Quellcode für qiskit.quantum_info.states.densitymatrix

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
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DensityMatrix quantum state class.

from __future__ import annotations
import copy
from numbers import Number
import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.instruction import Instruction
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.quantum_state import QuantumState
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.mixins.tolerances import TolerancesMixin
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.op_shape import OpShape
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.operator import Operator
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic import Pauli, SparsePauliOp
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.scalar_op import ScalarOp
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import is_hermitian_matrix
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.predicates import is_positive_semidefinite_matrix
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel.quantum_channel import QuantumChannel
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.channel.superop import SuperOp

from qiskit._accelerate.pauli_expval import density_expval_pauli_no_x, density_expval_pauli_with_x
from qiskit.quantum_info.states.statevector import Statevector

[Doku]class DensityMatrix(QuantumState, TolerancesMixin): """DensityMatrix class""" def __init__( self, data: np.ndarray | list | QuantumCircuit | Instruction | QuantumState, dims: int | tuple | list | None = None, ): """Initialize a density matrix object. Args: data (np.ndarray or list or matrix_like or QuantumCircuit or qiskit.circuit.Instruction): A statevector, quantum instruction or an object with a ``to_operator`` or ``to_matrix`` method from which the density matrix can be constructed. If a vector the density matrix is constructed as the projector of that vector. If a quantum instruction, the density matrix is constructed by assuming all qubits are initialized in the zero state. dims (int or tuple or list): Optional. The subsystem dimension of the state (See additional information). Raises: QiskitError: if input data is not valid. Additional Information: The ``dims`` kwarg can be None, an integer, or an iterable of integers. * ``Iterable`` -- the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list. * ``Int`` or ``None`` -- the leading dimension of the input matrix specifies the total dimension of the density matrix. If it is a power of two the state will be initialized as an N-qubit state. If it is not a power of two the state will have a single d-dimensional subsystem. """ if isinstance(data, (list, np.ndarray)): # Finally we check if the input is a raw matrix in either a # python list or numpy array format. self._data = np.asarray(data, dtype=complex) elif isinstance(data, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)): # If the data is a circuit or an instruction use the classmethod # to construct the DensityMatrix object self._data = DensityMatrix.from_instruction(data)._data elif hasattr(data, "to_operator"): # If the data object has a 'to_operator' attribute this is given # higher preference than the 'to_matrix' method for initializing # an Operator object. op = data.to_operator() self._data = op.data if dims is None: dims = op.output_dims() elif hasattr(data, "to_matrix"): # If no 'to_operator' attribute exists we next look for a # 'to_matrix' attribute to a matrix that will be cast into # a complex numpy matrix. self._data = np.asarray(data.to_matrix(), dtype=complex) else: raise QiskitError("Invalid input data format for DensityMatrix") # Convert statevector into a density matrix ndim = self._data.ndim shape = self._data.shape if ndim == 2 and shape[0] == shape[1]: pass # We good elif ndim == 1: self._data = np.outer(self._data, np.conj(self._data)) elif ndim == 2 and shape[1] == 1: self._data = np.reshape(self._data, shape[0]) else: raise QiskitError("Invalid DensityMatrix input: not a square matrix.") super().__init__(op_shape=OpShape.auto(shape=self._data.shape, dims_l=dims, dims_r=dims)) def __array__(self, dtype=None): if dtype: return np.asarray(self.data, dtype=dtype) return self.data def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other) and np.allclose( self._data, other._data, rtol=self.rtol, atol=self.atol ) def __repr__(self): prefix = "DensityMatrix(" pad = len(prefix) * " " return "{}{},\n{}dims={})".format( prefix, np.array2string(self._data, separator=", ", prefix=prefix), pad, self._op_shape.dims_l(), ) @property def settings(self): """Return settings.""" return {"data": self.data, "dims": self._op_shape.dims_l()}
[Doku] def draw(self, output: str | None = None, **drawer_args): """Return a visualization of the Statevector. **repr**: ASCII TextMatrix of the state's ``__repr__``. **text**: ASCII TextMatrix that can be printed in the console. **latex**: An IPython Latex object for displaying in Jupyter Notebooks. **latex_source**: Raw, uncompiled ASCII source to generate array using LaTeX. **qsphere**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using `plot_state_qsphere()`. **hinton**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using `plot_state_hinton()`. **bloch**: Matplotlib figure, rendering of density matrix using `plot_bloch_multivector()`. Args: output (str): Select the output method to use for drawing the state. Valid choices are `repr`, `text`, `latex`, `latex_source`, `qsphere`, `hinton`, or `bloch`. Default is `repr`. Default can be changed by adding the line ``state_drawer = <default>`` to ``~/.qiskit/settings.conf`` under ``[default]``. drawer_args: Arguments to be passed directly to the relevant drawing function or constructor (`TextMatrix()`, `array_to_latex()`, `plot_state_qsphere()`, `plot_state_hinton()` or `plot_bloch_multivector()`). See the relevant function under `qiskit.visualization` for that function's documentation. Returns: :class:`matplotlib.Figure` or :class:`str` or :class:`TextMatrix` or :class:`IPython.display.Latex`: Drawing of the Statevector. Raises: ValueError: when an invalid output method is selected. """ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import from qiskit.visualization.state_visualization import state_drawer return state_drawer(self, output=output, **drawer_args)
def _ipython_display_(self): out = self.draw() if isinstance(out, str): print(out) else: from IPython.display import display display(out) @property def data(self): """Return data.""" return self._data
[Doku] def is_valid(self, atol=None, rtol=None): """Return True if trace 1 and positive semidefinite.""" if atol is None: atol = self.atol if rtol is None: rtol = self.rtol # Check trace == 1 if not np.allclose(self.trace(), 1, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return False # Check Hermitian if not is_hermitian_matrix(self.data, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return False # Check positive semidefinite return is_positive_semidefinite_matrix(self.data, rtol=rtol, atol=atol)
[Doku] def to_operator(self) -> Operator: """Convert to Operator""" dims = self.dims() return Operator(self.data, input_dims=dims, output_dims=dims)
[Doku] def conjugate(self): """Return the conjugate of the density matrix.""" return DensityMatrix(np.conj(self.data), dims=self.dims())
[Doku] def trace(self): """Return the trace of the density matrix.""" return np.trace(self.data)
[Doku] def purity(self): """Return the purity of the quantum state.""" # For a valid statevector the purity is always 1, however if we simply # have an arbitrary vector (not correctly normalized) then the # purity is equivalent to the trace squared: # P(|psi>) = Tr[|psi><psi|psi><psi|] = |<psi|psi>|^2 return np.trace(np.dot(self.data, self.data))
[Doku] def tensor(self, other: DensityMatrix) -> DensityMatrix: """Return the tensor product state self ⊗ other. Args: other (DensityMatrix): a quantum state object. Returns: DensityMatrix: the tensor product operator self ⊗ other. Raises: QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state. """ if not isinstance(other, DensityMatrix): other = DensityMatrix(other) ret = copy.copy(self) ret._data = np.kron(self._data, other._data) ret._op_shape = self._op_shape.tensor(other._op_shape) return ret
[Doku] def expand(self, other: DensityMatrix) -> DensityMatrix: """Return the tensor product state other ⊗ self. Args: other (DensityMatrix): a quantum state object. Returns: DensityMatrix: the tensor product state other ⊗ self. Raises: QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state. """ if not isinstance(other, DensityMatrix): other = DensityMatrix(other) ret = copy.copy(self) ret._data = np.kron(other._data, self._data) ret._op_shape = self._op_shape.expand(other._op_shape) return ret
def _add(self, other): """Return the linear combination self + other. Args: other (DensityMatrix): a quantum state object. Returns: DensityMatrix: the linear combination self + other. Raises: QiskitError: if other is not a quantum state, or has incompatible dimensions. """ if not isinstance(other, DensityMatrix): other = DensityMatrix(other) self._op_shape._validate_add(other._op_shape) ret = copy.copy(self) ret._data = self.data + other.data return ret def _multiply(self, other): """Return the scalar multiplied state other * self. Args: other (complex): a complex number. Returns: DensityMatrix: the scalar multiplied state other * self. Raises: QiskitError: if other is not a valid complex number. """ if not isinstance(other, Number): raise QiskitError("other is not a number") ret = copy.copy(self) ret._data = other * self.data return ret
[Doku] def evolve( self, other: Operator | QuantumChannel | Instruction | QuantumCircuit, qargs: list[int] | None = None, ) -> DensityMatrix: """Evolve a quantum state by an operator. Args: other (Operator or QuantumChannel or Instruction or Circuit): The operator to evolve by. qargs (list): a list of QuantumState subsystem positions to apply the operator on. Returns: DensityMatrix: the output density matrix. Raises: QiskitError: if the operator dimension does not match the specified QuantumState subsystem dimensions. """ if qargs is None: qargs = getattr(other, "qargs", None) # Evolution by a circuit or instruction if isinstance(other, (QuantumCircuit, Instruction)): return self._evolve_instruction(other, qargs=qargs) # Evolution by a QuantumChannel # Currently the class that has `to_quantumchannel` is QuantumError of Qiskit Aer, so we can't # use QuantumError as a type hint. if hasattr(other, "to_quantumchannel"): return other.to_quantumchannel()._evolve(self, qargs=qargs) if isinstance(other, QuantumChannel): return other._evolve(self, qargs=qargs) # Unitary evolution by an Operator if not isinstance(other, Operator): dims = self.dims(qargs=qargs) other = Operator(other, input_dims=dims, output_dims=dims) return self._evolve_operator(other, qargs=qargs)
[Doku] def reverse_qargs(self) -> DensityMatrix: r"""Return a DensityMatrix with reversed subsystem ordering. For a tensor product state this is equivalent to reversing the order of tensor product subsystems. For a density matrix :math:`\rho = \rho_{n-1} \otimes ... \otimes \rho_0` the returned state will be :math:`\rho_0 \otimes ... \otimes \rho_{n-1}`. Returns: DensityMatrix: the state with reversed subsystem order. """ ret = copy.copy(self) axes = tuple(range(self._op_shape._num_qargs_l - 1, -1, -1)) axes = axes + tuple(len(axes) + i for i in axes) ret._data = np.reshape( np.transpose(np.reshape(self.data, self._op_shape.tensor_shape), axes), self._op_shape.shape, ) ret._op_shape = self._op_shape.reverse() return ret
def _expectation_value_pauli(self, pauli, qargs=None): """Compute the expectation value of a Pauli. Args: pauli (Pauli): a Pauli operator to evaluate expval of. qargs (None or list): subsystems to apply operator on. Returns: complex: the expectation value. """ n_pauli = len(pauli) if qargs is None: qubits = np.arange(n_pauli) else: qubits = np.array(qargs) x_mask = np.dot(1 << qubits, pauli.x) z_mask = np.dot(1 << qubits, pauli.z) pauli_phase = (-1j) ** pauli.phase if pauli.phase else 1 if x_mask + z_mask == 0: return pauli_phase * self.trace() data = np.ravel(self.data, order="F") if x_mask == 0: return pauli_phase * density_expval_pauli_no_x(data, self.num_qubits, z_mask) x_max = qubits[pauli.x][-1] y_phase = (-1j) ** pauli._count_y() y_phase = y_phase[0] return pauli_phase * density_expval_pauli_with_x( data, self.num_qubits, z_mask, x_mask, y_phase, x_max )
[Doku] def expectation_value(self, oper: Operator, qargs: None | list[int] = None) -> complex: """Compute the expectation value of an operator. Args: oper (Operator): an operator to evaluate expval. qargs (None or list): subsystems to apply the operator on. Returns: complex: the expectation value. """ if isinstance(oper, Pauli): return self._expectation_value_pauli(oper, qargs) if isinstance(oper, SparsePauliOp): return sum( coeff * self._expectation_value_pauli(Pauli((z, x)), qargs) for z, x, coeff in zip(oper.paulis.z, oper.paulis.x, oper.coeffs) ) if not isinstance(oper, Operator): oper = Operator(oper) return np.trace(Operator(self).dot(oper, qargs=qargs).data)
[Doku] def probabilities( self, qargs: None | list[int] = None, decimals: None | int = None ) -> np.ndarray: """Return the subsystem measurement probability vector. Measurement probabilities are with respect to measurement in the computation (diagonal) basis. Args: qargs (None or list): subsystems to return probabilities for, if None return for all subsystems (Default: None). decimals (None or int): the number of decimal places to round values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None). Returns: np.array: The Numpy vector array of probabilities. Examples: Consider a 2-qubit product state :math:`\\rho=\\rho_1\\otimes\\rho_0` with :math:`\\rho_1=|+\\rangle\\!\\langle+|`, :math:`\\rho_0=|0\\rangle\\!\\langle0|`. .. code-block:: from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('+0') # Probabilities for measuring both qubits probs = rho.probabilities() print('probs: {}'.format(probs)) # Probabilities for measuring only qubit-0 probs_qubit_0 = rho.probabilities([0]) print('Qubit-0 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_0)) # Probabilities for measuring only qubit-1 probs_qubit_1 = rho.probabilities([1]) print('Qubit-1 probs: {}'.format(probs_qubit_1)) .. parsed-literal:: probs: [0.5 0. 0.5 0. ] Qubit-0 probs: [1. 0.] Qubit-1 probs: [0.5 0.5] We can also permute the order of qubits in the ``qargs`` list to change the qubit position in the probabilities output .. code-block:: from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('+0') # Probabilities for measuring both qubits probs = rho.probabilities([0, 1]) print('probs: {}'.format(probs)) # Probabilities for measuring both qubits # but swapping qubits 0 and 1 in output probs_swapped = rho.probabilities([1, 0]) print('Swapped probs: {}'.format(probs_swapped)) .. parsed-literal:: probs: [0.5 0. 0.5 0. ] Swapped probs: [0.5 0.5 0. 0. ] """ probs = self._subsystem_probabilities( np.abs(self.data.diagonal()), self._op_shape.dims_l(), qargs=qargs ) # to account for roundoff errors, we clip probs = np.clip(probs, a_min=0, a_max=1) if decimals is not None: probs = probs.round(decimals=decimals) return probs
[Doku] def reset(self, qargs: list[int] | None = None) -> DensityMatrix: """Reset state or subsystems to the 0-state. Args: qargs (list or None): subsystems to reset, if None all subsystems will be reset to their 0-state (Default: None). Returns: DensityMatrix: the reset state. Additional Information: If all subsystems are reset this will return the ground state on all subsystems. If only a some subsystems are reset this function will perform evolution by the reset :class:`~qiskit.quantum_info.SuperOp` of the reset subsystems. """ if qargs is None: # Resetting all qubits does not require sampling or RNG ret = copy.copy(self) state = np.zeros(self._op_shape.shape, dtype=complex) state[0, 0] = 1 ret._data = state return ret # Reset by evolving by reset SuperOp dims = self.dims(qargs) reset_superop = SuperOp(ScalarOp(dims, coeff=0)) reset_superop.data[0] = Operator(ScalarOp(dims)).data.ravel() return self.evolve(reset_superop, qargs=qargs)
[Doku] @classmethod def from_label(cls, label: str) -> DensityMatrix: r"""Return a tensor product of Pauli X,Y,Z eigenstates. .. list-table:: Single-qubit state labels :header-rows: 1 * - Label - Statevector * - ``"0"`` - :math:`\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}` * - ``"1"`` - :math:`\begin{pmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}` * - ``"+"`` - :math:`\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}` * - ``"-"`` - :math:`\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -1 \\ -1 & 1 \end{pmatrix}` * - ``"r"`` - :math:`\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & -i \\ i & 1 \end{pmatrix}` * - ``"l"`` - :math:`\frac{1}{2}\begin{pmatrix} 1 & i \\ -i & 1 \end{pmatrix}` Args: label (string): a eigenstate string ket label (see table for allowed values). Returns: DensityMatrix: The N-qubit basis state density matrix. Raises: QiskitError: if the label contains invalid characters, or the length of the label is larger than an explicitly specified num_qubits. """ return DensityMatrix(Statevector.from_label(label))
[Doku] @staticmethod def from_int(i: int, dims: int | tuple | list) -> DensityMatrix: """Return a computational basis state density matrix. Args: i (int): the basis state element. dims (int or tuple or list): The subsystem dimensions of the statevector (See additional information). Returns: DensityMatrix: The computational basis state :math:`|i\\rangle\\!\\langle i|`. Additional Information: The ``dims`` kwarg can be an integer or an iterable of integers. * ``Iterable`` -- the subsystem dimensions are the values in the list with the total number of subsystems given by the length of the list. * ``Int`` -- the integer specifies the total dimension of the state. If it is a power of two the state will be initialized as an N-qubit state. If it is not a power of two the state will have a single d-dimensional subsystem. """ size = np.prod(dims) state = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=complex) state[i, i] = 1.0 return DensityMatrix(state, dims=dims)
[Doku] @classmethod def from_instruction(cls, instruction: Instruction | QuantumCircuit) -> DensityMatrix: """Return the output density matrix of an instruction. The statevector is initialized in the state :math:`|{0,\\ldots,0}\\rangle` of the same number of qubits as the input instruction or circuit, evolved by the input instruction, and the output statevector returned. Args: instruction (qiskit.circuit.Instruction or QuantumCircuit): instruction or circuit Returns: DensityMatrix: the final density matrix. Raises: QiskitError: if the instruction contains invalid instructions for density matrix simulation. """ # Convert circuit to an instruction if isinstance(instruction, QuantumCircuit): instruction = instruction.to_instruction() # Initialize an the statevector in the all |0> state num_qubits = instruction.num_qubits init = np.zeros((2**num_qubits, 2**num_qubits), dtype=complex) init[0, 0] = 1 vec = DensityMatrix(init, dims=num_qubits * (2,)) vec._append_instruction(instruction) return vec
[Doku] def to_dict(self, decimals: None | int = None) -> dict: r"""Convert the density matrix to dictionary form. This dictionary representation uses a Ket-like notation where the dictionary keys are qudit strings for the subsystem basis vectors. If any subsystem has a dimension greater than 10 comma delimiters are inserted between integers so that subsystems can be distinguished. Args: decimals (None or int): the number of decimal places to round values. If None no rounding is done (Default: None). Returns: dict: the dictionary form of the DensityMatrix. Examples: The ket-form of a 2-qubit density matrix :math:`rho = |-\rangle\!\langle -|\otimes |0\rangle\!\langle 0|` .. code-block:: from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix rho = DensityMatrix.from_label('-0') print(rho.to_dict()) .. parsed-literal:: { '00|00': (0.4999999999999999+0j), '10|00': (-0.4999999999999999-0j), '00|10': (-0.4999999999999999+0j), '10|10': (0.4999999999999999+0j) } For non-qubit subsystems the integer range can go from 0 to 9. For example in a qutrit system .. code-block:: import numpy as np from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix mat = np.zeros((9, 9)) mat[0, 0] = 0.25 mat[3, 3] = 0.25 mat[6, 6] = 0.25 mat[-1, -1] = 0.25 rho = DensityMatrix(mat, dims=(3, 3)) print(rho.to_dict()) .. parsed-literal:: {'00|00': (0.25+0j), '10|10': (0.25+0j), '20|20': (0.25+0j), '22|22': (0.25+0j)} For large subsystem dimensions delimiters are required. The following example is for a 20-dimensional system consisting of a qubit and 10-dimensional qudit. .. code-block:: import numpy as np from qiskit.quantum_info import DensityMatrix mat = np.zeros((2 * 10, 2 * 10)) mat[0, 0] = 0.5 mat[-1, -1] = 0.5 rho = DensityMatrix(mat, dims=(2, 10)) print(rho.to_dict()) .. parsed-literal:: {'00|00': (0.5+0j), '91|91': (0.5+0j)} """ return self._matrix_to_dict( self.data, self._op_shape.dims_l(), decimals=decimals, string_labels=True )
def _evolve_operator(self, other, qargs=None): """Evolve density matrix by an operator""" # Get shape of output density matrix new_shape = self._op_shape.compose(other._op_shape, qargs=qargs) new_shape._dims_r = new_shape._dims_l new_shape._num_qargs_r = new_shape._num_qargs_l ret = copy.copy(self) if qargs is None: # Evolution on full matrix op_mat = other.data ret._data = np.dot(op_mat, self.data).dot(op_mat.T.conj()) ret._op_shape = new_shape return ret # Reshape statevector and operator tensor = np.reshape(self.data, self._op_shape.tensor_shape) # Construct list of tensor indices of statevector to be contracted num_indices = len(self.dims()) indices = [num_indices - 1 - qubit for qubit in qargs] # Left multiple by mat mat = np.reshape(other.data, other._op_shape.tensor_shape) tensor = Operator._einsum_matmul(tensor, mat, indices) # Right multiply by mat ** dagger adj = other.adjoint() mat_adj = np.reshape(adj.data, adj._op_shape.tensor_shape) tensor = Operator._einsum_matmul(tensor, mat_adj, indices, num_indices, True) # Replace evolved dimensions ret._data = np.reshape(tensor, new_shape.shape) ret._op_shape = new_shape return ret def _append_instruction(self, other, qargs=None): """Update the current Statevector by applying an instruction.""" from qiskit.circuit.reset import Reset from qiskit.circuit.barrier import Barrier # Try evolving by a matrix operator (unitary-like evolution) mat = Operator._instruction_to_matrix(other) if mat is not None: self._data = self._evolve_operator(Operator(mat), qargs=qargs).data return # Special instruction types if isinstance(other, Reset): self._data = self.reset(qargs)._data return if isinstance(other, Barrier): return # Otherwise try evolving by a Superoperator chan = SuperOp._instruction_to_superop(other) if chan is not None: # Evolve current state by the superoperator self._data = chan._evolve(self, qargs=qargs).data return # If the instruction doesn't have a matrix defined we use its # circuit decomposition definition if it exists, otherwise we # cannot compose this gate and raise an error. if other.definition is None: raise QiskitError(f"Cannot apply Instruction: {other.name}") if not isinstance(other.definition, QuantumCircuit): raise QiskitError( "{} instruction definition is {}; expected QuantumCircuit".format( other.name, type(other.definition) ) ) qubit_indices = {bit: idx for idx, bit in enumerate(other.definition.qubits)} for instruction in other.definition: if instruction.clbits: raise QiskitError( f"Cannot apply instruction with classical bits: {instruction.operation.name}" ) # Get the integer position of the flat register if qargs is None: new_qargs = [qubit_indices[tup] for tup in instruction.qubits] else: new_qargs = [qargs[qubit_indices[tup]] for tup in instruction.qubits] self._append_instruction(instruction.operation, qargs=new_qargs) def _evolve_instruction(self, obj, qargs=None): """Return a new statevector by applying an instruction.""" if isinstance(obj, QuantumCircuit): obj = obj.to_instruction() vec = copy.copy(self) vec._append_instruction(obj, qargs=qargs) return vec
[Doku] def to_statevector(self, atol: float | None = None, rtol: float | None = None) -> Statevector: """Return a statevector from a pure density matrix. Args: atol (float): Absolute tolerance for checking operation validity. rtol (float): Relative tolerance for checking operation validity. Returns: Statevector: The pure density matrix's corresponding statevector. Corresponds to the eigenvector of the only non-zero eigenvalue. Raises: QiskitError: if the state is not pure. """ if atol is None: atol = self.atol if rtol is None: rtol = self.rtol if not is_hermitian_matrix(self._data, atol=atol, rtol=rtol): raise QiskitError("Not a valid density matrix (non-hermitian).") evals, evecs = np.linalg.eig(self._data) nonzero_evals = evals[abs(evals) > atol] if len(nonzero_evals) != 1 or not np.isclose(nonzero_evals[0], 1, atol=atol, rtol=rtol): raise QiskitError("Density matrix is not a pure state") psi = evecs[:, np.argmax(evals)] # eigenvectors returned in columns. return Statevector(psi)
[Doku] def partial_transpose(self, qargs: list[int]) -> DensityMatrix: """Return partially transposed density matrix. Args: qargs (list): The subsystems to be transposed. Returns: DensityMatrix: The partially transposed density matrix. """ arr = self._data.reshape(self._op_shape.tensor_shape) qargs = len(self._op_shape.dims_l()) - 1 - np.array(qargs) n = len(self.dims()) lst = list(range(2 * n)) for i in qargs: lst[i], lst[i + n] = lst[i + n], lst[i] rho = np.transpose(arr, lst) rho = np.reshape(rho, self._op_shape.shape) return DensityMatrix(rho, dims=self.dims())