Code source de qiskit.transpiler.passes.utils.remove_final_measurements
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
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"""Remove final measurements and barriers at the end of a circuit."""
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
from qiskit.dagcircuit import DAGOpNode
[docs]class RemoveFinalMeasurements(TransformationPass):
"""Remove final measurements and barriers at the end of a circuit.
This pass removes final barriers and final measurements, as well as all
unused classical registers and bits they are connected to.
Measurements and barriers are considered final if they are
followed by no other operations (aside from other measurements or barriers.)
Classical registers are removed iff they reference at least one bit
that has become unused by the circuit as a result of the operation, and all
of their other bits are also unused. Seperately, classical bits are removed
iff they have become unused by the circuit as a result of the operation,
or they appear in a removed classical register, but do not appear
in a classical register that will remain.
def _calc_final_ops(self, dag):
final_op_types = {"measure", "barrier"}
final_ops = []
to_visit = [next(dag.predecessors(dag.output_map[qubit])) for qubit in dag.qubits]
barrier_encounters_remaining = {}
while to_visit:
node = to_visit.pop()
if not isinstance(node, DAGOpNode):
if == "barrier":
# Barrier is final if all children are final, so we track
# how many times we still need to encounter each barrier
# via a child node.
if node not in barrier_encounters_remaining:
barrier_encounters_remaining[node] = sum(
1 for _ in dag.quantum_successors(node)
if barrier_encounters_remaining[node] - 1 > 0:
# We've encountered the barrier, but not (yet) via all children.
# Record the encounter, and bail!
barrier_encounters_remaining[node] -= 1
if in final_op_types:
# Current node is either a measure, or a barrier with all final op children.
return final_ops
[docs] def run(self, dag):
"""Run the RemoveFinalMeasurements pass on `dag`.
dag (DAGCircuit): the DAG to be optimized.
DAGCircuit: the optimized DAG.
final_ops = self._calc_final_ops(dag)
if not final_ops:
return dag
# remove final measure and barrier operations from DAG, keeping track
# of their clbits
clbits_with_final_measures = set()
for node in final_ops:
for carg in node.cargs:
# ignore any non-idle clbits now that all final op nodes are removed
idle_wires = set(dag.idle_wires())
clbits_with_final_measures &= idle_wires
if not clbits_with_final_measures:
# no idle wires to remove
return dag
# determine bits of all registers where register is now idle
# as a result of the removal.
idle_register_bits = set()
busy_register_bits = set()
for creg in dag.cregs.values():
clbits = set(creg)
if not clbits.isdisjoint(clbits_with_final_measures) and clbits.issubset(idle_wires):
# register contains a newly idle bit, and all other bits are idle.
idle_register_bits |= clbits
# register does not contain a newly idle bit, or contains other busy bits
# and thus should not be removed.
busy_register_bits |= clbits
# note: `clbits_with_final_measure` is needed here to account for loose
# bits not in any register.
bits_to_remove = (clbits_with_final_measures | idle_register_bits) - busy_register_bits
return dag