
class qiskit.qobj.PulseQobjConfig(meas_level, meas_return, pulse_library, qubit_lo_freq, meas_lo_freq, memory_slot_size=None, rep_time=None, rep_delay=None, shots=None, seed_simulator=None, memory_slots=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: QobjDictField

A configuration for a Pulse Qobj.

Instantiate a PulseQobjConfig object.

  • meas_level (int) -- The measurement level to use.

  • meas_return (int) -- The level of measurement information to return.

  • pulse_library (list) -- A list of PulseLibraryItem objects which define the set of primitive pulses

  • qubit_lo_freq (list) -- List of frequencies (as floats) for the qubit driver LO's in GHz.

  • meas_lo_freq (list) -- List of frequencies (as floats) for the' measurement driver LO's in GHz.

  • memory_slot_size (int) -- Size of each memory slot if the output is Level 0.

  • rep_time (int) -- Time per program execution in sec. Must be from the list provided by the backend (backend.configuration().rep_times). Defaults to the first entry in backend.configuration().rep_times.

  • rep_delay (float) -- Delay between programs in sec. Only supported on certain backends (backend.configuration().dynamic_reprate_enabled ). If supported, rep_delay will be used instead of rep_time and must be from the range supplied by the backend (backend.configuration().rep_delay_range). Default is backend.configuration().default_rep_delay.

  • shots (int) -- The number of shots

  • seed_simulator (int) -- the seed to use in the simulator

  • memory_slots (list) -- The number of memory slots on the device

  • kwargs -- Additional free form key value fields to add to the configuration


classmethod from_dict(data)[source]#

Create a new PulseQobjConfig object from a dictionary.


data (dict) -- A dictionary for the config


The object from the input dictionary.

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Return a dictionary format representation of the Pulse Qobj config.


The dictionary form of the PulseQobjConfig.

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