qiskit.qpy.interface のソースコード

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.

"""User interface of qpy serializer."""

from json import JSONEncoder, JSONDecoder
from typing import Union, List, BinaryIO, Type, Optional
from collections.abc import Iterable
import struct
import warnings
import re

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.pulse import ScheduleBlock
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.qpy import formats, common, binary_io, type_keys
from qiskit.qpy.exceptions import QpyError
from qiskit.version import __version__
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_arg

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
QPY_SUPPORTED_TYPES = Union[QuantumCircuit, ScheduleBlock]

# This version pattern is taken from the pypa packaging project:
# https://github.com/pypa/packaging/blob/21.3/packaging/version.py#L223-L254
# which is dual licensed Apache 2.0 and BSD see the source for the original
# authors and other details
    + r"""
        (?:(?P<epoch>[0-9]+)!)?                           # epoch
        (?P<release>[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)*)                  # release segment
        (?P<pre>                                          # pre-release
        (?P<post>                                         # post release
        (?P<dev>                                          # dev release
    (?:\+(?P<local>[a-z0-9]+(?:[-_\.][a-z0-9]+)*))?       # local version
    + "$"

[ドキュメント]@deprecate_arg("circuits", new_alias="programs", since="0.21.0") def dump( programs: Union[List[QPY_SUPPORTED_TYPES], QPY_SUPPORTED_TYPES], file_obj: BinaryIO, metadata_serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ): """Write QPY binary data to a file This function is used to save a circuit to a file for later use or transfer between machines. The QPY format is backwards compatible and can be loaded with future versions of Qiskit. For example: .. code-block:: python from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit import qpy qc = QuantumCircuit(2, name='Bell', metadata={'test': True}) qc.h(0) qc.cx(0, 1) qc.measure_all() from this you can write the qpy data to a file: .. code-block:: python with open('bell.qpy', 'wb') as fd: qpy.dump(qc, fd) or a gzip compressed file: .. code-block:: python import gzip with gzip.open('bell.qpy.gz', 'wb') as fd: qpy.dump(qc, fd) Which will save the qpy serialized circuit to the provided file. Args: programs: QPY supported object(s) to store in the specified file like object. QPY supports :class:`.QuantumCircuit` and :class:`.ScheduleBlock`. Different data types must be separately serialized. file_obj: The file like object to write the QPY data too metadata_serializer: An optional JSONEncoder class that will be passed the ``.metadata`` attribute for each program in ``programs`` and will be used as the ``cls`` kwarg on the `json.dump()`` call to JSON serialize that dictionary. Raises: QpyError: When multiple data format is mixed in the output. TypeError: When invalid data type is input. """ if not isinstance(programs, Iterable): programs = [programs] program_types = set() for program in programs: program_types.add(type(program)) if len(program_types) > 1: raise QpyError( "Input programs contain multiple data types. " "Different data type must be serialized separately." ) program_type = next(iter(program_types)) if issubclass(program_type, QuantumCircuit): type_key = type_keys.Program.CIRCUIT writer = binary_io.write_circuit elif program_type is ScheduleBlock: type_key = type_keys.Program.SCHEDULE_BLOCK writer = binary_io.write_schedule_block else: raise TypeError(f"'{program_type}' is not supported data type.") version_match = VERSION_PATTERN_REGEX.search(__version__) version_parts = [int(x) for x in version_match.group("release").split(".")] header = struct.pack( formats.FILE_HEADER_PACK, b"QISKIT", common.QPY_VERSION, version_parts[0], version_parts[1], version_parts[2], len(programs), ) file_obj.write(header) common.write_type_key(file_obj, type_key) for program in programs: writer(file_obj, program, metadata_serializer=metadata_serializer)
[ドキュメント]def load( file_obj: BinaryIO, metadata_deserializer: Optional[Type[JSONDecoder]] = None, ) -> List[QPY_SUPPORTED_TYPES]: """Load a QPY binary file This function is used to load a serialized QPY Qiskit program file and create :class:`~qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit` objects or :class:`~qiskit.pulse.schedule.ScheduleBlock` objects from its contents. For example: .. code-block:: python from qiskit import qpy with open('bell.qpy', 'rb') as fd: circuits = qpy.load(fd) or with a gzip compressed file: .. code-block:: python import gzip from qiskit import qpy with gzip.open('bell.qpy.gz', 'rb') as fd: circuits = qpy.load(fd) which will read the contents of the qpy and return a list of :class:`~qiskit.circuit.QuantumCircuit` objects or :class:`~qiskit.pulse.schedule.ScheduleBlock` objects from the file. Args: file_obj: A file like object that contains the QPY binary data for a circuit or pulse schedule. metadata_deserializer: An optional JSONDecoder class that will be used for the ``cls`` kwarg on the internal ``json.load`` call used to deserialize the JSON payload used for the ``.metadata`` attribute for any programs in the QPY file. If this is not specified the circuit metadata will be parsed as JSON with the stdlib ``json.load()`` function using the default ``JSONDecoder`` class. Returns: The list of Qiskit programs contained in the QPY data. A list is always returned, even if there is only 1 program in the QPY data. Raises: QiskitError: if ``file_obj`` is not a valid QPY file TypeError: When invalid data type is loaded. """ data = formats.FILE_HEADER._make( struct.unpack( formats.FILE_HEADER_PACK, file_obj.read(formats.FILE_HEADER_SIZE), ) ) if data.qpy_version > common.QPY_VERSION: raise QiskitError( f"The QPY format version being read, {data.qpy_version}, isn't supported by " "this Qiskit version. Please upgrade your version of Qiskit to load this QPY payload" ) if data.preface.decode(common.ENCODE) != "QISKIT": raise QiskitError("Input file is not a valid QPY file") version_match = VERSION_PATTERN_REGEX.search(__version__) env_qiskit_version = [int(x) for x in version_match.group("release").split(".")] qiskit_version = (data.major_version, data.minor_version, data.patch_version) # pylint: disable=too-many-boolean-expressions if ( env_qiskit_version[0] < qiskit_version[0] or ( env_qiskit_version[0] == qiskit_version[0] and qiskit_version[1] > env_qiskit_version[1] ) or ( env_qiskit_version[0] == qiskit_version[0] and qiskit_version[1] == env_qiskit_version[1] and qiskit_version[2] > env_qiskit_version[2] ) ): warnings.warn( "The qiskit version used to generate the provided QPY " "file, %s, is newer than the current qiskit version %s. " "This may result in an error if the QPY file uses " "instructions not present in this current qiskit " "version" % (".".join([str(x) for x in qiskit_version]), __version__) ) if data.qpy_version < 5: type_key = type_keys.Program.CIRCUIT else: type_key = common.read_type_key(file_obj) if type_key == type_keys.Program.CIRCUIT: loader = binary_io.read_circuit elif type_key == type_keys.Program.SCHEDULE_BLOCK: loader = binary_io.read_schedule_block else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid payload format data kind '{type_key}'.") programs = [] for _ in range(data.num_programs): programs.append( loader( file_obj, data.qpy_version, metadata_deserializer=metadata_deserializer, ) ) return programs