# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
# copyright notice, and modified files need to carry a notice indicating
# that they have been altered from the originals.
# The structure of the code is based on Emanuel Malvetti's semester thesis at ETH in 2018,
# which was supervised by Raban Iten and Prof. Renato Renner.
(Abstract) base class for uniformly controlled (also called multiplexed) single-qubit rotations R_t.
This class provides a basis for the decomposition of uniformly controlled R_x,R_y and R_z gates
(i.e., for t=x,y,z). These gates can have several control qubits and a single target qubit.
If the k control qubits are in the state ket(i) (in the computational bases),
a single-qubit rotation R_t(a_i) is applied to the target qubit for a (real) angle a_i.
import math
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import Gate, QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumRegister
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
_EPS = 1e-10 # global variable used to chop very small numbers to zero
[Doku]class UCPauliRotGate(Gate):
Uniformly controlled rotations (also called multiplexed rotations).
The decomposition is based on 'Synthesis of Quantum Logic Circuits'
by Shende et al. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0406176.pdf)
angle_list = list of (real) rotation angles [a_0,...,a_{2^k-1}]. Must have at least one entry.
rot_axis = rotation axis for the single qubit rotations
(currently, 'X', 'Y' and 'Z' are supported)
def __init__(self, angle_list, rot_axis):
self.rot_axes = rot_axis
# Check if angle_list has type "list"
if not isinstance(angle_list, list):
raise QiskitError("The angles are not provided in a list.")
# Check if the angles in angle_list are real numbers
for angle in angle_list:
except TypeError as ex:
raise QiskitError(
"An angle cannot be converted to type float (real angles are expected)."
) from ex
num_contr = math.log2(len(angle_list))
if num_contr < 0 or not num_contr.is_integer():
raise QiskitError(
"The number of controlled rotation gates is not a non-negative power of 2."
if rot_axis not in ("X", "Y", "Z"):
raise QiskitError("Rotation axis is not supported.")
# Create new gate.
num_qubits = int(num_contr) + 1
super().__init__("ucr" + rot_axis.lower(), num_qubits, angle_list)
def _define(self):
ucr_circuit = self._dec_ucrot()
gate = ucr_circuit.to_instruction()
q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits)
ucr_circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
ucr_circuit.append(gate, q[:])
self.definition = ucr_circuit
def _dec_ucrot(self):
Finds a decomposition of a UC rotation gate into elementary gates
(C-NOTs and single-qubit rotations).
q = QuantumRegister(self.num_qubits)
circuit = QuantumCircuit(q)
q_target = q[0]
q_controls = q[1:]
if not q_controls: # equivalent to: if len(q_controls) == 0
if self.rot_axes == "X":
if np.abs(self.params[0]) > _EPS:
circuit.rx(self.params[0], q_target)
if self.rot_axes == "Y":
if np.abs(self.params[0]) > _EPS:
circuit.ry(self.params[0], q_target)
if self.rot_axes == "Z":
if np.abs(self.params[0]) > _EPS:
circuit.rz(self.params[0], q_target)
# First, we find the rotation angles of the single-qubit rotations acting
# on the target qubit
angles = self.params.copy()
UCPauliRotGate._dec_uc_rotations(angles, 0, len(angles), False)
# Now, it is easy to place the C-NOT gates to get back the full decomposition.
for (i, angle) in enumerate(angles):
if self.rot_axes == "X":
if np.abs(angle) > _EPS:
circuit.rx(angle, q_target)
if self.rot_axes == "Y":
if np.abs(angle) > _EPS:
circuit.ry(angle, q_target)
if self.rot_axes == "Z":
if np.abs(angle) > _EPS:
circuit.rz(angle, q_target)
# Determine the index of the qubit we want to control the C-NOT gate.
# Note that it corresponds
# to the number of trailing zeros in the binary representation of i+1
if not i == len(angles) - 1:
binary_rep = np.binary_repr(i + 1)
q_contr_index = len(binary_rep) - len(binary_rep.rstrip("0"))
# Handle special case:
q_contr_index = len(q_controls) - 1
# For X rotations, we have to additionally place some Ry gates around the
# C-NOT gates. They change the basis of the NOT operation, such that the
# decomposition of for uniformly controlled X rotations works correctly by symmetry
# with the decomposition of uniformly controlled Z or Y rotations
if self.rot_axes == "X":
circuit.ry(np.pi / 2, q_target)
circuit.cx(q_controls[q_contr_index], q_target)
if self.rot_axes == "X":
circuit.ry(-np.pi / 2, q_target)
return circuit
def _dec_uc_rotations(angles, start_index, end_index, reversed_dec):
Calculates rotation angles for a uniformly controlled R_t gate with a C-NOT gate at
the end of the circuit. The rotation angles of the gate R_t are stored in
angles[start_index:end_index]. If reversed_dec == True, it decomposes the gate such that
there is a C-NOT gate at the start of the circuit (in fact, the circuit topology for
the reversed decomposition is the reversed one of the original decomposition)
interval_len_half = (end_index - start_index) // 2
for i in range(start_index, start_index + interval_len_half):
if not reversed_dec:
angles[i], angles[i + interval_len_half] = UCPauliRotGate._update_angles(
angles[i], angles[i + interval_len_half]
angles[i + interval_len_half], angles[i] = UCPauliRotGate._update_angles(
angles[i], angles[i + interval_len_half]
if interval_len_half <= 1:
angles, start_index, start_index + interval_len_half, False
angles, start_index + interval_len_half, end_index, True
def _update_angles(angle1, angle2):
"""Calculate the new rotation angles according to Shende's decomposition."""
return (angle1 + angle2) / 2.0, (angle1 - angle2) / 2.0