Code source de qiskit.synthesis.linear_phase.cx_cz_depth_lnn

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Given -CZ-CX- transformation (a layer consisting only CNOT gates 
    followed by a layer consisting only CZ gates)
Return a depth-5n circuit implementation of the -CZ-CX- transformation over LNN.

    mat_z: n*n symmetric binary matrix representing a -CZ- circuit
    mat_x: n*n invertable binary matrix representing a -CX- transformation

    QuantumCircuit: QuantumCircuit object containing a depth-5n circuit to implement -CZ-CX-

    [1] S. A. Kutin, D. P. Moulton, and L. M. Smithline, "Computation at a distance," 2007.
    [2] D. Maslov and W. Yang, "CNOT circuits need little help to implement arbitrary 
        Hadamard-free Clifford transformations they generate," 2022.

from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.synthesis.linear.linear_matrix_utils import calc_inverse_matrix
from qiskit.synthesis.linear.linear_depth_lnn import _optimize_cx_circ_depth_5n_line

def _initialize_phase_schedule(mat_z):
    Given a CZ layer (represented as an n*n CZ matrix Mz)
    Return a scheudle of phase gates implementing Mz in a SWAP-only netwrok
    (c.f. Alg 1, [2])
    n = len(mat_z)
    phase_schedule = np.zeros((n, n), dtype=int)
    for i, j in zip(*np.where(mat_z)):
        if i >= j:

        phase_schedule[i, j] = 3
        phase_schedule[i, i] += 1
        phase_schedule[j, j] += 1

    return phase_schedule

def _shuffle(labels, odd):
        labels : a list of indices
        odd : a boolean indicating whether this layer is odd or even,
    Shuffle the indices in labels by swapping adjacent elements
    (c.f. Fig.2, [2])
    swapped = [v for p in zip(labels[1::2], labels[::2]) for v in p]
    return swapped + labels[-1:] if odd else swapped

def _make_seq(n):
    Given the width of the circuit n,
    Return the labels of the boxes in order from left to right, top to bottom
    (c.f. Fig.2, [2])
    seq = []
    wire_labels = list(range(n - 1, -1, -1))

    for i in range(n):
        wire_labels_new = (
            _shuffle(wire_labels, n % 2)
            if i % 2 == 0
            else wire_labels[0:1] + _shuffle(wire_labels[1:], (n + 1) % 2)
        seq += [
            (min(i), max(i)) for i in zip(wire_labels[::2], wire_labels_new[::2]) if i[0] != i[1]
        wire_labels = wire_labels_new

    return seq

def _swap_plus(instructions, seq):
    Given CX instructions (c.f. Thm 7.1, [1]) and the labels of all boxes,
    Return a list of labels of the boxes that is SWAP+ in descending order
        * Assumes the instruction gives gates in the order from top to bottom,
          from left to right
        * SWAP+ is defined in section 3.A. of [2]. Note the northwest
          diagonalization procedure of [1] consists exactly n layers of boxes,
          each being either a SWAP or a SWAP+. That is, each northwest
          diagonalization circuit can be uniquely represented by which of its
          n(n-1)/2 boxes are SWAP+ and which are SWAP.
    instr = deepcopy(instructions)
    swap_plus = set()
    for i, j in reversed(seq):
        cnot_1 = instr.pop()

        if instr == [] or instr[-1] != cnot_1:
            # Only two CNOTs on same set of controls -> this box is SWAP+
            swap_plus.add((i, j))
    return swap_plus

def _update_phase_schedule(n, phase_schedule, swap_plus):
    Given phase_schedule initialized to induce a CZ circuit in SWAP-only network and list of SWAP+ boxes
    Update phase_schedule for each SWAP+ according to Algorithm 2, [2]
    layer_order = list(range(n))[-3::-2] + list(range(n))[-2::-2][::-1]
    order_comp = np.argsort(layer_order[::-1])

    # Go through each box by descending layer order

    for i in layer_order:
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
            if (i, j) not in swap_plus:
            # we need to correct for the effected linear functions:

            # We first correct type 1 and type 2 by switching
            # the phase applied to c_j and c_i+c_j
            phase_schedule[j, j], phase_schedule[i, j] = phase_schedule[i, j], phase_schedule[j, j]

            # Then, we go through all the boxes that permutes j BEFORE box(i,j) and update:

            for k in range(n):  # all boxes that permutes j
                if k in (i, j):
                if (
                    order_comp[min(k, j)] < order_comp[i]
                    and phase_schedule[min(k, j), max(k, j)] % 4 != 0
                    phase = phase_schedule[min(k, j), max(k, j)]
                    phase_schedule[min(k, j), max(k, j)] = 0

                    # Step 1, apply phase to c_i, c_j, c_k
                    for l_s in (i, j, k):
                        phase_schedule[l_s, l_s] = (phase_schedule[l_s, l_s] + phase * 3) % 4

                    # Step 2, apply phase to c_i+ c_j, c_i+c_k, c_j+c_k:
                    for l1, l2 in [(i, j), (i, k), (j, k)]:
                        ls = min(l1, l2)
                        lb = max(l1, l2)
                        phase_schedule[ls, lb] = (phase_schedule[ls, lb] + phase * 3) % 4
    return phase_schedule

def _apply_phase_to_nw_circuit(n, phase_schedule, seq, swap_plus):
        Width of the circuit (int n)
        A CZ circuit, represented by the n*n phase schedule phase_schedule
        A CX circuit, represented by box-labels (seq) and whether the box is SWAP+ (swap_plus)
            *   This circuit corresponds to the CX tranformation that tranforms a matrix to
                a NW matrix (c.f. Prop.7.4, [1])
            *   SWAP+ is defined in section 3.A. of [2].
            *   As previously noted, the northwest diagonalization procedure of [1] consists
                of exactly n layers of boxes, each being either a SWAP or a SWAP+. That is,
                each northwest diagonalization circuit can be uniquely represented by which
                of its n(n-1)/2 boxes are SWAP+ and which are SWAP.
    Return a QuantumCircuit that computes the phase scheudle S inside CX
    cir = QuantumCircuit(n)

    wires = list(zip(range(n), range(1, n)))
    wires = wires[::2] + wires[1::2]

    for i, (j, k) in zip(range(len(seq) - 1, -1, -1), reversed(seq)):
        w1, w2 = wires[i % (n - 1)]

        p = phase_schedule[j, k]

        if (j, k) not in swap_plus:
            cir.cnot(w1, w2)

        cir.cnot(w2, w1)

        if p % 4 == 0:
        elif p % 4 == 1:
        elif p % 4 == 2:

        cir.cnot(w1, w2)

    for i in range(n):
        p = phase_schedule[n - 1 - i, n - 1 - i]
        if p % 4 == 0:
        if p % 4 == 1:
        elif p % 4 == 2:

    return cir

[docs]def synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my(mat_x: np.ndarray, mat_z: np.ndarray): """ Joint synthesis of a -CZ-CX- circuit for linear nearest neighbour (LNN) connectivity, with 2-qubit depth at most 5n, based on Maslov and Yang. This method computes the CZ circuit inside the CX circuit via phase gate insertions. Args: mat_z : a boolean symmetric matrix representing a CZ circuit. Mz[i][j]=1 represents a CZ(i,j) gate mat_x : a boolean invertible matrix representing a CX circuit. Return: QuantumCircuit : a circuit implementation of a CX circuit following a CZ circuit, denoted as a -CZ-CX- circuit,in two-qubit depth at most 5n, for LNN connectivity. Reference: 1. Kutin, S., Moulton, D. P., Smithline, L., *Computation at a distance*, Chicago J. Theor. Comput. Sci., vol. 2007, (2007), `arXiv:quant-ph/0701194 <>`_ 2. Dmitri Maslov, Willers Yang, *CNOT circuits need little help to implement arbitrary Hadamard-free Clifford transformations they generate*, `arXiv:2210.16195 <>`_. """ # First, find circuits implementing mat_x by Proposition 7.3 and Proposition 7.4 of [1] n = len(mat_x) mat_x = calc_inverse_matrix(mat_x) cx_instructions_rows_m2nw, cx_instructions_rows_nw2id = _optimize_cx_circ_depth_5n_line(mat_x) # Meanwhile, also build the -CZ- circuit via Phase gate insertions as per Algorithm 2 [2] phase_schedule = _initialize_phase_schedule(mat_z) seq = _make_seq(n) swap_plus = _swap_plus(cx_instructions_rows_nw2id, seq) _update_phase_schedule(n, phase_schedule, swap_plus) qc = _apply_phase_to_nw_circuit(n, phase_schedule, seq, swap_plus) for i, j in reversed(cx_instructions_rows_m2nw):, j) return qc