- class qiskit.quantum_info.Pauli(data=None, x=None, *, z=None, label=None)[Quellcode]#
N-qubit Pauli operator.
This class represents an operator \(P\) from the full \(n\)-qubit Pauli group
\[P = (-i)^{q} P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_{0}\]where \(q\in \mathbb{Z}_4\) and \(P_i \in \{I, X, Y, Z\}\) are single-qubit Pauli matrices:
\[\begin{split}I = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}, X = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{pmatrix}, Y = \begin{pmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{pmatrix}, Z = \begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{pmatrix}.\end{split}\]Initialization
A Pauli object can be initialized in several ways:
is a Pauli string,Pauli
operator, or a Pauli gate orQuantumCircuit
containing only Pauli gates.Pauli((z, x, phase))
are booleannumpy.ndarrays
is an integer in[0, 1, 2, 3]
.Pauli((z, x))
equivalent to
Pauli((z, x, 0))
with trivial phase.
String representation
An \(n\)-qubit Pauli may be represented by a string consisting of \(n\) characters from
['I', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']
, and optionally phase coefficient in \(['', '-i', '-', 'i']\). For example:XYZ
.In the string representation qubit-0 corresponds to the right-most Pauli character, and qubit-\((n-1)\) to the left-most Pauli character. For example
represents \(X\otimes Y \otimes Z\) with'Z'
on qubit-0,'Y'
on qubit-1, and'X'
on qubit-3.The string representation can be converted to a
using the class initialization (Pauli('-iXYZ')
). APauli
object can be converted back to the string representation using theto_label()
method orstr(pauli)
to convert aPauli
to a string will truncate the returned string for large numbers of qubits whileto_label()
will return the full string with no truncation. The default truncation length is 50 characters. The default value can be changed by setting the class __truncate__ attribute to an integer value. If set to0
no truncation will be performed.Array Representation
The internal data structure of an \(n\)-qubit Pauli is two length-\(n\) boolean vectors \(z \in \mathbb{Z}_2^N\), \(x \in \mathbb{Z}_2^N\), and an integer \(q \in \mathbb{Z}_4\) defining the Pauli operator
\[P = (-i)^{q + z\cdot x} Z^z \cdot X^x.\]The \(k`th qubit corresponds to the :math:`k`th entry in the :math:`z\) and \(x\) arrays
\[\begin{split}P &= P_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes P_{0} \\ P_k &= (-i)^{z[k] * x[k]} Z^{z[k]}\cdot X^{x[k]}\end{split}\]where
z[k] = P.z[k]
,x[k] = P.x[k]
respectively.The \(z\) and \(x\) arrays can be accessed and updated using the
properties respectively. The phase integer \(q\) can be accessed and updated using thephase
property.Matrix Operator Representation
Pauli’s can be converted to \((2^n, 2^n)\)
using theto_operator()
method, or to a dense or sparse complex matrix using theto_matrix()
method.Data Access
The individual qubit Paulis can be accessed and updated using the
operator which accepts integer, lists, or slices for selecting subsets of Paulis. Note that selecting subsets of Pauli’s will discard the phase of the current Pauli.For example
p = Pauli('-iXYZ') print('P[0] =', repr(P[0])) print('P[1] =', repr(P[1])) print('P[2] =', repr(P[2])) print('P[:] =', repr(P[:])) print('P[::-1] =, repr(P[::-1]))
Initialize the Pauli.
When using the symplectic array input data both z and x arguments must be provided, however the first (z) argument can be used alone for string label, Pauli operator, or ScalarOp input data.
- Parameter:
data (str or tuple or Pauli or ScalarOp) – input data for Pauli. If input is a tuple it must be of the form
(z, x)
or (z, x, phase)`` wherez
are boolean Numpy arrays, and phase is an integer from Z_4. If input is a string, it must be a concatenation of a phase and a Pauli string (e.g. ‚XYZ‘, ‚-iZIZ‘) where a phase string is a combination of at most three characters from [‚+‘, ‚-‘, ‚‘], [‚1‘, ‚‘], and [‚i‘, ‚j‘, ‚‘] in this order, e.g. ‚‘, ‚-1j‘ while a Pauli string is 1 or more characters of ‚I‘, ‚X‘, ‚Y‘ or ‚Z‘, e.g. ‚Z‘, ‚XIYY‘.- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if input array is invalid shape.
- dim#
Return tuple (input_shape, output_shape).
- name#
Unique string identifier for operation type.
- num_clbits#
Number of classical bits.
- num_qubits#
Return the number of qubits if a N-qubit operator or None otherwise.
- phase#
Return the group phase exponent for the Pauli.
- qargs#
Return the qargs for the operator.
- settings#
Return settings.
- x#
The x vector for the Pauli.
- z#
The z vector for the Pauli.
- adjoint()[Quellcode]#
Return the adjoint of the Operator.
- anticommutes(other, qargs=None)[Quellcode]#
Return True if other Pauli anticommutes with self.
- commutes(other, qargs=None)[Quellcode]#
Return True if the Pauli commutes with other.
- compose(other, qargs=None, front=False, inplace=False)[Quellcode]#
Return the operator composition with another Pauli.
- Parameter:
- Rückgabe:
The composed Pauli.
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if other cannot be converted to an operator, or has incompatible dimensions for specified subsystems.
Composition (
) by default is defined as left matrix multiplication for matrix operators, whiledot()
is defined as right matrix multiplication. That is thatA & B == A.compose(B)
is equivalent
are of the same type.Setting the
kwarg changes this to right matrix multiplication and is equivalent to thedot() == A.compose(B, front=True)
- conjugate()[Quellcode]#
Return the conjugate of each Pauli in the list.
- copy()#
Make a deep copy of current operator.
- delete(qubits)[Quellcode]#
Return a Pauli with qubits deleted.
- Parameter:
- Rückgabe:
the resulting Pauli with the specified qubits removed.
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if ind is out of bounds for the array size or number of qubits.
- dot(other, qargs=None, inplace=False)[Quellcode]#
Return the right multiplied operator self * other.
- equiv(other)[Quellcode]#
Return True if Pauli’s are equivalent up to group phase.
- evolve(other, qargs=None, frame='h')[Quellcode]#
Performs either Heisenberg (default) or Schrödinger picture evolution of the Pauli by a Clifford and returns the evolved Pauli.
Schrödinger picture evolution can be chosen by passing parameter
. This option yields a faster calculation.Heisenberg picture evolves the Pauli as \(P^\prime = C^\dagger.P.C\).
Schrödinger picture evolves the Pauli as \(P^\prime = C.P.C^\dagger\).
- Parameter:
other (Pauli or Clifford or QuantumCircuit) – The Clifford operator to evolve by.
qargs (list) – a list of qubits to apply the Clifford to.
frame (string) –
for Heisenberg (default) or's'
forframework. (Schrödinger) –
- Rückgabe:
the Pauli \(C^\dagger.P.C\) (Heisenberg picture) or the Pauli \(C.P.C^\dagger\) (Schrödinger picture).
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if the Clifford number of qubits and qargs don’t match.
- expand(other)[Quellcode]#
Return the reverse-order tensor product with another Pauli.
- input_dims(qargs=None)#
Return tuple of input dimension for specified subsystems.
- insert(qubits, value)[Quellcode]#
Insert a Pauli at specific qubit value.
- Parameter:
- Rückgabe:
the resulting Pauli with the entries inserted.
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if the insertion qubits are invalid.
- inverse()[Quellcode]#
Return the inverse of the Pauli.
- output_dims(qargs=None)#
Return tuple of output dimension for specified subsystems.
- power(n)#
Return the compose of a operator with itself n times.
- Parameter:
n (int) – the number of times to compose with self (n>0).
- Rückgabe:
the n-times composed operator.
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if the input and output dimensions of the operator are not equal, or the power is not a positive integer.
- reshape(input_dims=None, output_dims=None, num_qubits=None)#
Return a shallow copy with reshaped input and output subsystem dimensions.
- Parameter:
input_dims (None or tuple) – new subsystem input dimensions. If None the original input dims will be preserved [Default: None].
output_dims (None or tuple) – new subsystem output dimensions. If None the original output dims will be preserved [Default: None].
num_qubits (None or int) – reshape to an N-qubit operator [Default: None].
- Rückgabe:
returns self with reshaped input and output dimensions.
- Rückgabetyp:
- Verursacht:
QiskitError – if combined size of all subsystem input dimension or subsystem output dimensions is not constant.
- classmethod set_truncation(val)[Quellcode]#
Set the max number of Pauli characters to display before truncation/
- Parameter:
val (int) – the number of characters.
Truncation will be disabled if the truncation value is set to 0.
- tensor(other)[Quellcode]#
Return the tensor product with another Pauli.
- Parameter:
other (Pauli) – a Pauli object.
- Rückgabe:
- the tensor product \(a \otimes b\), where \(a\)
is the current Pauli, and \(b\) is the other Pauli.
- Rückgabetyp:
The tensor product can be obtained using the
binary operator. Hencea.tensor(b)
is equivalent toa ^ b
- to_instruction()[Quellcode]#
Convert to Pauli circuit instruction.
- to_label()[Quellcode]#
Convert a Pauli to a string label.
The difference between to_label and
is that the later will truncate the output for large numbers of qubits.- Rückgabe:
the Pauli string label.
- Rückgabetyp:
- to_matrix(sparse=False)[Quellcode]#
Convert to a Numpy array or sparse CSR matrix.
- Parameter:
sparse (bool) – if True return sparse CSR matrices, otherwise return dense Numpy arrays (default: False).
- Rückgabe:
The Pauli matrix.
- Rückgabetyp:
- transpose()[Quellcode]#
Return the transpose of each Pauli in the list.