# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""User-space constructor functions for the expression tree, which do some of the inference and
lifting boilerplate work."""
# pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,redefined-outer-name
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = [
import enum
import typing
from .expr import Expr, Var, Value, Unary, Binary, Cast
from .. import types
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
import qiskit
class _CastKind(enum.Enum):
EQUAL = enum.auto()
"""The two types are equal; no cast node is required at all."""
IMPLICIT = enum.auto()
"""The 'from' type can be cast to the 'to' type implicitly. A ``Cast(implicit=True)`` node is
the minimum required to specify this."""
LOSSLESS = enum.auto()
"""The 'from' type can be cast to the 'to' type explicitly, and the cast will be lossless. This
requires a ``Cast(implicit=False)`` node, but there's no danger from inserting one."""
DANGEROUS = enum.auto()
"""The 'from' type has a defined cast to the 'to' type, but depending on the value, it may lose
data. A user would need to manually specify casts."""
NONE = enum.auto()
"""There is no casting permitted from the 'from' type to the 'to' type."""
def _uint_cast(from_: types.Uint, to_: types.Uint, /) -> _CastKind:
if from_.width == to_.width:
return _CastKind.EQUAL
if from_.width < to_.width:
return _CastKind.LOSSLESS
return _CastKind.DANGEROUS
(types.Bool, types.Bool): lambda _a, _b, /: _CastKind.EQUAL,
(types.Bool, types.Uint): lambda _a, _b, /: _CastKind.LOSSLESS,
(types.Uint, types.Bool): lambda _a, _b, /: _CastKind.IMPLICIT,
(types.Uint, types.Uint): _uint_cast,
def _cast_kind(from_: types.Type, to_: types.Type, /) -> _CastKind:
if (coercer := _ALLOWED_CASTS.get((from_.kind, to_.kind))) is None:
return _CastKind.NONE
return coercer(from_, to_)
def _coerce_lossless(expr: Expr, type: types.Type) -> Expr:
"""Coerce ``expr`` to ``type`` by inserting a suitable :class:`Cast` node, if the cast is
lossless. Otherwise, raise a ``TypeError``."""
kind = _cast_kind(expr.type, type)
if kind is _CastKind.EQUAL:
return expr
if kind is _CastKind.IMPLICIT:
return Cast(expr, type, implicit=True)
if kind is _CastKind.LOSSLESS:
return Cast(expr, type, implicit=False)
if kind is _CastKind.DANGEROUS:
raise TypeError(f"cannot cast '{expr}' to '{type}' without loss of precision")
raise TypeError(f"no cast is defined to take '{expr}' to '{type}'")
[docs]def lift_legacy_condition(
condition: tuple[qiskit.circuit.Clbit | qiskit.circuit.ClassicalRegister, int], /
) -> Expr:
"""Lift a legacy two-tuple equality condition into a new-style :class:`Expr`.
Taking an old-style conditional instruction and getting an :class:`Expr` from its
from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
from qiskit.circuit.library import HGate
from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
cr = ClassicalRegister(2)
instr = HGate().c_if(cr, 3)
lifted = expr.lift_legacy_condition(instr.condition)
from qiskit.circuit import Clbit # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
target, value = condition
if isinstance(target, Clbit):
bool_ = types.Bool()
return Var(target, bool_) if value else Unary(Unary.Op.LOGIC_NOT, Var(target, bool_), bool_)
left = Var(target, types.Uint(width=target.size))
if value.bit_length() > target.size:
left = Cast(left, types.Uint(width=value.bit_length()), implicit=True)
right = Value(value, left.type)
return Binary(Binary.Op.EQUAL, left, right, types.Bool())
[docs]def lift(value: typing.Any, /, type: types.Type | None = None) -> Expr:
"""Lift the given Python ``value`` to a :class:`~.expr.Value` or :class:`~.expr.Var`.
If an explicit ``type`` is given, the typing in the output will reflect that.
Lifting simple circuit objects to be :class:`~.expr.Var` instances::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import Clbit, ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.lift(Clbit())
Var(<clbit>, Bool())
>>> expr.lift(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"))
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(3))
The type of the return value can be influenced, if the given value could be interpreted
losslessly as the given type (use :func:`cast` to perform a full set of casting
operations, include lossy ones)::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr, types
>>> expr.lift(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), types.Uint(5))
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(5))
>>> expr.lift(5, types.Uint(4))
Value(5, Uint(4))
if isinstance(value, Expr):
if type is not None:
raise ValueError("use 'cast' to cast existing expressions, not 'lift'")
return value
from qiskit.circuit import Clbit, ClassicalRegister # pylint: disable=cyclic-import
inferred: types.Type
if value is True or value is False or isinstance(value, Clbit):
inferred = types.Bool()
constructor = Value if value is True or value is False else Var
elif isinstance(value, ClassicalRegister):
inferred = types.Uint(width=value.size)
constructor = Var
elif isinstance(value, int):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("cannot represent a negative value")
inferred = types.Uint(width=value.bit_length() or 1)
constructor = Value
raise TypeError(f"failed to infer a type for '{value}'")
if type is None:
type = inferred
if types.is_supertype(type, inferred):
return constructor(value, type)
raise TypeError(
f"the explicit type '{type}' is not suitable for representing '{value}';"
f" it must be non-strict supertype of '{inferred}'"
[docs]def cast(operand: typing.Any, type: types.Type, /) -> Expr:
"""Create an explicit cast from the given value to the given type.
Add an explicit cast node that explicitly casts a higher precision type to a lower precision
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr, types
>>> value = expr.value(5, types.Uint(32))
>>> expr.cast(value, types.Uint(8))
Cast(Value(5, types.Uint(32)), types.Uint(8), implicit=False)
operand = lift(operand)
if _cast_kind(operand.type, type) is _CastKind.NONE:
raise TypeError(f"cannot cast '{operand}' to '{type}'")
return Cast(operand, type)
[docs]def bit_not(operand: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a bitwise 'not' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the value into a :class:`Value` node if required.
Bitwise negation of a :class:`.ClassicalRegister`::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.bit_not(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"))
Unary(Unary.Op.BIT_NOT, Var(ClassicalRegister(3, 'c'), Uint(3)), Uint(3))
operand = lift(operand)
if operand.type.kind not in (types.Bool, types.Uint):
raise TypeError(f"cannot apply '{Unary.Op.BIT_NOT}' to type '{operand.type}'")
return Unary(Unary.Op.BIT_NOT, operand, operand.type)
[docs]def logic_not(operand: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a logical 'not' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the value into a :class:`Value` node if required.
Logical negation of a :class:`.ClassicalRegister`::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.logic_not(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"))
Unary.Op.LOGIC_NOT, \
Cast(Var(ClassicalRegister(3, 'c'), Uint(3)), Bool(), implicit=True), \
operand = _coerce_lossless(lift(operand), types.Bool())
return Unary(Unary.Op.LOGIC_NOT, operand, operand.type)
def _lift_binary_operands(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any) -> tuple[Expr, Expr]:
"""Lift two binary operands simultaneously, inferring the widths of integer literals in either
position to match the other operand."""
left_int = isinstance(left, int) and not isinstance(left, bool)
right_int = isinstance(right, int) and not isinstance(right, bool)
if not (left_int or right_int):
left = lift(left)
right = lift(right)
elif not right_int:
right = lift(right)
if right.type.kind is types.Uint:
if left.bit_length() > right.type.width:
raise TypeError(
f"integer literal '{left}' is wider than the other operand '{right}'"
left = Value(left, right.type)
left = lift(left)
elif not left_int:
left = lift(left)
if left.type.kind is types.Uint:
if right.bit_length() > left.type.width:
raise TypeError(
f"integer literal '{right}' is wider than the other operand '{left}'"
right = Value(right, left.type)
right = lift(right)
# Both are `int`, so we take our best case to make things work.
uint = types.Uint(max(left.bit_length(), right.bit_length(), 1))
left = Value(left, uint)
right = Value(right, uint)
return left, right
def _binary_bitwise(op: Binary.Op, left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any) -> Expr:
left, right = _lift_binary_operands(left, right)
type: types.Type
if left.type.kind is right.type.kind is types.Bool:
type = types.Bool()
elif left.type.kind is types.Uint and right.type.kind is types.Uint:
if left.type != right.type:
raise TypeError(
"binary bitwise operations are defined between unsigned integers of the same width,"
f" but got {left.type.width} and {right.type.width}."
type = left.type
raise TypeError(f"invalid types for '{op}': '{left.type}' and '{right.type}'")
return Binary(op, left, right, type)
[docs]def bit_and(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a bitwise 'and' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Bitwise 'and' of a classical register and an integer literal::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.bit_and(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 0b111)
Binary.Op.BIT_AND, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, 'c'), Uint(3)), \
Value(7, Uint(3)), \
return _binary_bitwise(Binary.Op.BIT_AND, left, right)
[docs]def bit_or(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a bitwise 'or' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Bitwise 'or' of a classical register and an integer literal::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.bit_or(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 0b101)
Binary.Op.BIT_OR, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, 'c'), Uint(3)), \
Value(5, Uint(3)), \
return _binary_bitwise(Binary.Op.BIT_OR, left, right)
[docs]def bit_xor(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a bitwise 'exclusive or' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit
casts and lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Bitwise 'exclusive or' of a classical register and an integer literal::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.bit_xor(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 0b101)
Binary.Op.BIT_XOR, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, 'c'), Uint(3)), \
Value(5, Uint(3)), \
return _binary_bitwise(Binary.Op.BIT_XOR, left, right)
def _binary_logical(op: Binary.Op, left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any) -> Expr:
bool_ = types.Bool()
left = _coerce_lossless(lift(left), bool_)
right = _coerce_lossless(lift(right), bool_)
return Binary(op, left, right, bool_)
[docs]def logic_and(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a logical 'and' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Logical 'and' of two classical bits::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import Clbit
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.logical_and(Clbit(), Clbit())
Binary(Binary.Op.LOGIC_AND, Var(<clbit 0>, Bool()), Var(<clbit 1>, Bool()), Bool())
return _binary_logical(Binary.Op.LOGIC_AND, left, right)
[docs]def logic_or(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a logical 'or' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Logical 'or' of two classical bits
>>> from qiskit.circuit import Clbit
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.logical_and(Clbit(), Clbit())
Binary(Binary.Op.LOGIC_OR, Var(<clbit 0>, Bool()), Var(<clbit 1>, Bool()), Bool())
return _binary_logical(Binary.Op.LOGIC_OR, left, right)
def _equal_like(op: Binary.Op, left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any) -> Expr:
left, right = _lift_binary_operands(left, right)
if left.type.kind is not right.type.kind:
raise TypeError(f"invalid types for '{op}': '{left.type}' and '{right.type}'")
type = types.greater(left.type, right.type)
return Binary(op, _coerce_lossless(left, type), _coerce_lossless(right, type), types.Bool())
[docs]def equal(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create an 'equal' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Equality between a classical register and an integer::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.equal(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 7)
Binary(Binary.Op.EQUAL, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(3)), \
Value(7, Uint(3)), \
return _equal_like(Binary.Op.EQUAL, left, right)
[docs]def not_equal(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a 'not equal' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Inequality between a classical register and an integer::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.not_equal(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 7)
Binary(Binary.Op.NOT_EQUAL, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(3)), \
Value(7, Uint(3)), \
return _equal_like(Binary.Op.NOT_EQUAL, left, right)
def _binary_relation(op: Binary.Op, left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any) -> Expr:
left, right = _lift_binary_operands(left, right)
if left.type.kind is not right.type.kind or left.type.kind is types.Bool:
raise TypeError(f"invalid types for '{op}': '{left.type}' and '{right.type}'")
type = types.greater(left.type, right.type)
return Binary(op, _coerce_lossless(left, type), _coerce_lossless(right, type), types.Bool())
[docs]def less(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a 'less than' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts and
lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Query if a classical register is less than an integer::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.less(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 5)
Binary(Binary.Op.LESS, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(3)), \
Value(5, Uint(3)), \
return _binary_relation(Binary.Op.LESS, left, right)
[docs]def less_equal(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a 'less than or equal to' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit
casts and lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Query if a classical register is less than or equal to another::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.less(ClassicalRegister(3, "a"), ClassicalRegister(3, "b"))
Binary(Binary.Op.LESS_EQUAL, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "a"), Uint(3)), \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "b"), Uint(3)), \
return _binary_relation(Binary.Op.LESS_EQUAL, left, right)
[docs]def greater(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a 'greater than' expression node from the given value, resolving any implicit casts
and lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Query if a classical register is greater than an integer::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.less(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), 5)
Binary(Binary.Op.GREATER, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "c"), Uint(3)), \
Value(5, Uint(3)), \
return _binary_relation(Binary.Op.GREATER, left, right)
[docs]def greater_equal(left: typing.Any, right: typing.Any, /) -> Expr:
"""Create a 'greater than or equal to' expression node from the given value, resolving any
implicit casts and lifting the values into :class:`Value` nodes if required.
Query if a classical register is greater than or equal to another::
>>> from qiskit.circuit import ClassicalRegister
>>> from qiskit.circuit.classical import expr
>>> expr.less(ClassicalRegister(3, "a"), ClassicalRegister(3, "b"))
Binary(Binary.Op.GREATER_EQUAL, \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "a"), Uint(3)), \
Var(ClassicalRegister(3, "b"), Uint(3)), \
return _binary_relation(Binary.Op.GREATER_EQUAL, left, right)