library.symbolic_pulses for details."
def __init__(
duration: Union[int, ParameterExpression],
name: Optional[str] = None,
limit_amplitude: Optional[bool] = None,
"""Create a parametric pulse and validate the input parameters.
duration: Pulse length in terms of the sampling period `dt`.
name: Display name for this pulse envelope.
limit_amplitude: If ``True``, then limit the amplitude of the
waveform to 1. The default is ``True`` and the
amplitude is constrained to 1.
super().__init__(duration=duration, name=name, limit_amplitude=limit_amplitude)
[문서] @abstractmethod
def validate_parameters(self) -> None:
Validate parameters.
PulseError: If the parameters passed are not valid.
raise NotImplementedError
[문서] def is_parameterized(self) -> bool:
"""Return True iff the instruction is parameterized."""
return any(_is_parameterized(val) for val in self.parameters.values())
def __eq__(self, other: Pulse) -> bool:
return super().__eq__(other) and self.parameters == other.parameters
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash(tuple(self.parameters[k] for k in sorted(self.parameters)))
class Gaussian(ParametricPulse):
r"""A lifted and truncated pulse envelope shaped according to the Gaussian function whose
mean is centered at the center of the pulse (duration / 2):
.. math::
f'(x) &= \exp\Bigl( -\frac12 \frac{{(x - \text{duration}/2)}^2}{\text{sigma}^2} \Bigr)\\
f(x) &= \text{amp} \times \frac{f'(x) - f'(-1)}{1-f'(-1)}, \quad 0 \le x < \text{duration}
where :math:`f'(x)` is the gaussian waveform without lifting or amplitude scaling.
This pulse would be more accurately named as ``LiftedGaussian``, however, for historical
and practical DSP reasons it has the name ``Gaussian``.
"Instead, use Gaussian from qiskit.pulse.library.symbolic_pulses because of "
"QPY serialization support."
def __init__(
duration: Union[int, ParameterExpression],
amp: Union[complex, ParameterExpression],
sigma: Union[float, ParameterExpression],
name: Optional[str] = None,
limit_amplitude: Optional[bool] = None,
"""Initialize the gaussian pulse.
duration: Pulse length in terms of the sampling period `dt`.
amp: The amplitude of the Gaussian envelope.
sigma: A measure of how wide or narrow the Gaussian peak is; described mathematically
in the class docstring.
name: Display name for this pulse envelope.
limit_amplitude: If ``True``, then limit the amplitude of the
waveform to 1. The default is ``True`` and the
amplitude is constrained to 1.
if not _is_parameterized(amp):
amp = complex(amp)
self._amp = amp
self._sigma = sigma
super().__init__(duration=duration, name=name, limit_amplitude=limit_amplitude)
def amp(self) -> Union[complex, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian amplitude."""
return self._amp
def sigma(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian standard deviation of the pulse width."""
return self._sigma
def get_waveform(self) -> Waveform:
return gaussian(duration=self.duration, amp=self.amp, sigma=self.sigma, zero_ends=True)
def validate_parameters(self) -> None:
if not _is_parameterized(self.amp) and abs(self.amp) > 1.0 and self._limit_amplitude:
raise PulseError(
f"The amplitude norm must be <= 1, found: {abs(self.amp)}"
+ "This can be overruled by setting Pulse.limit_amplitude."
if not _is_parameterized(self.sigma) and self.sigma <= 0:
raise PulseError("Sigma must be greater than 0.")
def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {"duration": self.duration, "amp": self.amp, "sigma": self.sigma}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{}(duration={}, amp={}, sigma={}{})".format(
f", name='{self.name}'" if self.name is not None else "",
class GaussianSquare(ParametricPulse):
# Not a raw string because we need to be able to split lines.
"""A square pulse with a Gaussian shaped risefall on both sides lifted such that
its first sample is zero.
Either the ``risefall_sigma_ratio`` or ``width`` parameter has to be specified.
If ``risefall_sigma_ratio`` is not None and ``width`` is None:
.. math::
\\text{risefall} &= \\text{risefall_sigma_ratio} \\times \\text{sigma}\\\\
\\text{width} &= \\text{duration} - 2 \\times \\text{risefall}
If ``width`` is not None and ``risefall_sigma_ratio`` is None:
.. math:: \\text{risefall} = \\frac{\\text{duration} - \\text{width}}{2}
In both cases, the lifted gaussian square pulse :math:`f'(x)` is defined as:
.. math::
f'(x) &= \\begin{cases}\
\\exp\\biggl(-\\frac12 \\frac{(x - \\text{risefall})^2}{\\text{sigma}^2}\\biggr)\
& x < \\text{risefall}\\\\
& \\text{risefall} \\le x < \\text{risefall} + \\text{width}\\\\
\\frac{{\\bigl(x - (\\text{risefall} + \\text{width})\\bigr)}^2}\
& \\text{risefall} + \\text{width} \\le x\
f(x) &= \\text{amp} \\times \\frac{f'(x) - f'(-1)}{1-f'(-1)},\
\\quad 0 \\le x < \\text{duration}
where :math:`f'(x)` is the gaussian square waveform without lifting or amplitude scaling.
This pulse would be more accurately named as ``LiftedGaussianSquare``, however, for historical
and practical DSP reasons it has the name ``GaussianSquare``.
"Instead, use GaussianSquare from qiskit.pulse.library.symbolic_pulses because of "
"QPY serialization support."
def __init__(
duration: Union[int, ParameterExpression],
amp: Union[complex, ParameterExpression],
sigma: Union[float, ParameterExpression],
width: Union[float, ParameterExpression] = None,
risefall_sigma_ratio: Union[float, ParameterExpression] = None,
name: Optional[str] = None,
limit_amplitude: Optional[bool] = None,
"""Initialize the gaussian square pulse.
duration: Pulse length in terms of the sampling period `dt`.
amp: The amplitude of the Gaussian and of the square pulse.
sigma: A measure of how wide or narrow the Gaussian risefall is; see the class
docstring for more details.
width: The duration of the embedded square pulse.
risefall_sigma_ratio: The ratio of each risefall duration to sigma.
name: Display name for this pulse envelope.
limit_amplitude: If ``True``, then limit the amplitude of the
waveform to 1. The default is ``True`` and the
amplitude is constrained to 1.
PulseError: If the parameters passed are not valid.
if not _is_parameterized(amp):
amp = complex(amp)
self._amp = amp
self._sigma = sigma
self._risefall_sigma_ratio = risefall_sigma_ratio
self._width = width
if self.width is not None and self.risefall_sigma_ratio is not None:
raise PulseError(
"Either the pulse width or the risefall_sigma_ratio parameter can be specified"
" but not both."
super().__init__(duration=duration, name=name, limit_amplitude=limit_amplitude)
def amp(self) -> Union[complex, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian amplitude."""
return self._amp
def sigma(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian standard deviation of the pulse width."""
return self._sigma
def risefall_sigma_ratio(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The duration of each risefall in terms of sigma."""
return self._risefall_sigma_ratio
def width(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The width of the square portion of the pulse."""
return self._width
def get_waveform(self) -> Waveform:
return gaussian_square(
duration=self.duration, amp=self.amp, width=self.width, sigma=self.sigma, zero_ends=True
def validate_parameters(self) -> None:
if not _is_parameterized(self.amp) and abs(self.amp) > 1.0 and self._limit_amplitude:
raise PulseError(
f"The amplitude norm must be <= 1, found: {abs(self.amp)}"
+ "This can be overruled by setting Pulse.limit_amplitude."
if not _is_parameterized(self.sigma) and self.sigma <= 0:
raise PulseError("Sigma must be greater than 0.")
if self.width is None and self.risefall_sigma_ratio is None:
raise PulseError(
"Either the pulse width or the risefall_sigma_ratio parameter must be specified."
if self.width is not None:
if not _is_parameterized(self.width) and self.width < 0:
raise PulseError("The pulse width must be at least 0.")
if (
not (_is_parameterized(self.width) or _is_parameterized(self.duration))
and self.width >= self.duration
raise PulseError("The pulse width must be less than its duration.")
self._risefall_sigma_ratio = (self.duration - self.width) / (2.0 * self.sigma)
if not _is_parameterized(self.risefall_sigma_ratio) and self.risefall_sigma_ratio <= 0:
raise PulseError("The parameter risefall_sigma_ratio must be greater than 0.")
if not (
or _is_parameterized(self.duration)
or _is_parameterized(self.sigma)
) and self.risefall_sigma_ratio >= self.duration / (2.0 * self.sigma):
raise PulseError(
"The parameter risefall_sigma_ratio must be less than duration/("
"2*sigma)={}.".format(self.duration / (2.0 * self.sigma))
self._width = self.duration - 2.0 * self.risefall_sigma_ratio * self.sigma
def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {
"duration": self.duration,
"amp": self.amp,
"sigma": self.sigma,
"width": self.width,
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{}(duration={}, amp={}, sigma={}, width={}{})".format(
f", name='{self.name}'" if self.name is not None else "",
class Drag(ParametricPulse):
"""The Derivative Removal by Adiabatic Gate (DRAG) pulse is a standard Gaussian pulse
with an additional Gaussian derivative component and lifting applied.
It is designed to reduce the frequency spectrum of a standard Gaussian pulse near
the :math:`|1\\rangle\\leftrightarrow|2\\rangle` transition,
reducing the chance of leakage to the :math:`|2\\rangle` state.
.. math::
g(x) &= \\exp\\Bigl(-\\frac12 \\frac{(x - \\text{duration}/2)^2}{\\text{sigma}^2}\\Bigr)\\\\
g'(x) &= \\text{amp}\\times\\frac{g(x)-g(-1)}{1-g(-1)}\\\\
f(x) &= g'(x) \\times \\Bigl(1 + 1j \\times \\text{beta} \\times\
\\Bigl(-\\frac{x - \\text{duration}/2}{\\text{sigma}^2}\\Bigr) \\Bigr),
\\quad 0 \\le x < \\text{duration}
where :math:`g(x)` is a standard unlifted Gaussian waveform and
:math:`g'(x)` is the lifted :class:`~qiskit.pulse.library.Gaussian` waveform.
This pulse, defined by :math:`f(x)`, would be more accurately named as ``LiftedDrag``, however,
for historical and practical DSP reasons it has the name ``Drag``.
1. |citation1|_
.. _citation1: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevA.83.012308
.. |citation1| replace:: *Gambetta, J. M., Motzoi, F., Merkel, S. T. & Wilhelm, F. K.
Analytic control methods for high-fidelity unitary operations
in a weakly nonlinear oscillator. Phys. Rev. A 83, 012308 (2011).*
2. |citation2|_
.. _citation2: https://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.110501
.. |citation2| replace:: *F. Motzoi, J. M. Gambetta, P. Rebentrost, and F. K. Wilhelm
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 110501 – Published 8 September 2009.*
"Instead, use Drag from qiskit.pulse.library.symbolic_pulses because of "
"QPY serialization support."
def __init__(
duration: Union[int, ParameterExpression],
amp: Union[complex, ParameterExpression],
sigma: Union[float, ParameterExpression],
beta: Union[float, ParameterExpression],
name: Optional[str] = None,
limit_amplitude: Optional[bool] = None,
"""Initialize the drag pulse.
duration: Pulse length in terms of the sampling period `dt`.
amp: The amplitude of the Drag envelope.
sigma: A measure of how wide or narrow the Gaussian peak is; described mathematically
in the class docstring.
beta: The correction amplitude.
name: Display name for this pulse envelope.
limit_amplitude: If ``True``, then limit the amplitude of the
waveform to 1. The default is ``True`` and the
amplitude is constrained to 1.
if not _is_parameterized(amp):
amp = complex(amp)
self._amp = amp
self._sigma = sigma
self._beta = beta
super().__init__(duration=duration, name=name, limit_amplitude=limit_amplitude)
def amp(self) -> Union[complex, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian amplitude."""
return self._amp
def sigma(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The Gaussian standard deviation of the pulse width."""
return self._sigma
def beta(self) -> Union[float, ParameterExpression]:
"""The weighing factor for the Gaussian derivative component of the waveform."""
return self._beta
def get_waveform(self) -> Waveform:
return drag(
duration=self.duration, amp=self.amp, sigma=self.sigma, beta=self.beta, zero_ends=True
def validate_parameters(self) -> None:
if not _is_parameterized(self.amp) and abs(self.amp) > 1.0 and self._limit_amplitude:
raise PulseError(
f"The amplitude norm must be <= 1, found: {abs(self.amp)}"
+ "This can be overruled by setting Pulse.limit_amplitude."
if not _is_parameterized(self.sigma) and self.sigma <= 0:
raise PulseError("Sigma must be greater than 0.")
if not _is_parameterized(self.beta) and isinstance(self.beta, complex):
raise PulseError("Beta must be real.")
# Check if beta is too large: the amplitude norm must be <=1 for all points
if (
not _is_parameterized(self.beta)
and not _is_parameterized(self.sigma)
and np.abs(self.beta) > self.sigma
and self._limit_amplitude
# If beta <= sigma, then the maximum amplitude is at duration / 2, which is
# already constrained by self.amp <= 1
# 1. Find the first maxima associated with the beta * d/dx gaussian term
# This eq is derived from solving for the roots of the norm of the drag function.
# There is a second maxima mirrored around the center of the pulse with the same
# norm as the first, so checking the value at the first x maxima is sufficient.
argmax_x = self.duration / 2 - (self.sigma / self.beta) * math.sqrt(
self.beta**2 - self.sigma**2
# If the max point is out of range, either end of the pulse will do
argmax_x = max(argmax_x, 0)
# 2. Find the value at that maximum
max_val = continuous.drag(
center=self.duration / 2,
if abs(max_val) > 1.0:
raise PulseError("Beta is too large; pulse amplitude norm exceeds 1.")
def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {"duration": self.duration, "amp": self.amp, "sigma": self.sigma, "beta": self.beta}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{}(duration={}, amp={}, sigma={}, beta={}{})".format(
f", name='{self.name}'" if self.name is not None else "",
class Constant(ParametricPulse):
A simple constant pulse, with an amplitude value and a duration:
.. math::
f(x) = amp , 0 <= x < duration
f(x) = 0 , elsewhere
"Instead, use Constant from qiskit.pulse.library.symbolic_pulses because of "
"QPY serialization support."
def __init__(
duration: Union[int, ParameterExpression],
amp: Union[complex, ParameterExpression],
name: Optional[str] = None,
limit_amplitude: Optional[bool] = None,
Initialize the constant-valued pulse.
duration: Pulse length in terms of the sampling period `dt`.
amp: The amplitude of the constant square pulse.
name: Display name for this pulse envelope.
limit_amplitude: If ``True``, then limit the amplitude of the
waveform to 1. The default is ``True`` and the
amplitude is constrained to 1.
if not _is_parameterized(amp):
amp = complex(amp)
self._amp = amp
super().__init__(duration=duration, name=name, limit_amplitude=limit_amplitude)
def amp(self) -> Union[complex, ParameterExpression]:
"""The constant value amplitude."""
return self._amp
def get_waveform(self) -> Waveform:
return constant(duration=self.duration, amp=self.amp)
def validate_parameters(self) -> None:
if not _is_parameterized(self.amp) and abs(self.amp) > 1.0 and self._limit_amplitude:
raise PulseError(
f"The amplitude norm must be <= 1, found: {abs(self.amp)}"
+ "This can be overruled by setting Pulse.limit_amplitude."
def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
return {"duration": self.duration, "amp": self.amp}
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "{}(duration={}, amp={}{})".format(
f", name='{self.name}'" if self.name is not None else "",
def _is_parameterized(value: Any) -> bool:
"""Shorthand for a frequently checked predicate. ParameterExpressions cannot be
validated until they are numerically assigned.
return isinstance(value, ParameterExpression)