Code source de qiskit.transpiler.passes.optimization.optimize_1q_gates

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2018.
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"""Optimize chains of single-qubit u1, u2, u3 gates by combining them into a single gate."""

from itertools import groupby

import numpy as np

from qiskit.transpiler.exceptions import TranspilerError
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.p import PhaseGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.u import UGate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.u1 import U1Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.u2 import U2Gate
from qiskit.circuit.library.standard_gates.u3 import U3Gate
from qiskit.circuit import ParameterExpression
from qiskit.circuit.gate import Gate
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import TransformationPass
from qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis import Quaternion
from qiskit._accelerate.optimize_1q_gates import compose_u3_rust


[docs]class Optimize1qGates(TransformationPass): """Optimize chains of single-qubit u1, u2, u3 gates by combining them into a single gate.""" def __init__(self, basis=None, eps=1e-15, target=None): """Optimize1qGates initializer. Args: basis (list[str]): Basis gates to consider, e.g. `['u3', 'cx']`. For the effects of this pass, the basis is the set intersection between the `basis` parameter and the set `{'u1','u2','u3', 'u', 'p'}`. eps (float): EPS to check against target (Target): The :class:`~.Target` representing the target backend, if both ``basis`` and this are specified then this argument will take precedence and ``basis`` will be ignored. """ super().__init__() self.basis = set(basis) if basis else {"u1", "u2", "u3"} self.eps = eps = target
[docs] def run(self, dag): """Run the Optimize1qGates pass on `dag`. Args: dag (DAGCircuit): the DAG to be optimized. Returns: DAGCircuit: the optimized DAG. Raises: TranspilerError: if YZY and ZYZ angles do not give same rotation matrix. """ use_u = "u" in self.basis use_p = "p" in self.basis runs = dag.collect_runs(["u1", "u2", "u3", "u", "p"]) runs = _split_runs_on_parameters(runs) for run in runs: run_qubits = None if is not None: run_qubits = tuple(dag.find_bit(x).index for x in run[0].qargs) if"p", run_qubits): right_name = "p" else: right_name = "u1" else: if use_p: right_name = "p" else: right_name = "u1" right_parameters = (0, 0, 0) # (theta, phi, lambda) right_global_phase = 0 for current_node in run: left_name = if ( getattr(current_node.op, "condition", None) is not None or len(current_node.qargs) != 1 or left_name not in ["p", "u1", "u2", "u3", "u", "id"] ): raise TranspilerError("internal error") if left_name in ("u1", "p"): left_parameters = (0, 0, current_node.op.params[0]) elif left_name == "u2": left_parameters = ( np.pi / 2, current_node.op.params[0], current_node.op.params[1], ) elif left_name in ("u3", "u"): left_parameters = tuple(current_node.op.params) else: if use_p: left_name = "p" else: left_name = "u1" # replace id with u1 left_parameters = (0, 0, 0) if ( current_node.op.definition is not None and current_node.op.definition.global_phase ): right_global_phase += current_node.op.definition.global_phase # If there are any sympy objects coming from the gate convert # to numpy. try: left_parameters = tuple(float(x) for x in left_parameters) except TypeError: # If left_parameters contained any unbound Parameters pass # Compose gates name_tuple = (left_name, right_name) if name_tuple in (("u1", "u1"), ("p", "p")): # u1(lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u1(lambda1 + lambda2) right_parameters = (0, 0, right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2]) elif name_tuple in (("u1", "u2"), ("p", "u2")): # u1(lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) = u2(phi2 + lambda1, lambda2) right_parameters = ( np.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] + left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2], ) elif name_tuple in (("u2", "u1"), ("u2", "p")): # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = u2(phi1, lambda1 + lambda2) right_name = "u2" right_parameters = ( np.pi / 2, left_parameters[1], right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2], ) elif name_tuple in (("u1", "u3"), ("u1", "u"), ("p", "u3"), ("p", "u")): # u1(lambda1) * u3(theta2, phi2, lambda2) = # u3(theta2, phi2 + lambda1, lambda2) right_parameters = ( right_parameters[0], right_parameters[1] + left_parameters[2], right_parameters[2], ) elif name_tuple in (("u3", "u1"), ("u", "u1"), ("u3", "p"), ("u", "p")): # u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1) * u1(lambda2) = # u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1 + lambda2) if use_u: right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" right_parameters = ( left_parameters[0], left_parameters[1], right_parameters[2] + left_parameters[2], ) elif name_tuple == ("u2", "u2"): # Using Ry(pi/2).Rz(2*lambda).Ry(pi/2) = # Rz(pi/2).Ry(pi-2*lambda).Rz(pi/2), # u2(phi1, lambda1) * u2(phi2, lambda2) = # u3(pi - lambda1 - phi2, phi1 + pi/2, lambda2 + pi/2) if use_u: right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" right_parameters = ( np.pi - left_parameters[2] - right_parameters[1], left_parameters[1] + np.pi / 2, right_parameters[2] + np.pi / 2, ) elif name_tuple[1] == "nop": right_name = left_name right_parameters = left_parameters else: # For composing u3's or u2's with u3's, use # u2(phi, lambda) = u3(pi/2, phi, lambda) # together with the qiskit.mapper.compose_u3 method. if use_u: right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" # Evaluate the symbolic expressions for efficiency right_parameters = Optimize1qGates.compose_u3( left_parameters[0], left_parameters[1], left_parameters[2], right_parameters[0], right_parameters[1], right_parameters[2], ) # Why evalf()? This program: # OPENQASM 2.0; # include ""; # qreg q[2]; # creg c[2]; # u3(0.518016983430947*pi,1.37051598592907*pi,1.36816383603222*pi) q[0]; # u3(1.69867232277986*pi,0.371448347747471*pi,0.461117217930936*pi) q[0]; # u3(0.294319836336836*pi,0.450325871124225*pi,1.46804720442555*pi) q[0]; # measure q -> c; # took >630 seconds (did not complete) to optimize without # calling evalf() at all, 19 seconds to optimize calling # evalf() AFTER compose_u3, and 1 second to optimize # calling evalf() BEFORE compose_u3. # 1. Here down, when we simplify, we add f(theta) to lambda to # correct the global phase when f(theta) is 2*pi. This isn't # necessary but the other steps preserve the global phase, so # we continue in that manner. # 2. The final step will remove Z rotations by 2*pi. # 3. Note that is_zero is true only if the expression is exactly # zero. If the input expressions have already been evaluated # then these final simplifications will not occur. # TODO After we refactor, we should have separate passes for # exact and approximate rewriting. # Y rotation is 0 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u1 if ( not isinstance(right_parameters[0], ParameterExpression) and abs(np.mod(right_parameters[0], (2 * np.pi))) < self.eps and right_name != "u1" and right_name != "p" ): if use_p: right_name = "p" else: right_name = "u1" right_parameters = ( 0, 0, right_parameters[1] + right_parameters[2] + right_parameters[0], ) # Y rotation is pi/2 or -pi/2 mod 2*pi, so the gate is a u2 if right_name in ("u3", "u"): if not isinstance(right_parameters[0], ParameterExpression): # theta = pi/2 + 2*k*pi right_angle = right_parameters[0] - np.pi / 2 if abs(right_angle) < self.eps: right_angle = 0 if abs(np.mod((right_angle), 2 * np.pi)) < self.eps: right_name = "u2" right_parameters = ( np.pi / 2, right_parameters[1], right_parameters[2] + (right_parameters[0] - np.pi / 2), ) # theta = -pi/2 + 2*k*pi right_angle = right_parameters[0] + np.pi / 2 if abs(right_angle) < self.eps: right_angle = 0 if abs(np.mod(right_angle, 2 * np.pi)) < self.eps: right_name = "u2" right_parameters = ( np.pi / 2, right_parameters[1] + np.pi, right_parameters[2] - np.pi + (right_parameters[0] + np.pi / 2), ) # u1 and lambda is 0 mod 2*pi so gate is nop (up to a global phase) if ( not isinstance(right_parameters[2], ParameterExpression) and right_name in ("u1", "p") and abs(np.mod(right_parameters[2], 2 * np.pi)) < self.eps ): right_name = "nop" if is not None: if right_name == "u2" and not"u2", run_qubits): if"u", run_qubits): right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" if right_name in ("u1", "p") and not right_name, run_qubits ): if"u", run_qubits): right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" else: if right_name == "u2" and "u2" not in self.basis: if use_u: right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" if right_name in ("u1", "p") and right_name not in self.basis: if use_u: right_name = "u" else: right_name = "u3" new_op = Gate(name="", num_qubits=1, params=[]) if right_name == "u1": new_op = U1Gate(right_parameters[2]) if right_name == "p": new_op = PhaseGate(right_parameters[2]) if right_name == "u2": new_op = U2Gate(right_parameters[1], right_parameters[2]) if right_name == "u": if "u" in self.basis: new_op = UGate(*right_parameters) if right_name == "u3": if "u3" in self.basis: new_op = U3Gate(*right_parameters) else: raise TranspilerError("It was not possible to use the basis %s" % self.basis) dag.global_phase += right_global_phase if right_name != "nop": dag.substitute_node(run[0], new_op, inplace=True) # Delete the other nodes in the run for current_node in run[1:]: dag.remove_op_node(current_node) if right_name == "nop": dag.remove_op_node(run[0]) return dag
[docs] @staticmethod def compose_u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1, theta2, phi2, lambda2): """Return a triple theta, phi, lambda for the product. u3(theta, phi, lambda) = u3(theta1, phi1, lambda1).u3(theta2, phi2, lambda2) = Rz(phi1).Ry(theta1).Rz(lambda1+phi2).Ry(theta2).Rz(lambda2) = Rz(phi1).Rz(phi').Ry(theta').Rz(lambda').Rz(lambda2) = u3(theta', phi1 + phi', lambda2 + lambda') Return theta, phi, lambda. """ (theta, phi, lamb) = compose_u3_rust(theta1, phi1, lambda1, theta2, phi2, lambda2) return (theta, phi, lamb)
[docs] @staticmethod def yzy_to_zyz(xi, theta1, theta2, eps=1e-9): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """Express a Y.Z.Y single qubit gate as a Z.Y.Z gate. Solve the equation .. math:: Ry(theta1).Rz(xi).Ry(theta2) = Rz(phi).Ry(theta).Rz(lambda) for theta, phi, and lambda. Return a solution theta, phi, and lambda. """ quaternion_yzy = Quaternion.from_euler([theta1, xi, theta2], "yzy") euler = quaternion_yzy.to_zyz() quaternion_zyz = Quaternion.from_euler(euler, "zyz") # output order different than rotation order out_angles = (euler[1], euler[0], euler[2]) abs_inner = abs( if not np.allclose(abs_inner, 1, eps): raise TranspilerError("YZY and ZYZ angles do not give same rotation matrix.") out_angles = tuple(0 if np.abs(angle) < _CHOP_THRESHOLD else angle for angle in out_angles) return out_angles
def _split_runs_on_parameters(runs): """Finds runs containing parameterized gates and splits them into sequential runs excluding the parameterized gates. """ out = [] for run in runs: # We exclude only u3 and u gate because for u1 and u2 we can really straightforward # merge two gate with parameters. # It would be great to combine all gate with parameters but this requires # support parameters in qiskit.quantum_info.synthesis.Quaternion. groups = groupby(run, lambda x: x.op.is_parameterized() and in ("u3", "u")) for group_is_parameterized, gates in groups: if not group_is_parameterized: out.append(list(gates)) return out