# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
Expand 2-qubit Unitary operators into an equivalent
decomposition over SU(2)+fixed 2q basis gate, using the KAK method.
May be exact or approximate expansion. In either case uses the minimal
number of basis applications.
Method is described in Appendix B of Cross, A. W., Bishop, L. S., Sheldon, S., Nation, P. D. &
Gambetta, J. M. Validating quantum computers using randomized model circuits.
arXiv:1811.12926 [quant-ph] (2018).
from __future__ import annotations
import cmath
import math
import io
import base64
import warnings
from typing import ClassVar, Optional, Type
import logging
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, QuantumCircuit, Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates import CXGate, RXGate, RYGate, RZGate
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators import Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.weyl import weyl_coordinates, transform_to_magic_basis
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.one_qubit_decompose import (
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_arg
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(special_unitary_matrix):
"""Decompose U = Ul⊗Ur where U in SU(4), and Ul, Ur in SU(2).
Throws QiskitError if this isn't possible.
special_unitary_matrix = np.asarray(special_unitary_matrix, dtype=complex)
# extract the right component
R = special_unitary_matrix[:2, :2].copy()
detR = R[0, 0] * R[1, 1] - R[0, 1] * R[1, 0]
if abs(detR) < 0.1:
R = special_unitary_matrix[2:, :2].copy()
detR = R[0, 0] * R[1, 1] - R[0, 1] * R[1, 0]
if abs(detR) < 0.1:
raise QiskitError("decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: unable to decompose: detR < 0.1")
R /= np.sqrt(detR)
# extract the left component
temp = np.kron(np.eye(2), R.T.conj())
temp = special_unitary_matrix.dot(temp)
L = temp[::2, ::2]
detL = L[0, 0] * L[1, 1] - L[0, 1] * L[1, 0]
if abs(detL) < 0.9:
raise QiskitError("decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: unable to decompose: detL < 0.9")
L /= np.sqrt(detL)
phase = cmath.phase(detL) / 2
temp = np.kron(L, R)
deviation = abs(abs(temp.conj().T.dot(special_unitary_matrix).trace()) - 4)
if deviation > 1.0e-13:
raise QiskitError(
"decompose_two_qubit_product_gate: decomposition failed: "
"deviation too large: {}".format(deviation)
return L, R, phase
_ipx = np.array([[0, 1j], [1j, 0]], dtype=complex)
_ipy = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]], dtype=complex)
_ipz = np.array([[1j, 0], [0, -1j]], dtype=complex)
_id = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]], dtype=complex)
class TwoQubitWeylDecomposition:
"""Decompose two-qubit unitary U = (K1l⊗K1r).Exp(i a xx + i b yy + i c zz).(K2l⊗K2r) , where U ∈
U(4), (K1l|K1r|K2l|K2r) ∈ SU(2), and we stay in the "Weyl Chamber" 𝜋/4 ≥ a ≥ b ≥ |c|
This is an abstract factory class that instantiates itself as specialized subclasses based on
the fidelity, such that the approximation error from specialization has an average gate fidelity
at least as high as requested. The specialized subclasses have unique canonical representations
thus avoiding problems of numerical stability.
Passing non-None fidelity to specializations is treated as an assertion, raising QiskitError if
forcing the specialization is more approximate than asserted.
# The parameters of the decomposition:
a: float
b: float
c: float
global_phase: float
K1l: np.ndarray
K2l: np.ndarray
K1r: np.ndarray
K2r: np.ndarray
unitary_matrix: np.ndarray # The unitary that was input
requested_fidelity: Optional[float] # None means no automatic specialization
calculated_fidelity: float # Fidelity after specialization
_original_decomposition: "TwoQubitWeylDecomposition"
_is_flipped_from_original: bool # The approx is closest to a Weyl reflection of the original?
_default_1q_basis: ClassVar[str] = "ZYZ" # Default one qubit basis (explicit parameterization)
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
"""Subclasses should be concrete, not factories.
Make explicitly-instantiated subclass __new__ call base __new__ with fidelity=None"""
cls.__new__ = lambda cls, *a, fidelity=None, **k: TwoQubitWeylDecomposition.__new__(
cls, *a, fidelity=None, **k
def __new__(cls, unitary_matrix, *, fidelity=(1.0 - 1.0e-9), _unpickling=False):
"""Perform the Weyl chamber decomposition, and optionally choose a specialized subclass.
The flip into the Weyl Chamber is described in B. Kraus and J. I. Cirac, Phys. Rev. A 63,
062309 (2001).
FIXME: There's a cleaner-seeming method based on choosing branch cuts carefully, in Andrew
M. Childs, Henry L. Haselgrove, and Michael A. Nielsen, Phys. Rev. A 68, 052311, but I
wasn't able to get that to work.
The overall decomposition scheme is taken from Drury and Love, arXiv:0806.4015 [quant-ph].
if _unpickling:
return super().__new__(cls)
pi = np.pi
pi2 = np.pi / 2
pi4 = np.pi / 4
# Make U be in SU(4)
U = np.array(unitary_matrix, dtype=complex, copy=True)
detU = np.linalg.det(U)
U *= detU ** (-0.25)
global_phase = cmath.phase(detU) / 4
Up = transform_to_magic_basis(U, reverse=True)
M2 = Up.T.dot(Up)
# M2 is a symmetric complex matrix. We need to decompose it as M2 = P D P^T where
# P ∈ SO(4), D is diagonal with unit-magnitude elements.
# We can't use raw `eig` directly because it isn't guaranteed to give us real or othogonal
# eigenvectors. Instead, since `M2` is complex-symmetric,
# M2 = A + iB
# for real-symmetric `A` and `B`, and as
# M2^+ @ M2 = A^2 + B^2 + i [A, B] = 1
# we must have `A` and `B` commute, and consequently they are simultaneously diagonalizable.
# Mixing them together _should_ account for any degeneracy problems, but it's not
# guaranteed, so we repeat it a little bit. The fixed seed is to make failures
# deterministic; the value is not important.
state = np.random.default_rng(2020)
for _ in range(100): # FIXME: this randomized algorithm is horrendous
M2real = state.normal() * M2.real + state.normal() * M2.imag
_, P = np.linalg.eigh(M2real)
D = P.T.dot(M2).dot(P).diagonal()
if np.allclose(P.dot(np.diag(D)).dot(P.T), M2, rtol=0, atol=1.0e-13):
raise QiskitError(
"TwoQubitWeylDecomposition: failed to diagonalize M2."
" Please report this at https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-terra/issues/4159."
f" Input: {U.tolist()}"
d = -np.angle(D) / 2
d[3] = -d[0] - d[1] - d[2]
cs = np.mod((d[:3] + d[3]) / 2, 2 * np.pi)
# Reorder the eigenvalues to get in the Weyl chamber
cstemp = np.mod(cs, pi2)
np.minimum(cstemp, pi2 - cstemp, cstemp)
order = np.argsort(cstemp)[[1, 2, 0]]
cs = cs[order]
d[:3] = d[order]
P[:, :3] = P[:, order]
# Fix the sign of P to be in SO(4)
if np.real(np.linalg.det(P)) < 0:
P[:, -1] = -P[:, -1]
# Find K1, K2 so that U = K1.A.K2, with K being product of single-qubit unitaries
K1 = transform_to_magic_basis(Up @ P @ np.diag(np.exp(1j * d)))
K2 = transform_to_magic_basis(P.T)
K1l, K1r, phase_l = decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(K1)
K2l, K2r, phase_r = decompose_two_qubit_product_gate(K2)
global_phase += phase_l + phase_r
K1l = K1l.copy()
# Flip into Weyl chamber
if cs[0] > pi2:
cs[0] -= 3 * pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipy)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipy)
global_phase += pi2
if cs[1] > pi2:
cs[1] -= 3 * pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipx)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipx)
global_phase += pi2
conjs = 0
if cs[0] > pi4:
cs[0] = pi2 - cs[0]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipy)
K2r = _ipy.dot(K2r)
conjs += 1
global_phase -= pi2
if cs[1] > pi4:
cs[1] = pi2 - cs[1]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipx)
K2r = _ipx.dot(K2r)
conjs += 1
global_phase += pi2
if conjs == 1:
global_phase -= pi
if cs[2] > pi2:
cs[2] -= 3 * pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipz)
global_phase += pi2
if conjs == 1:
global_phase -= pi
if conjs == 1:
cs[2] = pi2 - cs[2]
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K2r = _ipz.dot(K2r)
global_phase += pi2
if cs[2] > pi4:
cs[2] -= pi2
K1l = K1l.dot(_ipz)
K1r = K1r.dot(_ipz)
global_phase -= pi2
a, b, c = cs[1], cs[0], cs[2]
# Save the non-specialized decomposition for later comparison
od = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition)
od.a = a
od.b = b
od.c = c
od.K1l = K1l
od.K1r = K1r
od.K2l = K2l
od.K2r = K2r
od.global_phase = global_phase
od.requested_fidelity = fidelity
od.calculated_fidelity = 1.0
od.unitary_matrix = np.array(unitary_matrix, dtype=complex, copy=True)
od._original_decomposition = None
od._is_flipped_from_original = False
def is_close(ap, bp, cp):
da, db, dc = a - ap, b - bp, c - cp
tr = 4 * complex(
math.cos(da) * math.cos(db) * math.cos(dc),
math.sin(da) * math.sin(db) * math.sin(dc),
fid = trace_to_fid(tr)
return fid >= fidelity
if fidelity is None: # Don't specialize if None
instance = super().__new__(
TwoQubitWeylGeneral if cls is TwoQubitWeylDecomposition else cls
elif is_close(0, 0, 0):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylIdEquiv)
elif is_close(pi4, pi4, pi4) or is_close(pi4, pi4, -pi4):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylSWAPEquiv)
elif (lambda x: is_close(x, x, x))(_closest_partial_swap(a, b, c)):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylPartialSWAPEquiv)
elif (lambda x: is_close(x, x, -x))(_closest_partial_swap(a, b, -c)):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylPartialSWAPFlipEquiv)
elif is_close(a, 0, 0):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv)
elif is_close(pi4, pi4, c):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylMirrorControlledEquiv)
elif is_close((a + b) / 2, (a + b) / 2, c):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylfSimaabEquiv)
elif is_close(a, (b + c) / 2, (b + c) / 2):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylfSimabbEquiv)
elif is_close(a, (b - c) / 2, (c - b) / 2):
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylfSimabmbEquiv)
instance = super().__new__(TwoQubitWeylGeneral)
instance._original_decomposition = od
return instance
def __init__(self, unitary_matrix, fidelity=None):
del unitary_matrix # unused in __init__ (used in new)
od = self._original_decomposition
self.a, self.b, self.c = od.a, od.b, od.c
self.K1l, self.K1r = od.K1l, od.K1r
self.K2l, self.K2r = od.K2l, od.K2r
self.global_phase = od.global_phase
self.unitary_matrix = od.unitary_matrix
self.requested_fidelity = fidelity
self._is_flipped_from_original = False
# Update the phase after specialization:
if self._is_flipped_from_original:
da, db, dc = (np.pi / 2 - od.a) - self.a, od.b - self.b, -od.c - self.c
tr = 4 * complex(
math.cos(da) * math.cos(db) * math.cos(dc),
math.sin(da) * math.sin(db) * math.sin(dc),
da, db, dc = od.a - self.a, od.b - self.b, od.c - self.c
tr = 4 * complex(
math.cos(da) * math.cos(db) * math.cos(dc),
math.sin(da) * math.sin(db) * math.sin(dc),
self.global_phase += cmath.phase(tr)
self.calculated_fidelity = trace_to_fid(tr)
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
actual_fidelity = self.actual_fidelity()
"Requested fidelity: %s calculated fidelity: %s actual fidelity %s",
if abs(self.calculated_fidelity - actual_fidelity) > 1.0e-12:
"Requested fidelity different from actual by %s",
self.calculated_fidelity - actual_fidelity,
if self.requested_fidelity and self.calculated_fidelity + 1.0e-13 < self.requested_fidelity:
raise QiskitError(
f"{self.__class__.__name__}: "
f"calculated fidelity: {self.calculated_fidelity} "
f"is worse than requested fidelity: {self.requested_fidelity}."
def specialize(self):
"""Make changes to the decomposition to comply with any specialization.
Do update a, b, c, k1l, k1r, k2l, k2r, _is_flipped_from_original to round to the
specialization. Do not update the global phase, since this gets done in generic
raise NotImplementedError
def circuit(
self, *, euler_basis: str | None = None, simplify=False, atol=DEFAULT_ATOL
) -> QuantumCircuit:
"""Returns Weyl decomposition in circuit form.
simplify, atol arguments are passed to OneQubitEulerDecomposer"""
if euler_basis is None:
euler_basis = self._default_1q_basis
oneq_decompose = OneQubitEulerDecomposer(euler_basis)
c1l, c1r, c2l, c2r = (
oneq_decompose(k, simplify=simplify, atol=atol)
for k in (self.K1l, self.K1r, self.K2l, self.K2r)
circ = QuantumCircuit(2, global_phase=self.global_phase)
circ.compose(c2r, [0], inplace=True)
circ.compose(c2l, [1], inplace=True)
self._weyl_gate(simplify, circ, atol)
circ.compose(c1r, [0], inplace=True)
circ.compose(c1l, [1], inplace=True)
return circ
def _weyl_gate(self, simplify, circ: QuantumCircuit, atol):
"""Appends Ud(a, b, c) to the circuit.
Can be overridden in subclasses for special cases"""
if not simplify or abs(self.a) > atol:
circ.rxx(-self.a * 2, 0, 1)
if not simplify or abs(self.b) > atol:
circ.ryy(-self.b * 2, 0, 1)
if not simplify or abs(self.c) > atol:
circ.rzz(-self.c * 2, 0, 1)
def actual_fidelity(self, **kwargs) -> float:
"""Calculates the actual fidelity of the decomposed circuit to the input unitary"""
circ = self.circuit(**kwargs)
trace = np.trace(Operator(circ).data.T.conj() @ self.unitary_matrix)
return trace_to_fid(trace)
def __getnewargs_ex__(self):
return (self.unitary_matrix,), {"_unpickling": True}
def __repr__(self):
"""Represent with enough precision to allow copy-paste debugging of all corner cases"""
prefix = f"{type(self).__qualname__}.from_bytes("
with io.BytesIO() as f:
np.save(f, self.unitary_matrix, allow_pickle=False)
b64 = base64.encodebytes(f.getvalue()).splitlines()
b64ascii = [repr(x) for x in b64]
b64ascii[-1] += ","
pretty = [f"# {x.rstrip()}" for x in str(self).splitlines()]
indent = "\n" + " " * 4
lines = (
+ pretty
+ b64ascii
+ [
f"abc={(self.a, self.b, self.c)})",
return indent.join(lines)
def from_bytes(
cls, bytes_in: bytes, *, requested_fidelity: float, **kwargs
) -> "TwoQubitWeylDecomposition":
"""Decode bytes into TwoQubitWeylDecomposition. Used by __repr__"""
del kwargs # Unused (just for display)
b64 = base64.decodebytes(bytes_in)
with io.BytesIO(b64) as f:
arr = np.load(f, allow_pickle=False)
return cls(arr, fidelity=requested_fidelity)
def __str__(self):
pre = f"{self.__class__.__name__}(\n\t"
circ_indent = "\n\t".join(self.circuit(simplify=True).draw("text").lines(-1))
return f"{pre}{circ_indent}\n)"
class TwoQubitWeylIdEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(0,0,0) ~ Id
This gate binds 0 parameters, we make it canonical by setting
K2l = Id ,
K2r = Id .
def specialize(self):
self.a = self.b = self.c = 0.0
self.K1l = self.K1l @ self.K2l
self.K1r = self.K1r @ self.K2r
self.K2l = _id.copy()
self.K2r = _id.copy()
class TwoQubitWeylSWAPEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(𝜋/4, 𝜋/4, 𝜋/4) ~ U(𝜋/4, 𝜋/4, -𝜋/4) ~ SWAP
This gate binds 0 parameters, we make it canonical by setting
K2l = Id ,
K2r = Id .
def specialize(self):
if self.c > 0:
self.K1l = self.K1l @ self.K2r
self.K1r = self.K1r @ self.K2l
self._is_flipped_from_original = True
self.K1l = self.K1l @ _ipz @ self.K2r
self.K1r = self.K1r @ _ipz @ self.K2l
self.global_phase = self.global_phase + np.pi / 2
self.a = self.b = self.c = np.pi / 4
self.K2l = _id.copy()
self.K2r = _id.copy()
def _weyl_gate(self, simplify, circ: QuantumCircuit, atol):
del self, simplify, atol # unused
circ.swap(0, 1)
circ.global_phase -= 3 * np.pi / 4
def _closest_partial_swap(a, b, c) -> float:
"""A good approximation to the best value x to get the minimum
trace distance for Ud(x, x, x) from Ud(a, b, c)
m = (a + b + c) / 3
am, bm, cm = a - m, b - m, c - m
ab, bc, ca = a - b, b - c, c - a
return m + am * bm * cm * (6 + ab * ab + bc * bc * ca * ca) / 18
class TwoQubitWeylPartialSWAPEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α𝜋/4, α𝜋/4, α𝜋/4) ~ SWAP**α
This gate binds 3 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Id .
def specialize(self):
self.a = self.b = self.c = _closest_partial_swap(self.a, self.b, self.c)
self.K1l = self.K1l @ self.K2l
self.K1r = self.K1r @ self.K2l
self.K2r = self.K2l.T.conj() @ self.K2r
self.K2l = _id.copy()
class TwoQubitWeylPartialSWAPFlipEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α𝜋/4, α𝜋/4, -α𝜋/4) ~ SWAP**α
(a non-equivalent root of SWAP from the TwoQubitWeylPartialSWAPEquiv
similar to how x = (±sqrt(x))**2 )
This gate binds 3 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Id .
def specialize(self):
self.a = self.b = _closest_partial_swap(self.a, self.b, -self.c)
self.c = -self.a
self.K1l = self.K1l @ self.K2l
self.K1r = self.K1r @ _ipz @ self.K2l @ _ipz
self.K2r = _ipz @ self.K2l.T.conj() @ _ipz @ self.K2r
self.K2l = _id.copy()
_oneq_xyx = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("XYX")
_oneq_zyz = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZYZ")
class TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α, 0, 0) ~ Ctrl-U
This gate binds 4 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Ry(θl).Rx(λl) ,
K2r = Ry(θr).Rx(λr) .
_default_1q_basis = "XYX"
def specialize(self):
self.b = self.c = 0
k2ltheta, k2lphi, k2llambda, k2lphase = _oneq_xyx.angles_and_phase(self.K2l)
k2rtheta, k2rphi, k2rlambda, k2rphase = _oneq_xyx.angles_and_phase(self.K2r)
self.global_phase += k2lphase + k2rphase
self.K1l = self.K1l @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2lphi))
self.K1r = self.K1r @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2rphi))
self.K2l = np.asarray(RYGate(k2ltheta)) @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2llambda))
self.K2r = np.asarray(RYGate(k2rtheta)) @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2rlambda))
class TwoQubitControlledUDecomposer:
"""Decompose two-qubit unitary in terms of a desired U ~ Ud(α, 0, 0) ~ Ctrl-U gate
that is locally equivalent to an RXXGate."""
def __init__(self, rxx_equivalent_gate: Type[Gate]):
"""Initialize the KAK decomposition.
rxx_equivalent_gate: Gate that is locally equivalent to an RXXGate:
U ~ Ud(α, 0, 0) ~ Ctrl-U gate.
QiskitError: If the gate is not locally equivalent to an RXXGate.
scales, test_angles, scale = [], [0.2, 0.3, np.pi / 2], None
for test_angle in test_angles:
# Check that gate takes a single angle parameter
rxx_equivalent_gate(test_angle, label="foo")
except TypeError as _:
raise QiskitError("Equivalent gate needs to take exactly 1 angle parameter.") from _
decomp = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(rxx_equivalent_gate(test_angle))
circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ.rxx(test_angle, 0, 1)
decomposer_rxx = TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv(Operator(circ).data)
circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ.append(rxx_equivalent_gate(test_angle), qargs=[0, 1])
decomposer_equiv = TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv(Operator(circ).data)
scale = decomposer_rxx.a / decomposer_equiv.a
if (
not isinstance(decomp, TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv)
or abs(decomp.a * 2 - test_angle / scale) > atol
raise QiskitError(
f"{rxx_equivalent_gate.__name__} is not equivalent to an RXXGate."
# Check that all three tested angles give the same scale
if not np.allclose(scales, [scale] * len(test_angles)):
raise QiskitError(
f"Cannot initialize {self.__class__.__name__}: with gate {rxx_equivalent_gate}. "
"Inconsistent scaling parameters in checks."
self.scale = scales[0]
self.rxx_equivalent_gate = rxx_equivalent_gate
def __call__(self, unitary, *, atol=DEFAULT_ATOL) -> QuantumCircuit:
"""Returns the Weyl decomposition in circuit form.
Note: atol ist passed to OneQubitEulerDecomposer.
# pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
self.decomposer = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(unitary)
oneq_decompose = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZYZ")
c1l, c1r, c2l, c2r = (
oneq_decompose(k, atol=atol)
for k in (
circ = QuantumCircuit(2, global_phase=self.decomposer.global_phase)
circ.compose(c2r, [0], inplace=True)
circ.compose(c2l, [1], inplace=True)
circ.compose(c1r, [0], inplace=True)
circ.compose(c1l, [1], inplace=True)
return circ
def _to_rxx_gate(self, angle: float) -> QuantumCircuit:
Takes an angle and returns the circuit equivalent to an RXXGate with the
RXX equivalent gate as the two-qubit unitary.
angle: Rotation angle (in this case one of the Weyl parameters a, b, or c)
Circuit: Circuit equivalent to an RXXGate.
QiskitError: If the circuit is not equivalent to an RXXGate.
# The user-provided RXXGate equivalent gate may be locally equivalent to the RXXGate
# but with some scaling in the rotation angle. For example, RXXGate(angle) has Weyl
# parameters (angle, 0, 0) for angle in [0, pi/2] but the user provided gate, i.e.
# :code:`self.rxx_equivalent_gate(angle)` might produce the Weyl parameters
# (scale * angle, 0, 0) where scale != 1. This is the case for the CPhaseGate.
circ = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ.append(self.rxx_equivalent_gate(self.scale * angle), qargs=[0, 1])
decomposer_inv = TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv(Operator(circ).data)
oneq_decompose = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZYZ")
# Express the RXXGate in terms of the user-provided RXXGate equivalent gate.
rxx_circ = QuantumCircuit(2, global_phase=-decomposer_inv.global_phase)
rxx_circ.compose(oneq_decompose(decomposer_inv.K2r).inverse(), inplace=True, qubits=[0])
rxx_circ.compose(oneq_decompose(decomposer_inv.K2l).inverse(), inplace=True, qubits=[1])
rxx_circ.compose(circ, inplace=True)
rxx_circ.compose(oneq_decompose(decomposer_inv.K1r).inverse(), inplace=True, qubits=[0])
rxx_circ.compose(oneq_decompose(decomposer_inv.K1l).inverse(), inplace=True, qubits=[1])
return rxx_circ
def _weyl_gate(self, circ: QuantumCircuit, atol=1.0e-13):
"""Appends Ud(a, b, c) to the circuit."""
circ_rxx = self._to_rxx_gate(-2 * self.decomposer.a)
circ.compose(circ_rxx, inplace=True)
# translate the RYYGate(b) into a circuit based on the desired Ctrl-U gate.
if abs(self.decomposer.b) > atol:
circ_ryy = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ_ryy.compose(self._to_rxx_gate(-2 * self.decomposer.b), inplace=True)
circ.compose(circ_ryy, inplace=True)
# translate the RZZGate(c) into a circuit based on the desired Ctrl-U gate.
if abs(self.decomposer.c) > atol:
# Since the Weyl chamber is here defined as a > b > |c| we may have
# negative c. This will cause issues in _to_rxx_gate
# as TwoQubitWeylControlledEquiv will map (c, 0, 0) to (|c|, 0, 0).
# We therefore produce RZZGate(|c|) and append its inverse to the
# circuit if c < 0.
gamma, invert = -2 * self.decomposer.c, False
if gamma > 0:
gamma *= -1
invert = True
circ_rzz = QuantumCircuit(2)
circ_rzz.compose(self._to_rxx_gate(gamma), inplace=True)
if invert:
circ.compose(circ_rzz.inverse(), inplace=True)
circ.compose(circ_rzz, inplace=True)
return circ
class TwoQubitWeylMirrorControlledEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(𝜋/4, 𝜋/4, α) ~ SWAP . Ctrl-U
This gate binds 4 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Ry(θl).Rz(λl) ,
K2r = Ry(θr).Rz(λr) .
def specialize(self):
self.a = self.b = np.pi / 4
k2ltheta, k2lphi, k2llambda, k2lphase = _oneq_zyz.angles_and_phase(self.K2l)
k2rtheta, k2rphi, k2rlambda, k2rphase = _oneq_zyz.angles_and_phase(self.K2r)
self.global_phase += k2lphase + k2rphase
self.K1r = self.K1r @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2lphi))
self.K1l = self.K1l @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2rphi))
self.K2l = np.asarray(RYGate(k2ltheta)) @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2llambda))
self.K2r = np.asarray(RYGate(k2rtheta)) @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2rlambda))
def _weyl_gate(self, simplify, circ: QuantumCircuit, atol):
circ.swap(0, 1)
circ.rzz((np.pi / 4 - self.c) * 2, 0, 1)
circ.global_phase += np.pi / 4
# These next 3 gates use the definition of fSim from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2001.08343.pdf eq (1)
class TwoQubitWeylfSimaabEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α, α, β), α ≥ |β|
This gate binds 5 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Ry(θl).Rz(λl) .
def specialize(self):
self.a = self.b = (self.a + self.b) / 2
k2ltheta, k2lphi, k2llambda, k2lphase = _oneq_zyz.angles_and_phase(self.K2l)
self.global_phase += k2lphase
self.K1r = self.K1r @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2lphi))
self.K1l = self.K1l @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2lphi))
self.K2l = np.asarray(RYGate(k2ltheta)) @ np.asarray(RZGate(k2llambda))
self.K2r = np.asarray(RZGate(-k2lphi)) @ self.K2r
class TwoQubitWeylfSimabbEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α, β, β), α ≥ β
This gate binds 5 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Ry(θl).Rx(λl) .
_default_1q_basis = "XYX"
def specialize(self):
self.b = self.c = (self.b + self.c) / 2
k2ltheta, k2lphi, k2llambda, k2lphase = _oneq_xyx.angles_and_phase(self.K2l)
self.global_phase += k2lphase
self.K1r = self.K1r @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2lphi))
self.K1l = self.K1l @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2lphi))
self.K2l = np.asarray(RYGate(k2ltheta)) @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2llambda))
self.K2r = np.asarray(RXGate(-k2lphi)) @ self.K2r
class TwoQubitWeylfSimabmbEquiv(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U ~ Ud(α, β, -β), α ≥ β ≥ 0
This gate binds 5 parameters, we make it canonical by setting:
K2l = Ry(θl).Rx(λl) .
_default_1q_basis = "XYX"
def specialize(self):
self.b = (self.b - self.c) / 2
self.c = -self.b
k2ltheta, k2lphi, k2llambda, k2lphase = _oneq_xyx.angles_and_phase(self.K2l)
self.global_phase += k2lphase
self.K1r = self.K1r @ _ipz @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2lphi)) @ _ipz
self.K1l = self.K1l @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2lphi))
self.K2l = np.asarray(RYGate(k2ltheta)) @ np.asarray(RXGate(k2llambda))
self.K2r = _ipz @ np.asarray(RXGate(-k2lphi)) @ _ipz @ self.K2r
class TwoQubitWeylGeneral(TwoQubitWeylDecomposition):
"""U has no special symmetry.
This gate binds all 6 possible parameters, so there is no need to make the single-qubit
pre-/post-gates canonical.
def specialize(self):
pass # Nothing to do
def Ud(a, b, c):
"""Generates the array Exp(i(a xx + b yy + c zz))"""
return np.array(
[cmath.exp(1j * c) * math.cos(a - b), 0, 0, 1j * cmath.exp(1j * c) * math.sin(a - b)],
[0, cmath.exp(-1j * c) * math.cos(a + b), 1j * cmath.exp(-1j * c) * math.sin(a + b), 0],
[0, 1j * cmath.exp(-1j * c) * math.sin(a + b), cmath.exp(-1j * c) * math.cos(a + b), 0],
[1j * cmath.exp(1j * c) * math.sin(a - b), 0, 0, cmath.exp(1j * c) * math.cos(a - b)],
def trace_to_fid(trace):
"""Average gate fidelity is :math:`Fbar = (d + |Tr (Utarget \\cdot U^dag)|^2) / d(d+1)`
M. Horodecki, P. Horodecki and R. Horodecki, PRA 60, 1888 (1999)"""
return (4 + abs(trace) ** 2) / 20
def rz_array(theta):
"""Return numpy array for Rz(theta).
Rz(theta) = diag(exp(-i*theta/2),exp(i*theta/2))
return np.array(
[[cmath.exp(-1j * theta / 2.0), 0], [0, cmath.exp(1j * theta / 2.0)]], dtype=complex
[Doku]class TwoQubitBasisDecomposer:
"""A class for decomposing 2-qubit unitaries into minimal number of uses of a 2-qubit
basis gate.
gate (Gate): Two-qubit gate to be used in the KAK decomposition.
basis_fidelity (float): Fidelity to be assumed for applications of KAK Gate. Default 1.0.
euler_basis (str): Basis string to be provided to OneQubitEulerDecomposer for 1Q synthesis.
Valid options are ['ZYZ', 'ZXZ', 'XYX', 'U', 'U3', 'U1X', 'PSX', 'ZSX', 'RR'].
pulse_optimize (None or bool): If True, try to do decomposition which minimizes
local unitaries in between entangling gates. This will raise an exception if an
optimal decomposition is not implemented. Currently, only [{CX, SX, RZ}] is known.
If False, don't attempt optimization. If None, attempt optimization but don't raise
if unknown.
def __init__(
gate: Gate,
basis_fidelity: float = 1.0,
euler_basis: str = "U",
pulse_optimize: bool | None = None,
self.gate = gate
self.basis_fidelity = basis_fidelity
self.pulse_optimize = pulse_optimize
basis = self.basis = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(Operator(gate).data)
self._decomposer1q = OneQubitEulerDecomposer(euler_basis)
# FIXME: find good tolerances
self.is_supercontrolled = math.isclose(basis.a, np.pi / 4) and math.isclose(basis.c, 0.0)
# Create some useful matrices U1, U2, U3 are equivalent to the basis,
# expand as Ui = Ki1.Ubasis.Ki2
b = basis.b
K11l = (
/ (1 + 1j)
* np.array(
[-1j * cmath.exp(-1j * b), cmath.exp(-1j * b)],
[-1j * cmath.exp(1j * b), -cmath.exp(1j * b)],
K11r = (
/ math.sqrt(2)
* np.array(
[1j * cmath.exp(-1j * b), -cmath.exp(-1j * b)],
[cmath.exp(1j * b), -1j * cmath.exp(1j * b)],
K12l = 1 / (1 + 1j) * np.array([[1j, 1j], [-1, 1]], dtype=complex)
K12r = 1 / math.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1j, 1], [-1, -1j]], dtype=complex)
K32lK21l = (
/ math.sqrt(2)
* np.array(
[1 + 1j * np.cos(2 * b), 1j * np.sin(2 * b)],
[1j * np.sin(2 * b), 1 - 1j * np.cos(2 * b)],
K21r = (
/ (1 - 1j)
* np.array(
[-1j * cmath.exp(-2j * b), cmath.exp(-2j * b)],
[1j * cmath.exp(2j * b), cmath.exp(2j * b)],
K22l = 1 / math.sqrt(2) * np.array([[1, -1], [1, 1]], dtype=complex)
K22r = np.array([[0, 1], [-1, 0]], dtype=complex)
K31l = (
/ math.sqrt(2)
* np.array(
[[cmath.exp(-1j * b), cmath.exp(-1j * b)], [-cmath.exp(1j * b), cmath.exp(1j * b)]],
K31r = 1j * np.array([[cmath.exp(1j * b), 0], [0, -cmath.exp(-1j * b)]], dtype=complex)
K32r = (
/ (1 - 1j)
* np.array(
[cmath.exp(1j * b), -cmath.exp(-1j * b)],
[-1j * cmath.exp(1j * b), -1j * cmath.exp(-1j * b)],
k1ld = basis.K1l.T.conj()
k1rd = basis.K1r.T.conj()
k2ld = basis.K2l.T.conj()
k2rd = basis.K2r.T.conj()
# Pre-build the fixed parts of the matrices used in 3-part decomposition
self.u0l = K31l.dot(k1ld)
self.u0r = K31r.dot(k1rd)
self.u1l = k2ld.dot(K32lK21l).dot(k1ld)
self.u1ra = k2rd.dot(K32r)
self.u1rb = K21r.dot(k1rd)
self.u2la = k2ld.dot(K22l)
self.u2lb = K11l.dot(k1ld)
self.u2ra = k2rd.dot(K22r)
self.u2rb = K11r.dot(k1rd)
self.u3l = k2ld.dot(K12l)
self.u3r = k2rd.dot(K12r)
# Pre-build the fixed parts of the matrices used in the 2-part decomposition
self.q0l = K12l.T.conj().dot(k1ld)
self.q0r = K12r.T.conj().dot(_ipz).dot(k1rd)
self.q1la = k2ld.dot(K11l.T.conj())
self.q1lb = K11l.dot(k1ld)
self.q1ra = k2rd.dot(_ipz).dot(K11r.T.conj())
self.q1rb = K11r.dot(k1rd)
self.q2l = k2ld.dot(K12l)
self.q2r = k2rd.dot(K12r)
# Decomposition into different number of gates
# In the future could use different decomposition functions for different basis classes, etc
if not self.is_supercontrolled:
"Only know how to decompose properly for supercontrolled basis gate. "
"This gate is ~Ud({}, {}, {})".format(basis.a, basis.b, basis.c),
self.decomposition_fns = [
self._rqc = None
[Doku] def traces(self, target):
"""Give the expected traces :math:`|Tr(U \\cdot Utarget^dag)|` for different number of
basis gates."""
# Future gotcha: extending this to non-supercontrolled basis.
# Careful: closest distance between a1,b1,c1 and a2,b2,c2 may be between reflections.
# This doesn't come up if either c1==0 or c2==0 but otherwise be careful.
ta, tb, tc = target.a, target.b, target.c
bb = self.basis.b
return [
* complex(
math.cos(ta) * math.cos(tb) * math.cos(tc),
math.sin(ta) * math.sin(tb) * math.sin(tc),
* complex(
math.cos(math.pi / 4 - ta) * math.cos(bb - tb) * math.cos(tc),
math.sin(math.pi / 4 - ta) * math.sin(bb - tb) * math.sin(tc),
4 * math.cos(tc),
[Doku] @staticmethod
def decomp0(target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 0 uses of the basis gate.
Result Ur has trace:
:math:`|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4|(cos(x)cos(y)cos(z)+ j sin(x)sin(y)sin(z)|`,
which is optimal for all targets and bases"""
U0l = target.K1l.dot(target.K2l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(target.K2r)
return U0r, U0l
[Doku] def decomp1(self, target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 1 uses of the basis gate ~Ud(a, b, c).
Result Ur has trace:
.. math::
|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4|cos(x-a)cos(y-b)cos(z-c) + j sin(x-a)sin(y-b)sin(z-c)|
which is optimal for all targets and bases with z==0 or c==0"""
# FIXME: fix for z!=0 and c!=0 using closest reflection (not always in the Weyl chamber)
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.basis.K1l.T.conj())
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.basis.K1r.T.conj())
U1l = self.basis.K2l.T.conj().dot(target.K2l)
U1r = self.basis.K2r.T.conj().dot(target.K2r)
return U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
[Doku] def decomp2_supercontrolled(self, target):
"""Decompose target ~Ud(x, y, z) with 2 uses of the basis gate.
For supercontrolled basis ~Ud(pi/4, b, 0), all b, result Ur has trace
.. math::
|Tr(Ur.Utarget^dag)| = 4cos(z)
which is the optimal approximation for basis of CNOT-class ``~Ud(pi/4, 0, 0)``
or DCNOT-class ``~Ud(pi/4, pi/4, 0)`` and any target.
May be sub-optimal for b!=0 (e.g. there exists exact decomposition for any target using B
``B~Ud(pi/4, pi/8, 0)``, but not this decomposition.)
This is an exact decomposition for supercontrolled basis and target ``~Ud(x, y, 0)``.
No guarantees for non-supercontrolled basis.
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.q0l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.q0r)
U1l = self.q1la.dot(rz_array(-2 * target.a)).dot(self.q1lb)
U1r = self.q1ra.dot(rz_array(2 * target.b)).dot(self.q1rb)
U2l = self.q2l.dot(target.K2l)
U2r = self.q2r.dot(target.K2r)
return U2r, U2l, U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
[Doku] def decomp3_supercontrolled(self, target):
"""Decompose target with 3 uses of the basis.
This is an exact decomposition for supercontrolled basis ~Ud(pi/4, b, 0), all b,
and any target. No guarantees for non-supercontrolled basis."""
U0l = target.K1l.dot(self.u0l)
U0r = target.K1r.dot(self.u0r)
U1l = self.u1l
U1r = self.u1ra.dot(rz_array(-2 * target.c)).dot(self.u1rb)
U2l = self.u2la.dot(rz_array(-2 * target.a)).dot(self.u2lb)
U2r = self.u2ra.dot(rz_array(2 * target.b)).dot(self.u2rb)
U3l = self.u3l.dot(target.K2l)
U3r = self.u3r.dot(target.K2r)
return U3r, U3l, U2r, U2l, U1r, U1l, U0r, U0l
@deprecate_arg("target", new_alias="unitary", since="0.23.0")
def __call__(
unitary: Operator | np.ndarray,
basis_fidelity: float | None = None,
approximate: bool = True,
_num_basis_uses: int | None = None,
) -> QuantumCircuit:
"""Decompose a two-qubit `unitary` over fixed basis + SU(2) using the best approximation given
that each basis application has a finite `basis_fidelity`.
unitary (Operator or ndarray): 4x4 unitary to synthesize.
basis_fidelity (float or None): Fidelity to be assumed for applications of KAK Gate.
If given, overrides basis_fidelity given at init.
approximate (bool): Approximates if basis fidelities are less than 1.0.
_num_basis_uses (int): force a particular approximation by passing a number in [0, 3].
QuantumCircuit: Synthesized circuit.
QiskitError: if pulse_optimize is True but we don't know how to do it.
basis_fidelity = basis_fidelity or self.basis_fidelity
if approximate is False:
basis_fidelity = 1.0
unitary = np.asarray(unitary, dtype=complex)
target_decomposed = TwoQubitWeylDecomposition(unitary)
traces = self.traces(target_decomposed)
expected_fidelities = [trace_to_fid(traces[i]) * basis_fidelity**i for i in range(4)]
best_nbasis = int(np.argmax(expected_fidelities))
if _num_basis_uses is not None:
best_nbasis = _num_basis_uses
decomposition = self.decomposition_fns[best_nbasis](target_decomposed)
# attempt pulse optimal decomposition
if self.pulse_optimize in {None, True}:
return_circuit = self._pulse_optimal_chooser(
best_nbasis, decomposition, target_decomposed
if return_circuit:
return return_circuit
except QiskitError:
if self.pulse_optimize:
# do default decomposition
q = QuantumRegister(2)
decomposition_euler = [self._decomposer1q._decompose(x) for x in decomposition]
return_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
return_circuit.global_phase = target_decomposed.global_phase
return_circuit.global_phase -= best_nbasis * self.basis.global_phase
if best_nbasis == 2:
return_circuit.global_phase += np.pi
for i in range(best_nbasis):
return_circuit.compose(decomposition_euler[2 * i], [q[0]], inplace=True)
return_circuit.compose(decomposition_euler[2 * i + 1], [q[1]], inplace=True)
return_circuit.append(self.gate, [q[0], q[1]])
return_circuit.compose(decomposition_euler[2 * best_nbasis], [q[0]], inplace=True)
return_circuit.compose(decomposition_euler[2 * best_nbasis + 1], [q[1]], inplace=True)
return return_circuit
def _pulse_optimal_chooser(
self, best_nbasis, decomposition, target_decomposed
) -> QuantumCircuit:
"""Determine method to find pulse optimal circuit. This method may be
removed once a more general approach is used.
QuantumCircuit: pulse optimal quantum circuit.
None: Probably nbasis=1 and original circuit is fine.
QiskitError: Decomposition for selected basis not implemented.
circuit = None
if self.pulse_optimize and best_nbasis in {0, 1}:
# already pulse optimal
return None
elif self.pulse_optimize and best_nbasis > 3:
raise QiskitError(
f"Unexpected number of entangling gates ({best_nbasis}) in decomposition."
if self._decomposer1q.basis in {"ZSX", "ZSXX"}:
if isinstance(self.gate, CXGate):
if best_nbasis == 3:
circuit = self._get_sx_vz_3cx_efficient_euler(decomposition, target_decomposed)
elif best_nbasis == 2:
circuit = self._get_sx_vz_2cx_efficient_euler(decomposition, target_decomposed)
raise QiskitError("pulse_optimizer currently only works with CNOT entangling gate")
raise QiskitError(
'"pulse_optimize" currently only works with ZSX basis '
f"({self._decomposer1q.basis} used)"
return circuit
def _get_sx_vz_2cx_efficient_euler(self, decomposition, target_decomposed):
Decomposition of SU(4) gate for device with SX, virtual RZ, and CNOT gates assuming
two CNOT gates are needed.
This first decomposes each unitary from the KAK decomposition into ZXZ on the source
qubit of the CNOTs and XZX on the targets in order to commute operators to beginning and
end of decomposition. The beginning and ending single qubit gates are then
collapsed and re-decomposed with the single qubit decomposer. This last step could be avoided
if performance is a concern.
best_nbasis = 2 # by assumption
num_1q_uni = len(decomposition)
# list of euler angle decompositions on qubits 0 and 1
euler_q0 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
euler_q1 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
global_phase = 0.0
# decompose source unitaries to zxz
zxz_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZXZ")
for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[0::2]):
euler_angles = zxz_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
euler_q0[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
global_phase += euler_angles[3]
# decompose target unitaries to xzx
xzx_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("XZX")
for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[1::2]):
euler_angles = xzx_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
euler_q1[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
global_phase += euler_angles[3]
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.global_phase = target_decomposed.global_phase
qc.global_phase -= best_nbasis * self.basis.global_phase
qc.global_phase += global_phase
# TODO: make this more effecient to avoid double decomposition
# prepare beginning 0th qubit local unitary
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rz(euler_q0[0][0], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q0[0][1], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] + euler_q0[1][0] + math.pi / 2, 0)
# re-decompose to basis of 1q decomposer
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)
# prepare beginning 1st qubit local unitary
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rx(euler_q1[0][0], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q1[0][1], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q1[0][2] + euler_q1[1][0], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)
qc.cx(0, 1)
# the central decompositions are dependent on the specific form of the
# unitaries coming out of the two qubit decomposer which have some flexibility
# of choice.
qc.rz(euler_q0[1][1] - math.pi, 0)
qc.rz(euler_q1[1][1], 1)
qc.global_phase += math.pi / 2
qc.cx(0, 1)
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rz(euler_q0[1][2] + euler_q0[2][0] + math.pi / 2, 0)
circ.rx(euler_q0[2][1], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q0[2][2], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rx(euler_q1[1][2] + euler_q1[2][0], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q1[2][1], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q1[2][2], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)
return qc
def _get_sx_vz_3cx_efficient_euler(self, decomposition, target_decomposed):
Decomposition of SU(4) gate for device with SX, virtual RZ, and CNOT gates assuming
three CNOT gates are needed.
This first decomposes each unitary from the KAK decomposition into ZXZ on the source
qubit of the CNOTs and XZX on the targets in order commute operators to beginning and
end of decomposition. Inserting Hadamards reverses the direction of the CNOTs and transforms
a variable Rx -> variable virtual Rz. The beginning and ending single qubit gates are then
collapsed and re-decomposed with the single qubit decomposer. This last step could be avoided
if performance is a concern.
best_nbasis = 3 # by assumption
num_1q_uni = len(decomposition)
# create structure to hold euler angles: 1st index represents unitary "group" wrt cx
# 2nd index represents index of euler triple.
euler_q0 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
euler_q1 = np.empty((num_1q_uni // 2, 3), dtype=float)
global_phase = 0.0
atol = 1e-10 # absolute tolerance for floats
# decompose source unitaries to zxz
zxz_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("ZXZ")
for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[0::2]):
euler_angles = zxz_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
euler_q0[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
global_phase += euler_angles[3]
# decompose target unitaries to xzx
xzx_decomposer = OneQubitEulerDecomposer("XZX")
for iqubit, decomp in enumerate(decomposition[1::2]):
euler_angles = xzx_decomposer.angles_and_phase(decomp)
euler_q1[iqubit, [1, 2, 0]] = euler_angles[:3]
global_phase += euler_angles[3]
qc = QuantumCircuit(2)
qc.global_phase = target_decomposed.global_phase
qc.global_phase -= best_nbasis * self.basis.global_phase
qc.global_phase += global_phase
x12 = euler_q0[1][2] + euler_q0[2][0]
x12_isNonZero = not math.isclose(x12, 0, abs_tol=atol)
x12_isOddMult = None
x12_isPiMult = math.isclose(math.sin(x12), 0, abs_tol=atol)
if x12_isPiMult:
x12_isOddMult = math.isclose(math.cos(x12), -1, abs_tol=atol)
x12_phase = math.pi * math.cos(x12)
x02_add = x12 - euler_q0[1][0]
x12_isHalfPi = math.isclose(x12, math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol)
# TODO: make this more effecient to avoid double decomposition
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rz(euler_q0[0][0], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q0[0][1], 0)
if x12_isNonZero and x12_isPiMult:
circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] - x02_add, 0)
circ.rz(euler_q0[0][2] + euler_q0[1][0], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rx(euler_q1[0][0], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q1[0][1], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q1[0][2] + euler_q1[1][0], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)
qc.cx(1, 0)
if x12_isPiMult:
# even or odd multiple
if x12_isNonZero:
qc.global_phase += x12_phase
if x12_isNonZero and x12_isOddMult:
qc.rz(-euler_q0[1][1], 0)
qc.rz(euler_q0[1][1], 0)
qc.global_phase += math.pi
if x12_isHalfPi:
qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
elif x12_isNonZero and not x12_isPiMult:
# this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
if self.pulse_optimize is None:
qc.compose(self._decomposer1q(Operator(RXGate(x12)).data), [0], inplace=True)
raise QiskitError("possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered")
if math.isclose(euler_q1[1][1], math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol):
qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
# this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
if self.pulse_optimize is None:
self._decomposer1q(Operator(RXGate(euler_q1[1][1])).data), [1], inplace=True
raise QiskitError("possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered")
qc.rz(euler_q1[1][2] + euler_q1[2][0], 1)
qc.cx(1, 0)
qc.rz(euler_q0[2][1], 0)
if math.isclose(euler_q1[2][1], math.pi / 2, abs_tol=atol):
qc.global_phase -= math.pi / 4
# this is non-optimal but doesn't seem to occur currently
if self.pulse_optimize is None:
self._decomposer1q(Operator(RXGate(euler_q1[2][1])).data), [1], inplace=True
raise QiskitError("possible non-pulse-optimal decomposition encountered")
qc.cx(1, 0)
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rz(euler_q0[2][2] + euler_q0[3][0], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q0[3][1], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q0[3][2], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [0], inplace=True)
circ = QuantumCircuit(1)
circ.rx(euler_q1[2][2] + euler_q1[3][0], 0)
circ.rz(euler_q1[3][1], 0)
circ.rx(euler_q1[3][2], 0)
qceuler = self._decomposer1q(Operator(circ).data)
qc.compose(qceuler, [1], inplace=True)
# TODO: fix the sign problem to avoid correction here
if cmath.isclose(
target_decomposed.unitary_matrix[0, 0], -(Operator(qc).data[0, 0]), abs_tol=atol
qc.global_phase += math.pi
return qc
[Doku] def num_basis_gates(self, unitary):
"""Computes the number of basis gates needed in
a decomposition of input unitary
unitary = np.asarray(unitary, dtype=complex)
a, b, c = weyl_coordinates(unitary)[:]
traces = [
* (
math.cos(a) * math.cos(b) * math.cos(c)
+ 1j * math.sin(a) * math.sin(b) * math.sin(c)
* (
math.cos(np.pi / 4 - a) * math.cos(self.basis.b - b) * math.cos(c)
+ 1j * math.sin(np.pi / 4 - a) * math.sin(self.basis.b - b) * math.sin(c)
4 * math.cos(c),
return np.argmax([trace_to_fid(traces[i]) * self.basis_fidelity**i for i in range(4)])
class TwoQubitDecomposeUpToDiagonal:
Class to decompose two qubit unitaries into the product of a diagonal gate
and another unitary gate which can be represented by two CX gates instead of the
usual three. This can be used when neighboring gates commute with the diagonal to
potentially reduce overall CX count.
def __init__(self):
sy = np.array([[0, -1j], [1j, 0]])
self.sysy = np.kron(sy, sy)
def _u4_to_su4(self, u4):
phase_factor = np.conj(np.linalg.det(u4) ** (-1 / u4.shape[0]))
su4 = u4 / phase_factor
return su4, cmath.phase(phase_factor)
def _gamma(self, mat):
proposition II.1: this invariant characterizes when two operators in U(4),
say u, v, are equivalent up to single qubit gates:
u ≡ v -> Det(γ(u)) = Det(±(γ(v)))
sumat, _ = self._u4_to_su4(mat)
sysy = self.sysy
return sumat @ sysy @ sumat.T @ sysy
def _cx0_test(self, mat):
# proposition III.1: zero cx sufficient
gamma = self._gamma(mat)
evals = np.linalg.eigvals(gamma)
return np.all(np.isclose(evals, np.ones(4)))
def _cx1_test(self, mat):
# proposition III.2: one cx sufficient
gamma = self._gamma(mat)
evals = np.linalg.eigvals(gamma)
uvals, ucnts = np.unique(np.round(evals, 10), return_counts=True)
return (
len(uvals) == 2
and all(ucnts == 2)
and all((np.isclose(x, 1j)) or np.isclose(x, -1j) for x in uvals)
def _cx2_test(self, mat):
# proposition III.3: two cx sufficient
gamma = self._gamma(mat)
return np.isclose(np.trace(gamma).imag, 0)
def _real_trace_transform(self, mat):
Determine diagonal gate such that
U3 = D U2
Where U3 is a general two-qubit gate which takes 3 cnots, D is a
diagonal gate, and U2 is a gate which takes 2 cnots.
a1 = (
-mat[1, 3] * mat[2, 0]
+ mat[1, 2] * mat[2, 1]
+ mat[1, 1] * mat[2, 2]
- mat[1, 0] * mat[2, 3]
a2 = (
mat[0, 3] * mat[3, 0]
- mat[0, 2] * mat[3, 1]
- mat[0, 1] * mat[3, 2]
+ mat[0, 0] * mat[3, 3]
theta = 0 # arbitrary
phi = 0 # arbitrary
psi = np.arctan2(a1.imag + a2.imag, a1.real - a2.real) - phi
diag = np.diag(np.exp(-1j * np.array([theta, phi, psi, -(theta + phi + psi)])))
return diag
def __call__(self, mat):
"""do the decomposition"""
su4, phase = self._u4_to_su4(mat)
real_map = self._real_trace_transform(su4)
mapped_su4 = real_map @ su4
if not self._cx2_test(mapped_su4):
warnings.warn("Unitary decomposition up to diagonal may use an additionl CX gate.")
circ = two_qubit_cnot_decompose(mapped_su4)
circ.global_phase += phase
return real_map.conj(), circ
# This weird duplicated lazy structure is for backwards compatibility; Qiskit has historically
# always made ``two_qubit_cnot_decompose`` available publicly immediately on import, but it's quite
# expensive to construct, and we want to defer the obejct's creation until it's actually used. We
# only need to pass through the public methods that take `self` as a parameter. Using `__getattr__`
# doesn't work because it is only called if the normal resolution methods fail. Using
# `__getattribute__` is too messy for a simple one-off use object.
class _LazyTwoQubitCXDecomposer(TwoQubitBasisDecomposer):
__slots__ = ("_inner",)
def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
self._inner = None
def _load(self):
if self._inner is None:
self._inner = TwoQubitBasisDecomposer(CXGate())
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> QuantumCircuit:
return self._inner(*args, **kwargs)
def traces(self, target):
return self._inner.traces(target)
def decomp1(self, target):
return self._inner.decomp1(target)
def decomp2_supercontrolled(self, target):
return self._inner.decomp2_supercontrolled(target)
def decomp3_supercontrolled(self, target):
return self._inner.decomp3_supercontrolled(target)
def num_basis_gates(self, unitary):
return self._inner.num_basis_gates(unitary)
two_qubit_cnot_decompose = _LazyTwoQubitCXDecomposer()