Code source de qiskit.circuit.library.arithmetic.piecewise_chebyshev

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"""Piecewise polynomial Chebyshev approximation to a given f(x)."""

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable
import numpy as np
from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import Chebyshev

from qiskit.circuit import QuantumRegister, AncillaRegister
from qiskit.circuit.library.blueprintcircuit import BlueprintCircuit
from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError

from .piecewise_polynomial_pauli_rotations import PiecewisePolynomialPauliRotations

[docs]class PiecewiseChebyshev(BlueprintCircuit): r"""Piecewise Chebyshev approximation to an input function. For a given function :math:`f(x)` and degree :math:`d`, this class implements a piecewise polynomial Chebyshev approximation on :math:`n` qubits to :math:`f(x)` on the given intervals. All the polynomials in the approximation are of degree :math:`d`. The values of the parameters are calculated according to [1] and see [2] for a more detailed explanation of the circuit construction and how it acts on the qubits. Examples: .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np from qiskit import QuantumCircuit from qiskit.circuit.library.arithmetic.piecewise_chebyshev import PiecewiseChebyshev f_x, degree, breakpoints, num_state_qubits = lambda x: np.arcsin(1 / x), 2, [2, 4], 2 pw_approximation = PiecewiseChebyshev(f_x, degree, breakpoints, num_state_qubits) pw_approximation._build() qc = QuantumCircuit(pw_approximation.num_qubits) qc.h(list(range(num_state_qubits))) qc.append(pw_approximation.to_instruction(), qc.qubits) qc.draw(output='mpl') References: [1]: Haener, T., Roetteler, M., & Svore, K. M. (2018). Optimizing Quantum Circuits for Arithmetic. `arXiv:1805.12445 <>`_ [2]: Carrera Vazquez, A., Hiptmair, H., & Woerner, S. (2022). Enhancing the Quantum Linear Systems Algorithm Using Richardson Extrapolation. `ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing 3, 1, Article 2 <>`_ """ def __init__( self, f_x: float | Callable[[int], float], degree: int | None = None, breakpoints: list[int] | None = None, num_state_qubits: int | None = None, name: str = "pw_cheb", ) -> None: r""" Args: f_x: the function to be approximated. Constant functions should be specified as f_x = constant. degree: the degree of the polynomials. Defaults to ``1``. breakpoints: the breakpoints to define the piecewise-linear function. Defaults to the full interval. num_state_qubits: number of qubits representing the state. name: The name of the circuit object. """ super().__init__(name=name) # define internal parameters self._num_state_qubits = None # Store parameters self._f_x = f_x self._degree = degree if degree is not None else 1 self._breakpoints = breakpoints if breakpoints is not None else [0] self._polynomials: list[list[float]] | None = None self.num_state_qubits = num_state_qubits def _check_configuration(self, raise_on_failure: bool = True) -> bool: """Check if the current configuration is valid.""" valid = True if self._f_x is None: valid = False if raise_on_failure: raise AttributeError("The function to be approximated has not been set.") if self._degree is None: valid = False if raise_on_failure: raise AttributeError("The degree of the polynomials has not been set.") if self._breakpoints is None: valid = False if raise_on_failure: raise AttributeError("The breakpoints have not been set.") if self.num_state_qubits is None: valid = False if raise_on_failure: raise AttributeError("The number of qubits has not been set.") if self.num_qubits < self.num_state_qubits + 1: valid = False if raise_on_failure: raise CircuitError( "Not enough qubits in the circuit, need at least " "{}.".format(self.num_state_qubits + 1) ) return valid @property def f_x(self) -> float | Callable[[int], float]: """The function to be approximated. Returns: The function to be approximated. """ return self._f_x @f_x.setter def f_x(self, f_x: float | Callable[[int], float] | None) -> None: """Set the function to be approximated. Note that this may change the underlying quantum register, if the number of state qubits changes. Args: f_x: The new function to be approximated. """ if self._f_x is None or f_x != self._f_x: self._invalidate() self._f_x = f_x self._reset_registers(self.num_state_qubits) @property def degree(self) -> int: """The degree of the polynomials. Returns: The degree of the polynomials. """ return self._degree @degree.setter def degree(self, degree: int | None) -> None: """Set the error tolerance. Note that this may change the underlying quantum register, if the number of state qubits changes. Args: degree: The new degree. """ if self._degree is None or degree != self._degree: self._invalidate() self._degree = degree self._reset_registers(self.num_state_qubits) @property def breakpoints(self) -> list[int]: """The breakpoints for the piecewise approximation. Returns: The breakpoints for the piecewise approximation. """ breakpoints = self._breakpoints # it the state qubits are set ensure that the breakpoints match beginning and end if self.num_state_qubits is not None: num_states = 2**self.num_state_qubits # If the last breakpoint is < num_states, add the identity polynomial if breakpoints[-1] < num_states: breakpoints = breakpoints + [num_states] # If the first breakpoint is > 0, add the identity polynomial if breakpoints[0] > 0: breakpoints = [0] + breakpoints return breakpoints @breakpoints.setter def breakpoints(self, breakpoints: list[int] | None) -> None: """Set the breakpoints for the piecewise approximation. Note that this may change the underlying quantum register, if the number of state qubits changes. Args: breakpoints: The new breakpoints for the piecewise approximation. """ if self._breakpoints is None or breakpoints != self._breakpoints: self._invalidate() self._breakpoints = breakpoints if breakpoints is not None else [0] self._reset_registers(self.num_state_qubits) @property def polynomials(self) -> list[list[float]]: """The polynomials for the piecewise approximation. Returns: The polynomials for the piecewise approximation. Raises: TypeError: If the input function is not in the correct format. """ if self.num_state_qubits is None: return [[]] # note this must be the private attribute since we handle missing breakpoints at # 0 and 2 ^ num_qubits here (e.g. if the function we approximate is not defined at 0 # and the user takes that into account we just add an identity) breakpoints = self._breakpoints # Need to take into account the case in which no breakpoints were provided in first place if breakpoints == [0]: breakpoints = [0, 2**self.num_state_qubits] num_intervals = len(breakpoints) # Calculate the polynomials polynomials = [] for i in range(0, num_intervals - 1): # Calculate the polynomial approximating the function on the current interval try: # If the function is constant don't call Chebyshev (not necessary and gives errors) if isinstance(self.f_x, (float, int)): # Append directly to list of polynomials polynomials.append([self.f_x]) else: poly = Chebyshev.interpolate( self.f_x,, domain=[breakpoints[i], breakpoints[i + 1]] ) # Convert polynomial to the standard basis and rescale it for the rotation gates poly = 2 * poly.convert(kind=np.polynomial.Polynomial).coef # Convert to list and append polynomials.append(poly.tolist()) except ValueError as err: raise TypeError( " <lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument: '" + self.f_x.__code__.co_varnames[0] + "'." + " Constant functions should be specified as 'f_x = constant'." ) from err # If the last breakpoint is < 2 ** num_qubits, add the identity polynomial if breakpoints[-1] < 2**self.num_state_qubits: polynomials = polynomials + [[2 * np.arcsin(1)]] # If the first breakpoint is > 0, add the identity polynomial if breakpoints[0] > 0: polynomials = [[2 * np.arcsin(1)]] + polynomials return polynomials @polynomials.setter def polynomials(self, polynomials: list[list[float]] | None) -> None: """Set the polynomials for the piecewise approximation. Note that this may change the underlying quantum register, if the number of state qubits changes. Args: polynomials: The new breakpoints for the piecewise approximation. """ if self._polynomials is None or polynomials != self._polynomials: self._invalidate() self._polynomials = polynomials self._reset_registers(self.num_state_qubits) @property def num_state_qubits(self) -> int: r"""The number of state qubits representing the state :math:`|x\rangle`. Returns: The number of state qubits. """ return self._num_state_qubits @num_state_qubits.setter def num_state_qubits(self, num_state_qubits: int | None) -> None: """Set the number of state qubits. Note that this may change the underlying quantum register, if the number of state qubits changes. Args: num_state_qubits: The new number of qubits. """ if self._num_state_qubits is None or num_state_qubits != self._num_state_qubits: self._invalidate() self._num_state_qubits = num_state_qubits # Set breakpoints if they haven't been set if num_state_qubits is not None and self._breakpoints is None: self.breakpoints = [0, 2**num_state_qubits] self._reset_registers(num_state_qubits) def _reset_registers(self, num_state_qubits: int | None) -> None: """Reset the registers.""" self.qregs = [] if num_state_qubits is not None: qr_state = QuantumRegister(num_state_qubits, "state") qr_target = QuantumRegister(1, "target") self.qregs = [qr_state, qr_target] num_ancillas = num_state_qubits if num_ancillas > 0: qr_ancilla = AncillaRegister(num_ancillas) self.add_register(qr_ancilla) def _build(self): """Build the circuit if not already build. The operation is considered successful when q_objective is :math:`|1>`""" if self._is_built: return super()._build() poly_r = PiecewisePolynomialPauliRotations( self.num_state_qubits, self.breakpoints, self.polynomials, ) # qr_state = self.qubits[: self.num_state_qubits] # qr_target = [self.qubits[self.num_state_qubits]] # qr_ancillas = self.qubits[self.num_state_qubits + 1 :] # Apply polynomial approximation self.append(poly_r.to_gate(), self.qubits)