# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020, 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""PauliSumOp Class"""
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union, cast
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import spmatrix
from qiskit.circuit import Instruction, ParameterExpression
from qiskit.opflow.exceptions import OpflowError
from qiskit.opflow.list_ops.summed_op import SummedOp
from qiskit.opflow.list_ops.tensored_op import TensoredOp
from qiskit.opflow.operator_base import OperatorBase
from qiskit.opflow.primitive_ops.pauli_op import PauliOp
from qiskit.opflow.primitive_ops.primitive_op import PrimitiveOp
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli, SparsePauliOp, Statevector
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.custom_iterator import CustomIterator
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func
[ドキュメント]class PauliSumOp(PrimitiveOp):
"""Deprecated: Class for Operators backed by Terra's ``SparsePauliOp`` class."""
primitive: SparsePauliOp
additional_msg="For code migration guidelines, visit https://qisk.it/opflow_migration.",
def __init__(
primitive: SparsePauliOp,
coeff: Union[complex, ParameterExpression] = 1.0,
grouping_type: str = "None",
) -> None:
primitive: The SparsePauliOp which defines the behavior of the underlying function.
coeff: A coefficient multiplying the primitive.
grouping_type: The type of grouping. If None, the operator is not grouped.
TypeError: invalid parameters.
if not isinstance(primitive, SparsePauliOp):
raise TypeError(
f"PauliSumOp can only be instantiated with SparsePauliOp, not {type(primitive)}"
super().__init__(primitive, coeff=coeff)
self._grouping_type = grouping_type
[ドキュメント] def primitive_strings(self) -> Set[str]:
return {"SparsePauliOp"}
def grouping_type(self) -> str:
Returns: Type of Grouping
return self._grouping_type
def num_qubits(self) -> int:
return self.primitive.num_qubits
def coeffs(self):
"""Return the Pauli coefficients."""
return self.coeff * self.primitive.coeffs
def settings(self) -> Dict:
"""Return operator settings."""
data = super().settings
data.update({"grouping_type": self._grouping_type})
return data
[ドキュメント] def matrix_iter(self, sparse=False):
"""Return a matrix representation iterator.
This is a lazy iterator that converts each term in the PauliSumOp
into a matrix as it is used. To convert to a single matrix use the
:meth:`to_matrix` method.
sparse (bool): optionally return sparse CSR matrices if True,
otherwise return Numpy array matrices
(Default: False)
MatrixIterator: matrix iterator object for the PauliSumOp.
class MatrixIterator(CustomIterator):
"""Matrix representation iteration and item access."""
def __repr__(self):
return f"<PauliSumOp_matrix_iterator at {hex(id(self))}>"
def __getitem__(self, key):
sumopcoeff = self.obj.coeff * self.obj.primitive.coeffs[key]
return sumopcoeff * self.obj.primitive.paulis[key].to_matrix(sparse=sparse)
return MatrixIterator(self)
[ドキュメント] def add(self, other: OperatorBase) -> OperatorBase:
if not self.num_qubits == other.num_qubits:
raise ValueError(
f"Sum of operators with different numbers of qubits, {self.num_qubits} and "
f"{other.num_qubits}, is not well defined"
if (
isinstance(other, PauliSumOp)
and not isinstance(self.coeff, ParameterExpression)
and not isinstance(other.coeff, ParameterExpression)
return PauliSumOp(self.coeff * self.primitive + other.coeff * other.primitive, coeff=1)
if (
isinstance(other, PauliOp)
and not isinstance(self.coeff, ParameterExpression)
and not isinstance(other.coeff, ParameterExpression)
return PauliSumOp(
self.coeff * self.primitive + other.coeff * SparsePauliOp(other.primitive)
return SummedOp([self, other])
[ドキュメント] def mul(self, scalar: Union[complex, ParameterExpression]) -> OperatorBase:
if isinstance(scalar, (int, float, complex)) and scalar != 0:
return PauliSumOp(scalar * self.primitive, coeff=self.coeff)
return PauliSumOp(self.primitive, coeff=self.coeff * scalar)
[ドキュメント] def adjoint(self) -> "PauliSumOp":
return PauliSumOp(self.primitive.adjoint(), coeff=self.coeff.conjugate())
[ドキュメント] def equals(self, other: OperatorBase) -> bool:
self_reduced, other_reduced = self.reduce(), other.reduce()
if isinstance(other_reduced, PauliOp):
other_reduced = PauliSumOp(
SparsePauliOp(other_reduced.primitive, coeffs=[other_reduced.coeff])
if not isinstance(other_reduced, PauliSumOp):
return False
if isinstance(self_reduced.coeff, ParameterExpression) or isinstance(
other_reduced.coeff, ParameterExpression
return self_reduced.coeff == other_reduced.coeff and self_reduced.primitive.equiv(
return len(self_reduced) == len(other_reduced) and self_reduced.primitive.equiv(
def _expand_dim(self, num_qubits: int) -> "PauliSumOp":
return PauliSumOp(
self.primitive.tensor(SparsePauliOp(Pauli("I" * num_qubits))),
[ドキュメント] def tensor(self, other: OperatorBase) -> Union["PauliSumOp", TensoredOp]:
if isinstance(other, PauliSumOp):
return PauliSumOp(
coeff=self.coeff * other.coeff,
if isinstance(other, PauliOp):
return PauliSumOp(
coeff=self.coeff * other.coeff,
return TensoredOp([self, other])
[ドキュメント] def permute(self, permutation: List[int]) -> "PauliSumOp":
"""Permutes the sequence of ``PauliSumOp``.
permutation: A list defining where each Pauli should be permuted. The Pauli at index
j of the primitive should be permuted to position permutation[j].
A new PauliSumOp representing the permuted operator. For operator (X ^ Y ^ Z) and
indices=[1,2,4], it returns (X ^ I ^ Y ^ Z ^ I).
OpflowError: if indices do not define a new index for each qubit.
set_perm = set(permutation)
if len(set_perm) != len(permutation) or any(index < 0 for index in set_perm):
raise OpflowError(f"List {permutation} is not a permutation.")
if len(permutation) != self.num_qubits:
raise OpflowError(
"List of indices to permute must have the same size as Pauli Operator"
length = max(permutation) + 1
if length > self.num_qubits:
spop = self.primitive.tensor(SparsePauliOp(Pauli("I" * (length - self.num_qubits))))
spop = self.primitive.copy()
permutation = [i for i in range(length) if i not in permutation] + permutation
permu_arr = np.arange(length)[np.argsort(permutation)]
spop.paulis.x = spop.paulis.x[:, permu_arr]
spop.paulis.z = spop.paulis.z[:, permu_arr]
return PauliSumOp(spop, self.coeff)
[ドキュメント] def compose(
other: OperatorBase,
permutation: Optional[List[int]] = None,
front: bool = False,
) -> OperatorBase:
new_self, other = self._expand_shorter_operator_and_permute(other, permutation)
new_self = cast(PauliSumOp, new_self)
if front:
return other.compose(new_self)
# If self is identity, just return other.
if not np.any(np.logical_or(new_self.primitive.paulis.x, new_self.primitive.paulis.z)):
return other * new_self.coeff * sum(new_self.primitive.coeffs)
# Both PauliSumOps
if isinstance(other, PauliSumOp):
return PauliSumOp(
coeff=new_self.coeff * other.coeff,
if isinstance(other, PauliOp):
other_primitive = SparsePauliOp(other.primitive)
return PauliSumOp(
coeff=new_self.coeff * other.coeff,
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from ..state_fns.circuit_state_fn import CircuitStateFn
from .circuit_op import CircuitOp
if isinstance(other, (CircuitOp, CircuitStateFn)):
pauli_op = cast(Union[PauliOp, SummedOp], new_self.to_pauli_op())
return pauli_op.to_circuit_op().compose(other)
return super(PauliSumOp, new_self).compose(other)
[ドキュメント] def to_matrix(self, massive: bool = False) -> np.ndarray:
OperatorBase._check_massive("to_matrix", True, self.num_qubits, massive)
if isinstance(self.coeff, ParameterExpression):
return (self.primitive.to_matrix(sparse=True)).toarray() * self.coeff
return (self.primitive.to_matrix(sparse=True) * self.coeff).toarray()
def __str__(self) -> str:
def format_sign(x):
return x.real if np.isreal(x) else x
def format_number(x):
x = format_sign(x)
if isinstance(x, (int, float)) and x < 0:
return f"- {-x}"
return f"+ {x}"
indent = "" if self.coeff == 1 else " "
prim_list = self.primitive.to_list()
if prim_list:
first = prim_list[0]
if isinstance(first[1], (int, float)) and first[1] < 0:
main_string = indent + f"- {-first[1].real} * {first[0]}"
main_string = indent + f"{format_sign(first[1])} * {first[0]}"
main_string += "".join([f"\n{indent}{format_number(c)} * {p}" for p, c in prim_list[1:]])
return f"{main_string}" if self.coeff == 1 else f"{self.coeff} * (\n{main_string}\n)"
[ドキュメント] def eval(
front: Optional[
Union[str, Dict[str, complex], np.ndarray, OperatorBase, Statevector]
] = None,
) -> Union[OperatorBase, complex]:
if front is None:
return self.to_matrix_op()
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from ..list_ops.list_op import ListOp
from ..state_fns.circuit_state_fn import CircuitStateFn
from ..state_fns.dict_state_fn import DictStateFn
from ..state_fns.state_fn import StateFn
from .circuit_op import CircuitOp
# For now, always do this. If it's not performant, we can be more granular.
if not isinstance(front, OperatorBase):
front = StateFn(front, is_measurement=False)
if isinstance(front, ListOp) and front.distributive:
return front.combo_fn(
[self.eval(front.coeff * front_elem) for front_elem in front.oplist]
if self.num_qubits != front.num_qubits:
raise ValueError(
"eval does not support operands with differing numbers of qubits, "
"{} and {}, respectively.".format(self.num_qubits, front.num_qubits)
if isinstance(front, DictStateFn):
new_dict: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int)
corrected_x_bits = self.primitive.paulis.x[:, ::-1]
corrected_z_bits = self.primitive.paulis.z[:, ::-1]
coeffs = self.primitive.coeffs
for bstr, v in front.primitive.items():
bitstr = np.fromiter(bstr, dtype=int).astype(bool)
new_b_str = np.logical_xor(bitstr, corrected_x_bits)
new_str = ["".join([str(b) for b in bs]) for bs in new_b_str.astype(int)]
z_factor = np.prod(1 - 2 * np.logical_and(bitstr, corrected_z_bits), axis=1)
y_factor = np.prod(
np.sqrt(1 - 2 * np.logical_and(corrected_x_bits, corrected_z_bits) + 0j),
for i, n_str in enumerate(new_str):
new_dict[n_str] += v * z_factor[i] * y_factor[i] * coeffs[i]
return DictStateFn(new_dict, coeff=self.coeff * front.coeff)
elif isinstance(front, StateFn) and front.is_measurement:
raise ValueError("Operator composed with a measurement is undefined.")
# Composable types with PauliOp
elif isinstance(front, (PauliSumOp, PauliOp, CircuitOp, CircuitStateFn)):
return self.compose(front).eval()
# Covers VectorStateFn and OperatorStateFn
front = cast(StateFn, front)
return self.to_matrix_op().eval(front.to_matrix_op())
[ドキュメント] def exp_i(self) -> OperatorBase:
"""Return a ``CircuitOp`` equivalent to e^-iH for this operator H."""
# TODO: optimize for some special cases
from ..evolutions.evolved_op import EvolvedOp
return EvolvedOp(self)
[ドキュメント] def to_instruction(self) -> Instruction:
return self.to_matrix_op().to_circuit().to_instruction() # type: ignore
[ドキュメント] def to_pauli_op(self, massive: bool = False) -> Union[PauliOp, SummedOp]:
def to_native(x):
return x.item() if isinstance(x, np.generic) else x
if len(self.primitive) == 1:
return PauliOp(
Pauli((self.primitive.paulis.z[0], self.primitive.paulis.x[0])),
to_native(np.real_if_close(self.primitive.coeffs[0])) * self.coeff,
coeffs = np.real_if_close(self.primitive.coeffs)
return SummedOp(
PauliOp(pauli, to_native(coeff))
for pauli, coeff in zip(self.primitive.paulis, coeffs)
def __getitem__(self, offset: Union[int, slice]) -> "PauliSumOp":
"""Allows array-indexing style access to the ``PauliSumOp``.
offset: The index of ``PauliSumOp``.
The ``PauliSumOp`` at index ``offset``,
return PauliSumOp(self.primitive[offset], self.coeff)
def __iter__(self):
for i in range(len(self)):
yield self[i]
def __len__(self) -> int:
"""Length of ``SparsePauliOp``.
An int equal to the length of SparsePauliOp.
return len(self.primitive)
[ドキュメント] def reduce(self, atol: Optional[float] = None, rtol: Optional[float] = None) -> "PauliSumOp":
"""Simplify the primitive ``SparsePauliOp``.
atol: Absolute tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-8).
rtol: Relative tolerance for checking if coefficients are zero (Default: 1e-5).
The simplified ``PauliSumOp``.
if isinstance(self.coeff, (int, float, complex)):
primitive = self.coeff * self.primitive
return PauliSumOp(primitive.simplify(atol=atol, rtol=rtol))
return PauliSumOp(self.primitive.simplify(atol=atol, rtol=rtol), self.coeff)
[ドキュメント] def to_spmatrix(self) -> spmatrix:
"""Returns SciPy sparse matrix representation of the ``PauliSumOp``.
CSR sparse matrix representation of the ``PauliSumOp``.
ValueError: invalid parameters.
return self.primitive.to_matrix(sparse=True) * self.coeff
[ドキュメント] @classmethod
def from_list(
pauli_list: List[Tuple[str, Union[complex, ParameterExpression]]],
coeff: Union[complex, ParameterExpression] = 1.0,
dtype: type = complex,
) -> "PauliSumOp":
"""Construct from a pauli_list with the form [(pauli_str, coeffs)]
pauli_list: A list of Tuple of pauli_str and coefficient.
coeff: A coefficient multiplying the primitive.
dtype: The dtype to use to construct the internal SparsePauliOp.
Defaults to ``complex``.
The PauliSumOp constructed from the pauli_list.
return cls(SparsePauliOp.from_list(pauli_list, dtype=dtype), coeff=coeff)
[ドキュメント] def is_zero(self) -> bool:
Return this operator is zero operator or not.
op = self.reduce()
primitive: SparsePauliOp = op.primitive
return op.coeff == 1 and len(op) == 1 and primitive.coeffs[0] == 0
[ドキュメント] def is_hermitian(self):
return np.isreal(self.coeffs).all() and np.all(self.primitive.paulis.phase == 0)