qiskit.assembler.assemble_circuits のソースコード

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.

"""Assemble function for converting a list of circuits into a qobj."""
import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

from qiskit.assembler.run_config import RunConfig
from qiskit.assembler.assemble_schedules import _assemble_instructions as _assemble_schedule
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.classicalregister import Clbit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.qobj import (
from qiskit.tools.parallel import parallel_map

PulseLibrary = Dict[str, List[complex]]

def _assemble_circuit(
    circuit: QuantumCircuit, run_config: RunConfig
) -> Tuple[QasmQobjExperiment, Optional[PulseLibrary]]:
    """Assemble one circuit.

        circuit: circuit to assemble
        run_config: configuration of the runtime environment

        One experiment for the QasmQobj, and pulse library for pulse gates (which could be None)

        QiskitError: when the circuit has unit other than 'dt'.
    if circuit.unit != "dt":
        raise QiskitError(
            f"Unable to assemble circuit with unit '{circuit.unit}', which must be 'dt'."

    # header data
    num_qubits = 0
    memory_slots = 0
    qubit_labels = []
    clbit_labels = []

    qreg_sizes = []
    creg_sizes = []
    for qreg in circuit.qregs:
        qreg_sizes.append([qreg.name, qreg.size])
        for j in range(qreg.size):
            qubit_labels.append([qreg.name, j])
        num_qubits += qreg.size
    for creg in circuit.cregs:
        creg_sizes.append([creg.name, creg.size])
        for j in range(creg.size):
            clbit_labels.append([creg.name, j])
        memory_slots += creg.size

    qubit_indices = {qubit: idx for idx, qubit in enumerate(circuit.qubits)}
    clbit_indices = {clbit: idx for idx, clbit in enumerate(circuit.clbits)}

    # TODO: why do we need creq_sizes and qreg_sizes in header
    # TODO: we need to rethink memory_slots as they are tied to classical bit
    metadata = circuit.metadata
    if metadata is None:
        metadata = {}
    header = QobjExperimentHeader(

    # TODO: why do we need n_qubits and memory_slots in both the header and the config
    config = QasmQobjExperimentConfig(n_qubits=num_qubits, memory_slots=memory_slots)
    calibrations, pulse_library = _assemble_pulse_gates(circuit, run_config)
    if calibrations:
        config.calibrations = calibrations

    # Convert conditionals from OpenQASM-2-style (creg ?= int) to qobj-style
    # (register_bit ?= 1), by assuming device has unlimited register slots
    # (supported only for simulators). Map all measures to a register matching
    # their clbit_index, create a new register slot for every conditional gate
    # and add a bfunc to map the creg=val mask onto the gating register bit.

    is_conditional_experiment = any(
        getattr(instruction.operation, "condition", None) for instruction in circuit.data
    max_conditional_idx = 0

    instructions = []
    for op_context in circuit.data:
        instruction = op_context.operation.assemble()

        # Add register attributes to the instruction
        qargs = op_context.qubits
        cargs = op_context.clbits
        if qargs:
            instruction.qubits = [qubit_indices[qubit] for qubit in qargs]
        if cargs:
            instruction.memory = [clbit_indices[clbit] for clbit in cargs]
            # If the experiment has conditional instructions, assume every
            # measurement result may be needed for a conditional gate.
            if instruction.name == "measure" and is_conditional_experiment:
                instruction.register = [clbit_indices[clbit] for clbit in cargs]

        # To convert to a qobj-style conditional, insert a bfunc prior
        # to the conditional instruction to map the creg ?= val condition
        # onto a gating register bit.
        if hasattr(instruction, "_condition"):
            ctrl_reg, ctrl_val = instruction._condition
            mask = 0
            val = 0
            if isinstance(ctrl_reg, Clbit):
                mask = 1 << clbit_indices[ctrl_reg]
                val = (ctrl_val & 1) << clbit_indices[ctrl_reg]
                for clbit in clbit_indices:
                    if clbit in ctrl_reg:
                        mask |= 1 << clbit_indices[clbit]
                        val |= ((ctrl_val >> list(ctrl_reg).index(clbit)) & 1) << clbit_indices[

            conditional_reg_idx = memory_slots + max_conditional_idx
            conversion_bfunc = QasmQobjInstruction(
                mask="0x%X" % mask,
                val="0x%X" % val,
            instruction.conditional = conditional_reg_idx
            max_conditional_idx += 1
            # Delete condition attribute now that we have replaced it with
            # the conditional and bfunc
            del instruction._condition

    return (
        QasmQobjExperiment(instructions=instructions, header=header, config=config),

def _assemble_pulse_gates(
    circuit: QuantumCircuit, run_config: RunConfig
) -> Tuple[Optional[QasmExperimentCalibrations], Optional[PulseLibrary]]:
    """Assemble and return the circuit calibrations and associated pulse library, if there are any.
    The calibrations themselves may reference the pulse library which is returned as a dict.

        circuit: circuit which may have pulse calibrations
        run_config: configuration of the runtime environment

        The calibrations and pulse library, if there are any
    if not circuit.calibrations:
        return None, None
    if not hasattr(run_config, "parametric_pulses"):
        run_config.parametric_pulses = []
    calibrations = []
    pulse_library = {}
    for gate, cals in circuit.calibrations.items():
        for (qubits, params), schedule in cals.items():
            qobj_instructions, _ = _assemble_schedule(
                GateCalibration(str(gate), list(qubits), list(params), qobj_instructions)
    return QasmExperimentCalibrations(gates=calibrations), pulse_library

def _extract_common_calibrations(
    experiments: List[QasmQobjExperiment],
) -> Tuple[List[QasmQobjExperiment], Optional[QasmExperimentCalibrations]]:
    """Given a list of ``QasmQobjExperiment``s, each of which may have calibrations in their
    ``config``, collect common calibrations into a global ``QasmExperimentCalibrations``
    and delete them from their local experiments.

        experiments: The list of OpenQASM experiments that are being assembled into one qobj

        The input experiments with modified calibrations, and common calibrations, if there
        are any

    def index_calibrations() -> Dict[int, List[Tuple[int, GateCalibration]]]:
        """Map each calibration to all experiments that contain it."""
        exp_indices = defaultdict(list)
        for exp_idx, exp in enumerate(experiments):
            for gate_cal in exp.config.calibrations.gates:
                # They must be keyed on the hash or identical cals will be indexed separately
                exp_indices[hash(gate_cal)].append((exp_idx, gate_cal))
        return exp_indices

    def collect_common_calibrations() -> List[GateCalibration]:
        """If a gate calibration appears in all experiments, collect it."""
        common_calibrations = []
        for _, exps_w_cal in exp_indices.items():
            if len(exps_w_cal) == len(experiments):
                _, gate_cal = exps_w_cal[0]
        return common_calibrations

    def remove_common_gate_calibrations(exps: List[QasmQobjExperiment]) -> None:
        """For calibrations that appear in all experiments, remove them from the individual
        experiment's ``config.calibrations``."""
        for _, exps_w_cal in exp_indices.items():
            if len(exps_w_cal) == len(exps):
                for exp_idx, gate_cal in exps_w_cal:

    if not (experiments and all(hasattr(exp.config, "calibrations") for exp in experiments)):
        # No common calibrations
        return experiments, None

    exp_indices = index_calibrations()
    common_calibrations = collect_common_calibrations()

    # Remove the ``calibrations`` attribute if it's now empty
    for exp in experiments:
        if not exp.config.calibrations.gates:
            del exp.config.calibrations

    return experiments, QasmExperimentCalibrations(gates=common_calibrations)

def _configure_experiment_los(
    experiments: List[QasmQobjExperiment],
    lo_converter: converters.LoConfigConverter,
    run_config: RunConfig,
    # get per experiment los
    freq_configs = [lo_converter(lo_dict) for lo_dict in getattr(run_config, "schedule_los", [])]

    if len(experiments) > 1 and len(freq_configs) not in [0, 1, len(experiments)]:
        raise QiskitError(
            "Invalid 'schedule_los' setting specified. If specified, it should be "
            "either have a single entry to apply the same LOs for each experiment or "
            "have length equal to the number of experiments."

    if len(freq_configs) > 1:
        if len(experiments) > 1:
            for idx, expt in enumerate(experiments):
                freq_config = freq_configs[idx]
                expt.config.qubit_lo_freq = freq_config.qubit_lo_freq
                expt.config.meas_lo_freq = freq_config.meas_lo_freq
        elif len(experiments) == 1:
            expt = experiments[0]
            experiments = []
            for freq_config in freq_configs:
                expt_config = copy.deepcopy(expt.config)
                expt_config.qubit_lo_freq = freq_config.qubit_lo_freq
                expt_config.meas_lo_freq = freq_config.meas_lo_freq
                        header=expt.header, instructions=expt.instructions, config=expt_config

    return experiments

[ドキュメント]def assemble_circuits( circuits: List[QuantumCircuit], run_config: RunConfig, qobj_id: int, qobj_header: QobjHeader ) -> QasmQobj: """Assembles a list of circuits into a qobj that can be run on the backend. Args: circuits: circuit(s) to assemble run_config: configuration of the runtime environment qobj_id: identifier for the generated qobj qobj_header: header to pass to the results Returns: The qobj to be run on the backends Examples: .. code-block:: python from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit from qiskit.assembler import assemble_circuits from qiskit.assembler.run_config import RunConfig # Build a circuit to convert into a Qobj q = QuantumRegister(2) c = ClassicalRegister(2) qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c) qc.h(q[0]) qc.cx(q[0], q[1]) qc.measure(q, c) # Assemble a Qobj from the input circuit qobj = assemble_circuits(circuits=[qc], qobj_id="custom-id", qobj_header=[], run_config=RunConfig(shots=2000, memory=True, init_qubits=True)) """ # assemble the circuit experiments experiments_and_pulse_libs = parallel_map(_assemble_circuit, circuits, [run_config]) experiments = [] pulse_library = {} for exp, lib in experiments_and_pulse_libs: experiments.append(exp) if lib: pulse_library.update(lib) # extract common calibrations experiments, calibrations = _extract_common_calibrations(experiments) # configure LO freqs per circuit lo_converter = converters.LoConfigConverter(QasmQobjExperimentConfig, **run_config.to_dict()) experiments = _configure_experiment_los(experiments, lo_converter, run_config) qobj_config = QasmQobjConfig() if run_config: qobj_config_dict = run_config.to_dict() # remove LO ranges, not needed in qobj qobj_config_dict.pop("qubit_lo_range", None) qobj_config_dict.pop("meas_lo_range", None) # convert LO frequencies to GHz, if they exist if "qubit_lo_freq" in qobj_config_dict: qobj_config_dict["qubit_lo_freq"] = [ freq / 1e9 for freq in qobj_config_dict["qubit_lo_freq"] ] if "meas_lo_freq" in qobj_config_dict: qobj_config_dict["meas_lo_freq"] = [ freq / 1e9 for freq in qobj_config_dict["meas_lo_freq"] ] # override default los if single ``schedule_los`` entry set schedule_los = qobj_config_dict.pop("schedule_los", []) if len(schedule_los) == 1: lo_dict = schedule_los[0] q_los = lo_converter.get_qubit_los(lo_dict) # Hz -> GHz if q_los: qobj_config_dict["qubit_lo_freq"] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in q_los] m_los = lo_converter.get_meas_los(lo_dict) if m_los: qobj_config_dict["meas_lo_freq"] = [freq / 1e9 for freq in m_los] qobj_config = QasmQobjConfig(**qobj_config_dict) qubit_sizes = [] memory_slot_sizes = [] for circ in circuits: num_qubits = 0 memory_slots = 0 for qreg in circ.qregs: num_qubits += qreg.size for creg in circ.cregs: memory_slots += creg.size qubit_sizes.append(num_qubits) memory_slot_sizes.append(memory_slots) qobj_config.memory_slots = max(memory_slot_sizes) qobj_config.n_qubits = max(qubit_sizes) if pulse_library: qobj_config.pulse_library = [ PulseLibraryItem(name=name, samples=samples) for name, samples in pulse_library.items() ] if calibrations and calibrations.gates: qobj_config.calibrations = calibrations return QasmQobj( qobj_id=qobj_id, config=qobj_config, experiments=experiments, header=qobj_header )