# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Contains a (slow) python statevector simulator.
It simulates the statevector through a quantum circuit. It is exponential in
the number of qubits.
We advise using the c++ simulator or online simulator for larger size systems.
The input is a qobj dictionary and the output is a Result object.
The input qobj to this simulator has no shots, no measures, no reset, no noise.
import logging
from math import log2
from qiskit.utils.multiprocessing import local_hardware_info
from qiskit.providers.basicaer.exceptions import BasicAerError
from qiskit.providers.models import QasmBackendConfiguration
from .qasm_simulator import QasmSimulatorPy
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[ドキュメント]class StatevectorSimulatorPy(QasmSimulatorPy):
"""Python statevector simulator."""
MAX_QUBITS_MEMORY = int(log2(local_hardware_info()["memory"] * (1024**3) / 16))
"backend_name": "statevector_simulator",
"backend_version": "1.1.0",
"n_qubits": min(24, MAX_QUBITS_MEMORY),
"url": "https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra",
"simulator": True,
"local": True,
"conditional": True,
"open_pulse": False,
"memory": True,
"max_shots": 0,
"coupling_map": None,
"description": "A Python statevector simulator for qobj files",
"basis_gates": ["u1", "u2", "u3", "rz", "sx", "x", "cx", "id", "unitary"],
"gates": [
"name": "u1",
"parameters": ["lambda"],
"qasm_def": "gate u1(lambda) q { U(0,0,lambda) q; }",
"name": "u2",
"parameters": ["phi", "lambda"],
"qasm_def": "gate u2(phi,lambda) q { U(pi/2,phi,lambda) q; }",
"name": "u3",
"parameters": ["theta", "phi", "lambda"],
"qasm_def": "gate u3(theta,phi,lambda) q { U(theta,phi,lambda) q; }",
{"name": "rz", "parameters": ["phi"], "qasm_def": "gate rz(phi) q { U(0,0,phi) q; }"},
"name": "sx",
"parameters": [],
"qasm_def": "gate sx(phi) q { U(pi/2,7*pi/2,pi/2) q; }",
{"name": "x", "parameters": [], "qasm_def": "gate x q { U(pi,7*pi/2,pi/2) q; }"},
{"name": "cx", "parameters": [], "qasm_def": "gate cx c,t { CX c,t; }"},
{"name": "id", "parameters": [], "qasm_def": "gate id a { U(0,0,0) a; }"},
{"name": "unitary", "parameters": ["matrix"], "qasm_def": "unitary(matrix) q1, q2,..."},
# Override base class value to return the final state vector
def __init__(self, configuration=None, provider=None, **fields):
configuration or QasmBackendConfiguration.from_dict(self.DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION)
def _validate(self, qobj):
"""Semantic validations of the qobj which cannot be done via schemas.
Some of these may later move to backend schemas.
1. No shots
2. No measurements in the middle
num_qubits = qobj.config.n_qubits
max_qubits = self.configuration().n_qubits
if num_qubits > max_qubits:
raise BasicAerError(
f"Number of qubits {num_qubits} is greater than maximum ({max_qubits}) "
f'for "{self.name()}".'
if qobj.config.shots != 1:
logger.info('"%s" only supports 1 shot. Setting shots=1.', self.name())
qobj.config.shots = 1
for experiment in qobj.experiments:
name = experiment.header.name
if getattr(experiment.config, "shots", 1) != 1:
'"%s" only supports 1 shot. Setting shots=1 for circuit "%s".',
experiment.config.shots = 1