# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Visualization function for DAG circuit representation.
from rustworkx.visualization import graphviz_draw
from qiskit.dagcircuit.dagnode import DAGOpNode, DAGInNode, DAGOutNode
from qiskit.circuit import Qubit
from qiskit.utils import optionals as _optionals
from qiskit.exceptions import InvalidFileError
from .exceptions import VisualizationError
def dag_drawer(dag, scale=0.7, filename=None, style="color"):
"""Plot the directed acyclic graph (dag) to represent operation dependencies
in a quantum circuit.
This function calls the :func:`~rustworkx.visualization.graphviz_draw` function from the
``rustworkx`` package to draw the DAG.
dag (DAGCircuit): The dag to draw.
scale (float): scaling factor
filename (str): file path to save image to (format inferred from name)
style (str): 'plain': B&W graph
'color' (default): color input/output/op nodes
PIL.Image: if in Jupyter notebook and not saving to file,
otherwise None.
VisualizationError: when style is not recognized.
InvalidFileError: when filename provided is not valid
.. plot::
from qiskit import QuantumRegister, ClassicalRegister, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGCircuit
from qiskit.converters import circuit_to_dag
from qiskit.visualization import dag_drawer
q = QuantumRegister(3, 'q')
c = ClassicalRegister(3, 'c')
circ = QuantumCircuit(q, c)
circ.cx(q[0], q[1])
circ.measure(q[0], c[0])
circ.rz(0.5, q[1]).c_if(c, 2)
dag = circuit_to_dag(circ)
# NOTE: use type str checking to avoid potential cyclical import
# the two tradeoffs ere that it will not handle subclasses and it is
# slower (which doesn't matter for a visualization function)
type_str = str(type(dag))
if "DAGDependency" in type_str:
graph_attrs = {"dpi": str(100 * scale)}
def node_attr_func(node):
if style == "plain":
return {}
if style == "color":
n = {}
n["label"] = str(node.node_id) + ": " + str(node.name)
if node.name == "measure":
n["color"] = "blue"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "lightblue"
if node.name == "barrier":
n["color"] = "black"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "green"
if getattr(node.op, "_directive", False):
n["color"] = "black"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "red"
if getattr(node.op, "condition", None):
n["label"] = str(node.node_id) + ": " + str(node.name) + " (conditional)"
n["color"] = "black"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "lightgreen"
return n
raise VisualizationError("Unrecognized style %s for the dag_drawer." % style)
edge_attr_func = None
register_bit_labels = {
bit: f"{reg.name}[{idx}]"
for reg in list(dag.qregs.values()) + list(dag.cregs.values())
for (idx, bit) in enumerate(reg)
graph_attrs = {"dpi": str(100 * scale)}
def node_attr_func(node):
if style == "plain":
return {}
if style == "color":
n = {}
if isinstance(node, DAGOpNode):
n["label"] = node.name
n["color"] = "blue"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "lightblue"
if isinstance(node, DAGInNode):
if isinstance(node.wire, Qubit):
label = register_bit_labels.get(
node.wire, f"q_{dag.find_bit(node.wire).index}"
label = register_bit_labels.get(
node.wire, f"c_{dag.find_bit(node.wire).index}"
n["label"] = label
n["color"] = "black"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "green"
if isinstance(node, DAGOutNode):
if isinstance(node.wire, Qubit):
label = register_bit_labels.get(
node.wire, f"q[{dag.find_bit(node.wire).index}]"
label = register_bit_labels.get(
node.wire, f"c[{dag.find_bit(node.wire).index}]"
n["label"] = label
n["color"] = "black"
n["style"] = "filled"
n["fillcolor"] = "red"
return n
raise VisualizationError("Invalid style %s" % style)
def edge_attr_func(edge):
e = {}
if isinstance(edge, Qubit):
label = register_bit_labels.get(edge, f"q_{dag.find_bit(edge).index}")
label = register_bit_labels.get(edge, f"c_{dag.find_bit(edge).index}")
e["label"] = label
return e
image_type = None
if filename:
if "." not in filename:
raise InvalidFileError("Parameter 'filename' must be in format 'name.extension'")
image_type = filename.split(".")[-1]
return graphviz_draw(