Quellcode für qiskit.assembler.disassemble

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Disassemble function for a qobj into a list of circuits and its config"""
from typing import Any, Dict, List, NewType, Tuple, Union
import collections
import math

from qiskit import pulse
from qiskit.circuit.classicalregister import ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.quantumregister import QuantumRegister

from qiskit.qobj import PulseQobjInstruction
from qiskit.qobj.converters import QobjToInstructionConverter

# A ``CircuitModule`` is a representation of a circuit execution on the backend.
# It is currently a list of quantum circuits to execute, a run Qobj dictionary
# and a header dictionary.
CircuitModule = NewType(
    "CircuitModule", Tuple[List[QuantumCircuit], Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]

# A ``PulseModule`` is a representation of a pulse execution on the backend.
# It is currently a list of pulse schedules to execute, a run Qobj dictionary
# and a header dictionary.
PulseModule = NewType("PulseModule", Tuple[List[pulse.Schedule], Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]])

[Doku]def disassemble(qobj) -> Union[CircuitModule, PulseModule]: """Disassemble a qobj and return the circuits or pulse schedules, run_config, and user header. .. note:: ``disassemble(assemble(qc))`` is not guaranteed to produce an exactly equal circuit to the input, due to limitations in the :obj:`.QasmQobj` format that need to be maintained for backend system compatibility. This is most likely to be the case when using newer features of :obj:`.QuantumCircuit`. In most cases, the output should be equivalent, if not quite equal. Args: qobj (Qobj): The input qobj object to disassemble Returns: Union[CircuitModule, PulseModule]: The disassembled program which consists of: * programs: A list of quantum circuits or pulse schedules * run_config: The dict of the run config * user_qobj_header: The dict of any user headers in the qobj Examples: .. code-block:: python from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit from qiskit.compiler.assembler import assemble from qiskit.assembler.disassemble import disassemble # Create a circuit to assemble into a qobj q = QuantumRegister(2) c = ClassicalRegister(2) qc = QuantumCircuit(q, c) qc.h(q[0]) qc.cx(q[0], q[1]) qc.measure(q, c) # Assemble the circuit into a Qobj qobj = assemble(qc, shots=2000, memory=True) # Disassemble the qobj back into a circuit circuits, run_config_out, headers = disassemble(qobj) """ if qobj.type == "PULSE": return _disassemble_pulse_schedule(qobj) else: return _disassemble_circuit(qobj)
def _disassemble_circuit(qobj) -> CircuitModule: run_config = qobj.config.to_dict() # convert lo freq back to Hz qubit_lo_freq = run_config.get("qubit_lo_freq", []) if qubit_lo_freq: run_config["qubit_lo_freq"] = [freq * 1e9 for freq in qubit_lo_freq] meas_lo_freq = run_config.get("meas_lo_freq", []) if meas_lo_freq: run_config["meas_lo_freq"] = [freq * 1e9 for freq in meas_lo_freq] user_qobj_header = qobj.header.to_dict() return CircuitModule((_experiments_to_circuits(qobj), run_config, user_qobj_header)) def _qobj_to_circuit_cals(qobj, pulse_lib): """Return circuit calibrations dictionary from qobj/exp config calibrations.""" qobj_cals = qobj.config.calibrations.to_dict()["gates"] converter = QobjToInstructionConverter(pulse_lib) qc_cals = {} for gate in qobj_cals: config = (tuple(gate["qubits"]), tuple(gate["params"])) cal = { config: pulse.Schedule( name="{} {} {}".format(gate["name"], str(gate["params"]), str(gate["qubits"])) ) } for instruction in gate["instructions"]: qobj_instruction = PulseQobjInstruction.from_dict(instruction) schedule = converter(qobj_instruction) cal[config] = cal[config].insert(schedule.ch_start_time(), schedule) if gate["name"] in qc_cals: qc_cals[gate["name"]].update(cal) else: qc_cals[gate["name"]] = cal return qc_cals def _experiments_to_circuits(qobj): """Return a list of QuantumCircuit object(s) from a qobj. Args: qobj (Qobj): The Qobj object to convert to QuantumCircuits Returns: list: A list of QuantumCircuit objects from the qobj """ if not qobj.experiments: return None circuits = [] for exp in qobj.experiments: quantum_registers = [QuantumRegister(i[1], name=i[0]) for i in exp.header.qreg_sizes] classical_registers = [ClassicalRegister(i[1], name=i[0]) for i in exp.header.creg_sizes] circuit = QuantumCircuit(*quantum_registers, *classical_registers, name=exp.header.name) qreg_dict = collections.OrderedDict() creg_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for reg in quantum_registers: qreg_dict[reg.name] = reg for reg in classical_registers: creg_dict[reg.name] = reg conditional = {} for i in exp.instructions: name = i.name qubits = [] params = getattr(i, "params", []) try: for qubit in i.qubits: qubit_label = exp.header.qubit_labels[qubit] qubits.append(qreg_dict[qubit_label[0]][qubit_label[1]]) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass clbits = [] try: for clbit in i.memory: clbit_label = exp.header.clbit_labels[clbit] clbits.append(creg_dict[clbit_label[0]][clbit_label[1]]) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass if hasattr(circuit, name): instr_method = getattr(circuit, name) if i.name in ["snapshot"]: _inst = instr_method( i.label, snapshot_type=i.snapshot_type, qubits=qubits, params=params ) elif i.name == "initialize": _inst = instr_method(params, qubits) elif i.name == "isometry": _inst = instr_method(*params, qubits, clbits) elif i.name in ["mcx", "mcu1", "mcp"]: _inst = instr_method(*params, qubits[:-1], qubits[-1], *clbits) else: _inst = instr_method(*params, *qubits, *clbits) elif name == "bfunc": conditional["value"] = int(i.val, 16) full_bit_size = sum(creg_dict[x].size for x in creg_dict) mask_map = {} raw_map = {} raw = [] for creg in creg_dict: size = creg_dict[creg].size reg_raw = [1] * size if not raw: raw = reg_raw else: for pos, val in enumerate(raw): if val == 1: raw[pos] = 0 raw = reg_raw + raw mask = [0] * (full_bit_size - len(raw)) + raw raw_map[creg] = mask mask_map[int("".join(str(x) for x in mask), 2)] = creg if bin(int(i.mask, 16)).count("1") == 1: # The condition is on a single bit. This might be a single-bit condition, or it # might be a register of length one. The case that it's a single-bit condition # in a register of length one is ambiguous, and we choose to return a condition # on the register. This may not match the input circuit exactly, but is at # least equivalent. cbit = int(math.log2(int(i.mask, 16))) for reg in creg_dict.values(): size = reg.size if cbit >= size: cbit -= size else: conditional["register"] = reg if reg.size == 1 else reg[cbit] break mask_str = bin(int(i.mask, 16))[2:].zfill(full_bit_size) mask = [int(item) for item in list(mask_str)] else: creg = mask_map[int(i.mask, 16)] conditional["register"] = creg_dict[creg] mask = raw_map[creg] val = int(i.val, 16) for j in reversed(mask): if j == 0: val = val >> 1 else: conditional["value"] = val break else: _inst = temp_opaque_instruction = Instruction( name=name, num_qubits=len(qubits), num_clbits=len(clbits), params=params ) circuit.append(temp_opaque_instruction, qubits, clbits) if conditional and name != "bfunc": _inst.c_if(conditional["register"], conditional["value"]) conditional = {} pulse_lib = qobj.config.pulse_library if hasattr(qobj.config, "pulse_library") else [] # The dict update method did not work here; could investigate in the future if hasattr(qobj.config, "calibrations"): circuit.calibrations = dict( **circuit.calibrations, **_qobj_to_circuit_cals(qobj, pulse_lib) ) if hasattr(exp.config, "calibrations"): circuit.calibrations = dict( **circuit.calibrations, **_qobj_to_circuit_cals(exp, pulse_lib) ) circuits.append(circuit) return circuits def _disassemble_pulse_schedule(qobj) -> PulseModule: run_config = qobj.config.to_dict() run_config.pop("pulse_library") qubit_lo_freq = run_config.get("qubit_lo_freq") if qubit_lo_freq: run_config["qubit_lo_freq"] = [freq * 1e9 for freq in qubit_lo_freq] meas_lo_freq = run_config.get("meas_lo_freq") if meas_lo_freq: run_config["meas_lo_freq"] = [freq * 1e9 for freq in meas_lo_freq] user_qobj_header = qobj.header.to_dict() # extract schedule lo settings schedule_los = [] for program in qobj.experiments: program_los = {} if hasattr(program, "config"): if hasattr(program.config, "qubit_lo_freq"): for i, lo in enumerate(program.config.qubit_lo_freq): program_los[pulse.DriveChannel(i)] = lo * 1e9 if hasattr(program.config, "meas_lo_freq"): for i, lo in enumerate(program.config.meas_lo_freq): program_los[pulse.MeasureChannel(i)] = lo * 1e9 schedule_los.append(program_los) if any(schedule_los): run_config["schedule_los"] = schedule_los return PulseModule((_experiments_to_schedules(qobj), run_config, user_qobj_header)) def _experiments_to_schedules(qobj) -> List[pulse.Schedule]: """Return a list of :class:`qiskit.pulse.Schedule` object(s) from a qobj. Args: qobj (Qobj): The Qobj object to convert to pulse schedules. Returns: A list of :class:`qiskit.pulse.Schedule` objects from the qobj Raises: pulse.PulseError: If a parameterized instruction is supplied. """ converter = QobjToInstructionConverter(qobj.config.pulse_library) schedules = [] for program in qobj.experiments: insts = [] for inst in program.instructions: insts.append(converter(inst)) schedule = pulse.Schedule(*insts) schedules.append(schedule) return schedules