- qiskit.visualization.plot_error_map(backend, figsize=(12, 9), show_title=True, qubit_coordinates=None)[source]#
Plots the error map of a given backend.
- প্যারামিটার:
backend (Backend) -- Given backend.
figsize (tuple) -- Figure size in inches.
show_title (bool) -- Show the title or not.
qubit_coordinates (Sequence) -- An optional sequence input (list or array being the most common) of 2d coordinates for each qubit. The length of the sequence much mast the number of qubits on the backend. The sequence should be the planar coordinates in a 0-based square grid where each qubit is located.
- রিটার্নস:
A matplotlib figure showing error map.
- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
- রেইজেস:
VisualizationError -- The backend does not provide gate errors for the 'sx' gate.
MissingOptionalLibraryError -- If seaborn is not installed
from qiskit import QuantumCircuit, execute from qiskit.visualization import plot_error_map from qiskit.providers.fake_provider import FakeVigoV2 backend = FakeVigoV2() plot_error_map(backend)