Quellcode für qiskit.algorithms.state_fidelities.compute_uncompute

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Compute-uncompute fidelity interface using primitives

from __future__ import annotations
from collections.abc import Sequence
from copy import copy

from qiskit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.primitives import BaseSampler
from qiskit.providers import Options

from ..exceptions import AlgorithmError
from .base_state_fidelity import BaseStateFidelity
from .state_fidelity_result import StateFidelityResult

[Doku]class ComputeUncompute(BaseStateFidelity): r""" This class leverages the sampler primitive to calculate the state fidelity of two quantum circuits following the compute-uncompute method (see [1] for further reference). The fidelity can be defined as the state overlap. .. math:: |\langle\psi(x)|\phi(y)\rangle|^2 where :math:`x` and :math:`y` are optional parametrizations of the states :math:`\psi` and :math:`\phi` prepared by the circuits ``circuit_1`` and ``circuit_2``, respectively. **Reference:** [1] Havlíček, V., Córcoles, A. D., Temme, K., Harrow, A. W., Kandala, A., Chow, J. M., & Gambetta, J. M. (2019). Supervised learning with quantum-enhanced feature spaces. Nature, 567(7747), 209-212. `arXiv:1804.11326v2 [quant-ph] <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1804.11326.pdf>`_ """ def __init__( self, sampler: BaseSampler, options: Options | None = None, local: bool = False, ) -> None: r""" Args: sampler: Sampler primitive instance. options: Primitive backend runtime options used for circuit execution. The order of priority is: options in ``run`` method > fidelity's default options > primitive's default setting. Higher priority setting overrides lower priority setting. local: If set to ``True``, the fidelity is averaged over single-qubit projectors .. math:: \hat{O} = \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N|0_i\rangle\langle 0_i|, instead of the global projector :math:`|0\rangle\langle 0|^{\otimes n}`. This coincides with the standard (global) fidelity in the limit of the fidelity approaching 1. Might be used to increase the variance to improve trainability in algorithms such as :class:`~.time_evolvers.PVQD`. Raises: ValueError: If the sampler is not an instance of ``BaseSampler``. """ if not isinstance(sampler, BaseSampler): raise ValueError( f"The sampler should be an instance of BaseSampler, " f"but got {type(sampler)}" ) self._sampler: BaseSampler = sampler self._local = local self._default_options = Options() if options is not None: self._default_options.update_options(**options) super().__init__()
[Doku] def create_fidelity_circuit( self, circuit_1: QuantumCircuit, circuit_2: QuantumCircuit ) -> QuantumCircuit: """ Combines ``circuit_1`` and ``circuit_2`` to create the fidelity circuit following the compute-uncompute method. Args: circuit_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. circuit_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuit. Returns: The fidelity quantum circuit corresponding to circuit_1 and circuit_2. """ if len(circuit_1.clbits) > 0: circuit_1.remove_final_measurements() if len(circuit_2.clbits) > 0: circuit_2.remove_final_measurements() circuit = circuit_1.compose(circuit_2.inverse()) circuit.measure_all() return circuit
def _run( self, circuits_1: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], circuits_2: QuantumCircuit | Sequence[QuantumCircuit], values_1: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, values_2: Sequence[float] | Sequence[Sequence[float]] | None = None, **options, ) -> StateFidelityResult: r""" Computes the state overlap (fidelity) calculation between two (parametrized) circuits (first and second) for a specific set of parameter values (first and second) following the compute-uncompute method. Args: circuits_1: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\psi\rangle`. circuits_2: (Parametrized) quantum circuits preparing :math:`|\phi\rangle`. values_1: Numerical parameters to be bound to the first circuits. values_2: Numerical parameters to be bound to the second circuits. options: Primitive backend runtime options used for circuit execution. The order of priority is: options in ``run`` method > fidelity's default options > primitive's default setting. Higher priority setting overrides lower priority setting. Returns: The result of the fidelity calculation. Raises: ValueError: At least one pair of circuits must be defined. AlgorithmError: If the sampler job is not completed successfully. """ circuits = self._construct_circuits(circuits_1, circuits_2) if len(circuits) == 0: raise ValueError( "At least one pair of circuits must be defined to calculate the state overlap." ) values = self._construct_value_list(circuits_1, circuits_2, values_1, values_2) # The priority of run options is as follows: # options in `evaluate` method > fidelity's default options > # primitive's default options. opts = copy(self._default_options) opts.update_options(**options) job = self._sampler.run(circuits=circuits, parameter_values=values, **opts.__dict__) try: result = job.result() except Exception as exc: raise AlgorithmError("Sampler job failed!") from exc if self._local: raw_fidelities = [ self._get_local_fidelity(prob_dist, circuit.num_qubits) for prob_dist, circuit in zip(result.quasi_dists, circuits) ] else: raw_fidelities = [ self._get_global_fidelity(prob_dist) for prob_dist in result.quasi_dists ] fidelities = self._truncate_fidelities(raw_fidelities) return StateFidelityResult( fidelities=fidelities, raw_fidelities=raw_fidelities, metadata=result.metadata, options=self._get_local_options(opts.__dict__), ) @property def options(self) -> Options: """Return the union of estimator options setting and fidelity default options, where, if the same field is set in both, the fidelity's default options override the primitive's default setting. Returns: The fidelity default + estimator options. """ return self._get_local_options(self._default_options.__dict__)
[Doku] def update_default_options(self, **options): """Update the fidelity's default options setting. Args: **options: The fields to update the default options. """ self._default_options.update_options(**options)
def _get_local_options(self, options: Options) -> Options: """Return the union of the primitive's default setting, the fidelity default options, and the options in the ``run`` method. The order of priority is: options in ``run`` method > fidelity's default options > primitive's default setting. Args: options: The fields to update the options Returns: The fidelity default + estimator + run options. """ opts = copy(self._sampler.options) opts.update_options(**options) return opts def _get_global_fidelity(self, probability_distribution: dict[int, float]) -> float: """Process the probability distribution of a measurement to determine the global fidelity. Args: probability_distribution: Obtained from the measurement result Returns: The global fidelity. """ return probability_distribution.get(0, 0) def _get_local_fidelity( self, probability_distribution: dict[int, float], num_qubits: int ) -> float: """Process the probability distribution of a measurement to determine the local fidelity by averaging over single-qubit projectors. Args: probability_distribution: Obtained from the measurement result Returns: The local fidelity. """ fidelity = 0.0 for qubit in range(num_qubits): for bitstring, prob in probability_distribution.items(): # Check whether the bit representing the current qubit is 0 if not bitstring >> qubit & 1: fidelity += prob / num_qubits return fidelity