Code source de qiskit.circuit.bit

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Quantum bit and Classical bit objects.
import copy

from qiskit.circuit.exceptions import CircuitError
from qiskit.utils.deprecation import deprecate_func

[docs]class Bit: """Implement a generic bit. .. note:: This class should not be instantiated directly. This is just a superclass for :class:`~.Clbit` and :class:`~.Qubit`. """ __slots__ = {"_register", "_index", "_hash", "_repr"} def __init__(self, register=None, index=None): """Create a new generic bit.""" if (register, index) == (None, None): self._register = None self._index = None # To sidestep the overridden Bit.__hash__ and use the default hash # algorithm (only new-style Bits), call default object hash method. self._hash = object.__hash__(self) else: try: index = int(index) except Exception as ex: raise CircuitError( f"index needs to be castable to an int: type {type(index)} was provided" ) from ex if index < 0: index += register.size if index >= register.size: raise CircuitError( f"index must be under the size of the register: {index} was provided" ) self._register = register self._index = index self._hash = hash((self._register, self._index)) self._repr = f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self._register}, {self._index})" @property @deprecate_func( is_property=True, since="0.17", additional_msg=( "Instead, use :meth:`~qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit.QuantumCircuit.find_bit` to find " "all the containing registers within a circuit and the index of the bit within the " "circuit." ), ) def register(self): # pylint: disable=bad-docstring-quotes """Get the register of an old-style bit. In modern Qiskit Terra (version 0.17+), bits are the fundamental object and registers are aliases to collections of bits. A bit can be in many registers depending on the circuit, so a single containing register is no longer a property of a bit. It is an error to access this attribute on bits that were not constructed as "owned" by a register.""" if (self._register, self._index) == (None, None): raise CircuitError("Attempt to query register of a new-style Bit.") return self._register @property @deprecate_func( is_property=True, since="0.17", additional_msg=( "Instead, use :meth:`~qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit.QuantumCircuit.find_bit` to find " "all the containing registers within a circuit and the index of the bit within the " "circuit." ), ) def index(self): # pylint: disable=bad-docstring-quotes """Get the index of an old-style bit in the register that owns it. In modern Qiskit Terra (version 0.17+), bits are the fundamental object and registers are aliases to collections of bits. A bit can be in many registers depending on the circuit, so a single containing register is no longer a property of a bit. It is an error to access this attribute on bits that were not constructed as "owned" by a register.""" if (self._register, self._index) == (None, None): raise CircuitError("Attempt to query index of a new-style Bit.") return self._index def __repr__(self): """Return the official string representing the bit.""" if (self._register, self._index) == (None, None): # Similar to __hash__, use default repr method for new-style Bits. return object.__repr__(self) return self._repr def __hash__(self): return self._hash def __eq__(self, other): if (self._register, self._index) == (None, None): return other is self try: return self._repr == other._repr except AttributeError: return False def __copy__(self): # Bits are immutable. return self def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None): if (self._register, self._index) == (None, None): return self # Old-style bits need special handling for now, since some code seems # to rely on their registers getting deep-copied. bit = type(self).__new__(type(self)) bit._register = copy.deepcopy(self._register, memo) bit._index = self._index bit._hash = self._hash bit._repr = self._repr return bit