Source code for qiskit.synthesis.evolution.product_formula

# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2021.
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"""A product formula base for decomposing non-commuting operator exponentials."""

from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, Any, Dict
from functools import partial
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit.parameterexpression import ParameterExpression
from qiskit.circuit.quantumcircuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.quantum_info import SparsePauliOp, Pauli

from .evolution_synthesis import EvolutionSynthesis

[docs]class ProductFormula(EvolutionSynthesis): """Product formula base class for the decomposition of non-commuting operator exponentials. :obj:`.LieTrotter` and :obj:`.SuzukiTrotter` inherit from this class. """ def __init__( self, order: int, reps: int = 1, insert_barriers: bool = False, cx_structure: str = "chain", atomic_evolution: Optional[ Callable[[Union[Pauli, SparsePauliOp], float], QuantumCircuit] ] = None, ) -> None: """ Args: order: The order of the product formula. reps: The number of time steps. insert_barriers: Whether to insert barriers between the atomic evolutions. cx_structure: How to arrange the CX gates for the Pauli evolutions, can be "chain", where next neighbor connections are used, or "fountain", where all qubits are connected to one. atomic_evolution: A function to construct the circuit for the evolution of single Pauli string. Per default, a single Pauli evolution is decomposed in a CX chain and a single qubit Z rotation. """ super().__init__() self.order = order self.reps = reps self.insert_barriers = insert_barriers # user-provided atomic evolution, stored for serialization self._atomic_evolution = atomic_evolution self._cx_structure = cx_structure # if atomic evolution is not provided, set a default if atomic_evolution is None: atomic_evolution = partial(_default_atomic_evolution, cx_structure=cx_structure) self.atomic_evolution = atomic_evolution @property def settings(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return the settings in a dictionary, which can be used to reconstruct the object. Returns: A dictionary containing the settings of this product formula. Raises: NotImplementedError: If a custom atomic evolution is set, which cannot be serialized. """ if self._atomic_evolution is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Cannot serialize a product formula with a custom atomic evolution." ) return { "order": self.order, "reps": self.reps, "insert_barriers": self.insert_barriers, "cx_structure": self._cx_structure, }
def evolve_pauli( pauli: Pauli, time: Union[float, ParameterExpression] = 1.0, cx_structure: str = "chain", label: Optional[str] = None, ) -> QuantumCircuit: r"""Construct a circuit implementing the time evolution of a single Pauli string. For a Pauli string :math:`P = \{I, X, Y, Z\}^{\otimes n}` on :math:`n` qubits and an evolution time :math:`t`, the returned circuit implements the unitary operation .. math:: U(t) = e^{-itP}. Since only a single Pauli string is evolved the circuit decomposition is exact. Args: pauli: The Pauli to evolve. time: The evolution time. cx_structure: Determine the structure of CX gates, can be either "chain" for next-neighbor connections or "fountain" to connect directly to the top qubit. label: A label for the gate. Returns: A quantum circuit implementing the time evolution of the Pauli. """ num_non_identity = len([label for label in pauli.to_label() if label != "I"]) # first check, if the Pauli is only the identity, in which case the evolution only # adds a global phase if num_non_identity == 0: definition = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits, global_phase=-time) # if we evolve on a single qubit, if yes use the corresponding qubit rotation elif num_non_identity == 1: definition = _single_qubit_evolution(pauli, time) # same for two qubits, use Qiskit's native rotations elif num_non_identity == 2: definition = _two_qubit_evolution(pauli, time, cx_structure) # otherwise do basis transformation and CX chains else: definition = _multi_qubit_evolution(pauli, time, cx_structure) = f"exp(it {pauli.to_label()})" return definition def _single_qubit_evolution(pauli, time): definition = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) # Note that all phases are removed from the pauli label and are only in the coefficients. # That's because the operators we evolved have all been translated to a SparsePauliOp. for i, pauli_i in enumerate(reversed(pauli.to_label())): if pauli_i == "X": definition.rx(2 * time, i) elif pauli_i == "Y": definition.ry(2 * time, i) elif pauli_i == "Z": definition.rz(2 * time, i) return definition def _two_qubit_evolution(pauli, time, cx_structure): # Get the Paulis and the qubits they act on. # Note that all phases are removed from the pauli label and are only in the coefficients. # That's because the operators we evolved have all been translated to a SparsePauliOp. labels_as_array = np.array(list(reversed(pauli.to_label()))) qubits = np.where(labels_as_array != "I")[0] labels = np.array([labels_as_array[idx] for idx in qubits]) definition = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) # go through all cases we have implemented in Qiskit if all(labels == "X"): # RXX definition.rxx(2 * time, qubits[0], qubits[1]) elif all(labels == "Y"): # RYY definition.ryy(2 * time, qubits[0], qubits[1]) elif all(labels == "Z"): # RZZ definition.rzz(2 * time, qubits[0], qubits[1]) elif labels[0] == "Z" and labels[1] == "X": # RZX definition.rzx(2 * time, qubits[0], qubits[1]) elif labels[0] == "X" and labels[1] == "Z": # RXZ definition.rzx(2 * time, qubits[1], qubits[0]) else: # all the others are not native in Qiskit, so use default the decomposition definition = _multi_qubit_evolution(pauli, time, cx_structure) return definition def _multi_qubit_evolution(pauli, time, cx_structure): # get diagonalizing clifford cliff = diagonalizing_clifford(pauli) # get CX chain to reduce the evolution to the top qubit if cx_structure == "chain": chain = cnot_chain(pauli) else: chain = cnot_fountain(pauli) # determine qubit to do the rotation on target = None # Note that all phases are removed from the pauli label and are only in the coefficients. # That's because the operators we evolved have all been translated to a SparsePauliOp. for i, pauli_i in enumerate(reversed(pauli.to_label())): if pauli_i != "I": target = i break # build the evolution as: diagonalization, reduction, 1q evolution, followed by inverses definition = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) definition.compose(cliff, inplace=True) definition.compose(chain, inplace=True) definition.rz(2 * time, target) definition.compose(chain.inverse(), inplace=True) definition.compose(cliff.inverse(), inplace=True) return definition def diagonalizing_clifford(pauli: Pauli) -> QuantumCircuit: """Get the clifford circuit to diagonalize the Pauli operator. Args: pauli: The Pauli to diagonalize. Returns: A circuit to diagonalize. """ cliff = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) for i, pauli_i in enumerate(reversed(pauli.to_label())): if pauli_i == "Y": cliff.sdg(i) if pauli_i in ["X", "Y"]: cliff.h(i) return cliff def cnot_chain(pauli: Pauli) -> QuantumCircuit: """CX chain. For example, for the Pauli with the label 'XYZIX'. .. parsed-literal:: ┌───┐ q_0: ──────────┤ X ├ └─┬─┘ q_1: ────────────┼── ┌───┐ │ q_2: ─────┤ X ├──■── ┌───┐└─┬─┘ q_3: ┤ X ├──■─────── └─┬─┘ q_4: ──■──────────── Args: pauli: The Pauli for which to construct the CX chain. Returns: A circuit implementing the CX chain. """ chain = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) control, target = None, None # iterate over the Pauli's and add CNOTs for i, pauli_i in enumerate(pauli.to_label()): i = pauli.num_qubits - i - 1 if pauli_i != "I": if control is None: control = i else: target = i if control is not None and target is not None:, target) control = i target = None return chain def cnot_fountain(pauli: Pauli) -> QuantumCircuit: """CX chain in the fountain shape. For example, for the Pauli with the label 'XYZIX'. .. parsed-literal:: ┌───┐┌───┐┌───┐ q_0: ┤ X ├┤ X ├┤ X ├ └─┬─┘└─┬─┘└─┬─┘ q_1: ──┼────┼────┼── │ │ │ q_2: ──■────┼────┼── │ │ q_3: ───────■────┼── q_4: ────────────■── Args: pauli: The Pauli for which to construct the CX chain. Returns: A circuit implementing the CX chain. """ chain = QuantumCircuit(pauli.num_qubits) control, target = None, None for i, pauli_i in enumerate(reversed(pauli.to_label())): if pauli_i != "I": if target is None: target = i else: control = i if control is not None and target is not None:, target) control = None return chain def _default_atomic_evolution(operator, time, cx_structure): if isinstance(operator, Pauli): # single Pauli operator: just exponentiate it evolution_circuit = evolve_pauli(operator, time, cx_structure) else: # sum of Pauli operators: exponentiate each term (this assumes they commute) pauli_list = [(Pauli(op), np.real(coeff)) for op, coeff in operator.to_list()] name = f"exp(it {[pauli.to_label() for pauli, _ in pauli_list]})" evolution_circuit = QuantumCircuit(operator.num_qubits, name=name) for pauli, coeff in pauli_list: evolution_circuit.compose(evolve_pauli(pauli, coeff * time, cx_structure), inplace=True) return evolution_circuit