- class qiskit.qobj.QasmQobjConfig(shots=None, seed_simulator=None, memory=None, parameter_binds=None, meas_level=None, meas_return=None, memory_slots=None, n_qubits=None, pulse_library=None, calibrations=None, rep_delay=None, qubit_lo_freq=None, meas_lo_freq=None, **kwargs)[source]#
A configuration for an OpenQASM 2 Qobj.
Model for RunConfig.
- প্যারামিটার:
shots (int) -- the number of shots.
seed_simulator (int) -- the seed to use in the simulator
memory (bool) -- whether to request memory from backend (per-shot readouts)
meas_level (int) -- Measurement level 0, 1, or 2
meas_return (str) -- For measurement level < 2, whether single or avg shots are returned
memory_slots (int) -- The number of memory slots on the device
n_qubits (int) -- The number of qubits on the device
pulse_library (list) -- List of
.calibrations (QasmExperimentCalibrations) -- Information required for Pulse gates.
rep_delay (float) -- Delay between programs in sec. Only supported on certain backends (
). Must be from the range supplied by the backend (backend.configuration().rep_delay_range
). Default isbackend.configuration().default_rep_delay
.qubit_lo_freq (list) -- List of frequencies (as floats) for the qubit driver LO's in GHz.
meas_lo_freq (list) -- List of frequencies (as floats) for the measurement driver LO's in GHz.
kwargs -- Additional free form key value fields to add to the configuration.