- class qiskit.result.Result(backend_name, backend_version, qobj_id, job_id, success, results, date=None, status=None, header=None, **kwargs)[source]#
Model for Results.
- success#
True if complete input qobj executed correctly. (Implies each experiment success)
- Type:
- results#
corresponding results for array of experiments of the input qobj
- Type:
- data(experiment=None)[source]#
Get the raw data for an experiment.
Note this data will be a single classical and quantum register and in a format required by the results schema. We recommend that most users use the get_xxx method, and the data will be post-processed for the data type.
- প্যারামিটার:
experiment (str or QuantumCircuit or Schedule or int or None) -- the index of the experiment. Several types are accepted for convenience:: * str: the name of the experiment. * QuantumCircuit: the name of the circuit instance will be used. * Schedule: the name of the schedule instance will be used. * int: the position of the experiment. * None: if there is only one experiment, returns it.
- রিটার্নস:
A dictionary of results data for an experiment. The data depends on the backend it ran on and the settings of meas_level, meas_return and memory.
OpenQASM backends return a dictionary of dictionary with the key 'counts' and with the counts, with the second dictionary keys containing a string in hex format (
) and values equal to the number of times this outcome was measured.Statevector backends return a dictionary with key 'statevector' and values being a list[list[complex components]] list of 2^num_qubits complex amplitudes. Where each complex number is represented as a 2 entry list for each component. For example, a list of [0.5+1j, 0-1j] would be represented as [[0.5, 1], [0, -1]].
Unitary backends return a dictionary with key 'unitary' and values being a list[list[list[complex components]]] list of 2^num_qubits x 2^num_qubits complex amplitudes in a two entry list for each component. For example if the amplitude is [[0.5+0j, 0-1j], ...] the value returned will be [[[0.5, 0], [0, -1]], ...].
The simulator backends also have an optional key 'snapshots' which returns a dict of snapshots specified by the simulator backend. The value is of the form dict[slot: dict[str: array]] where the keys are the requested snapshot slots, and the values are a dictionary of the snapshots.
- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
- রেইজেস:
QiskitError -- if data for the experiment could not be retrieved.
- get_counts(experiment=None)[source]#
Get the histogram data of an experiment.
- প্যারামিটার:
experiment (str or QuantumCircuit or Schedule or int or None) -- the index of the experiment, as specified by
.- রিটার্নস:
a dictionary or a list of dictionaries. A dictionary has the counts for each qubit with the keys containing a string in binary format and separated according to the registers in circuit (e.g.
0100 1110
). The string is little-endian (cr[0] on the right hand side).- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
- রেইজেস:
QiskitError -- if there are no counts for the experiment.
- get_memory(experiment=None)[source]#
Get the sequence of memory states (readouts) for each shot The data from the experiment is a list of format ['00000', '01000', '10100', '10100', '11101', '11100', '00101', ..., '01010']
- প্যারামিটার:
experiment (str or QuantumCircuit or Schedule or int or None) -- the index of the experiment, as specified by
.- রিটার্নস:
Either the list of each outcome, formatted according to registers in circuit or a complex numpy np.ndarray with shape:
np.ndarray[shots, memory_slots, memory_slot_size]
np.ndarray[memory_slots, memory_slot_size]
np.ndarray[shots, memory_slots]
- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
List[str] or np.ndarray
- রেইজেস:
QiskitError -- if there is no memory data for the circuit.
- get_statevector(experiment=None, decimals=None)[source]#
Get the final statevector of an experiment.
- প্যারামিটার:
experiment (str or QuantumCircuit or Schedule or int or None) -- the index of the experiment, as specified by
.decimals (int) -- the number of decimals in the statevector. If None, does not round.
- রিটার্নস:
list of 2^num_qubits complex amplitudes.
- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
- রেইজেস:
QiskitError -- if there is no statevector for the experiment.
- get_unitary(experiment=None, decimals=None)[source]#
Get the final unitary of an experiment.
- প্যারামিটার:
experiment (str or QuantumCircuit or Schedule or int or None) -- the index of the experiment, as specified by
.decimals (int) -- the number of decimals in the unitary. If None, does not round.
- রিটার্নস:
- list of 2^num_qubits x 2^num_qubits complex
- রিটার্ন টাইপ:
- রেইজেস:
QiskitError -- if there is no unitary for the experiment.