# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2023.
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Circuit synthesis for the Clifford class into layers.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import numpy as np
from qiskit.circuit import QuantumCircuit
from qiskit.exceptions import QiskitError
from qiskit.synthesis.linear import (
from qiskit.synthesis.linear_phase import synth_cz_depth_line_mr
from qiskit.synthesis.linear_phase.cx_cz_depth_lnn import synth_cx_cz_depth_line_my
from qiskit.synthesis.linear.linear_matrix_utils import (
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic.clifford_circuits import (
def _default_cx_synth_func(mat):
Construct the layer of CX gates from a boolean invertible matrix mat.
CX_circ = synth_cnot_count_full_pmh(mat)
CX_circ.name = "CX"
return CX_circ
def _default_cz_synth_func(symmetric_mat):
Construct the layer of CZ gates from a symmetric matrix.
nq = symmetric_mat.shape[0]
qc = QuantumCircuit(nq, name="CZ")
for j in range(nq):
for i in range(0, j):
if symmetric_mat[i][j]:
qc.cz(i, j)
return qc
[docs]def synth_clifford_layers(
"""Synthesis of a Clifford into layers, it provides a similar decomposition to the synthesis
described in Lemma 8 of Bravyi and Maslov.
For example, a 5-qubit Clifford circuit is decomposed into the following layers:
.. parsed-literal::
q_0: ┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├┤0 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_1: ┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├┤1 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_2: ┤2 S2 ├┤2 CZ ├┤2 CX_dg ├┤2 H2 ├┤2 S1 ├┤2 CZ ├┤2 H1 ├┤2 Pauli ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_3: ┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├┤3 ├
│ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ││ │
q_4: ┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├┤4 ├
This decomposition is for the default cz_synth_func and cx_synth_func functions,
with other functions one may see slightly different decomposition.
cliff (Clifford): a clifford operator.
cx_synth_func (Callable): a function to decompose the CX sub-circuit.
It gets as input a boolean invertible matrix, and outputs a QuantumCircuit.
cz_synth_func (Callable): a function to decompose the CZ sub-circuit.
It gets as input a boolean symmetric matrix, and outputs a QuantumCircuit.
cx_cz_synth_func (Callable): optional, a function to decompose both sub-circuits CZ and CX.
validate (Boolean): if True, validates the synthesis process.
cz_func_reverse_qubits (Boolean): True only if cz_synth_func is synth_cz_depth_line_mr,
since this function returns a circuit that reverts the order of qubits.
QuantumCircuit: a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
1. S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, *Hadamard-free circuits expose the
structure of the Clifford group*,
`arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph] <https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09412>`_
num_qubits = cliff.num_qubits
if cz_func_reverse_qubits:
cliff0 = _reverse_clifford(cliff)
cliff0 = cliff
qubit_list = list(range(num_qubits))
layeredCircuit = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits)
H1_circ, cliff1 = _create_graph_state(cliff0, validate=validate)
H2_circ, CZ1_circ, S1_circ, cliff2 = _decompose_graph_state(
cliff1, validate=validate, cz_synth_func=cz_synth_func
S2_circ, CZ2_circ, CX_circ = _decompose_hadamard_free(
layeredCircuit.append(S2_circ, qubit_list)
if cx_cz_synth_func is None:
layeredCircuit.append(CZ2_circ, qubit_list)
CXinv = CX_circ.copy().inverse()
layeredCircuit.append(CXinv, qubit_list)
# note that CZ2_circ is None and built into the CX_circ when
# cx_cz_synth_func is not None
layeredCircuit.append(CX_circ, qubit_list)
layeredCircuit.append(H2_circ, qubit_list)
layeredCircuit.append(S1_circ, qubit_list)
layeredCircuit.append(CZ1_circ, qubit_list)
if cz_func_reverse_qubits:
H1_circ = H1_circ.reverse_bits()
layeredCircuit.append(H1_circ, qubit_list)
# Add Pauli layer to fix the Clifford phase signs
# pylint: disable=cyclic-import
from qiskit.quantum_info.operators.symplectic import Clifford
clifford_target = Clifford(layeredCircuit)
pauli_circ = _calc_pauli_diff(cliff, clifford_target)
layeredCircuit.append(pauli_circ, qubit_list)
return layeredCircuit
def _reverse_clifford(cliff):
"""Reverse qubit order of a Clifford cliff"""
cliff_cpy = cliff.copy()
cliff_cpy.stab_z = np.flip(cliff.stab_z, axis=1)
cliff_cpy.destab_z = np.flip(cliff.destab_z, axis=1)
cliff_cpy.stab_x = np.flip(cliff.stab_x, axis=1)
cliff_cpy.destab_x = np.flip(cliff.destab_x, axis=1)
return cliff_cpy
def _create_graph_state(cliff, validate=False):
"""Given a Clifford cliff (denoted by U) that induces a stabilizer state U |0>,
apply a layer H1 of Hadamard gates to a subset of the qubits to make H1 U |0> into a graph state,
namely to make cliff.stab_x matrix have full rank.
Returns the QuantumCircuit H1_circ that includes the Hadamard gates and the updated Clifford
that induces the graph state.
The algorithm is based on Lemma 6 in [2].
cliff (Clifford): a clifford operator.
validate (Boolean): if True, validates the synthesis process.
H1_circ: a circuit containing a layer of Hadamard gates.
cliffh: cliffh.stab_x has full rank.
QiskitError: if there are errors in the Gauss elimination process.
2. S. Aaronson, D. Gottesman, *Improved Simulation of Stabilizer Circuits*,
Phys. Rev. A 70, 052328 (2004).
`arXiv:quant-ph/0406196 <https://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0406196>`_
num_qubits = cliff.num_qubits
rank = _compute_rank(cliff.stab_x)
H1_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, name="H1")
cliffh = cliff.copy()
if rank < num_qubits:
stab = cliff.stab[:, :-1]
stab = _gauss_elimination(stab, num_qubits)
Cmat = stab[rank:num_qubits, num_qubits:]
Cmat = np.transpose(Cmat)
Cmat, perm = _gauss_elimination_with_perm(Cmat)
perm = perm[0 : num_qubits - rank]
# validate that the output matrix has the same rank
if validate:
if _compute_rank(Cmat) != num_qubits - rank:
raise QiskitError("The matrix Cmat after Gauss elimination has wrong rank.")
if _compute_rank(stab[:, 0:num_qubits]) != rank:
raise QiskitError("The matrix after Gauss elimination has wrong rank.")
# validate that we have a num_qubits - rank zero rows
for i in range(rank, num_qubits):
if stab[i, 0:num_qubits].any():
raise QiskitError(
"After Gauss elimination, the final num_qubits - rank rows"
"contain non-zero elements"
for qubit in perm:
_append_h(cliffh, qubit)
# validate that a layer of Hadamard gates and then appending cliff, provides a graph state.
if validate:
stabh = cliffh.stab_x
if _compute_rank(stabh) != num_qubits:
raise QiskitError("The state is not a graph state.")
return H1_circ, cliffh
def _decompose_graph_state(cliff, validate, cz_synth_func):
"""Assumes that a stabilizer state of the Clifford cliff (denoted by U) corresponds to a graph state.
Decompose it into the layers S1 - CZ1 - H2, such that:
S1 CZ1 H2 |0> = U |0>,
where S1_circ is a circuit that can contain only S gates,
CZ1_circ is a circuit that can contain only CZ gates, and
H2_circ is a circuit that can contain H gates on all qubits.
cliff (Clifford): a clifford operator corresponding to a graph state, cliff.stab_x has full rank.
validate (Boolean): if True, validates the synthesis process.
cz_synth_func (Callable): a function to decompose the CZ sub-circuit.
S1_circ: a circuit that can contain only S gates.
CZ1_circ: a circuit that can contain only CZ gates.
H2_circ: a circuit containing a layer of Hadamard gates.
cliff_cpy: a Hadamard-free Clifford.
QiskitError: if cliff does not induce a graph state.
num_qubits = cliff.num_qubits
rank = _compute_rank(cliff.stab_x)
cliff_cpy = cliff.copy()
if rank < num_qubits:
raise QiskitError("The stabilizer state is not a graph state.")
S1_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, name="S1")
H2_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, name="H2")
stabx = cliff.stab_x
stabz = cliff.stab_z
stabx_inv = calc_inverse_matrix(stabx, validate)
stabz_update = np.matmul(stabx_inv, stabz) % 2
# Assert that stabz_update is a symmetric matrix.
if validate:
if (stabz_update != stabz_update.T).any():
raise QiskitError(
"The multiplication of stabx_inv and stab_z is not a symmetric matrix."
CZ1_circ = cz_synth_func(stabz_update)
for j in range(num_qubits):
for i in range(0, j):
if stabz_update[i][j]:
_append_cz(cliff_cpy, i, j)
for i in range(0, num_qubits):
if stabz_update[i][i]:
_append_s(cliff_cpy, i)
for qubit in range(num_qubits):
_append_h(cliff_cpy, qubit)
return H2_circ, CZ1_circ, S1_circ, cliff_cpy
def _decompose_hadamard_free(
cliff, validate, cz_synth_func, cx_synth_func, cx_cz_synth_func, cz_func_reverse_qubits
"""Assumes that the Clifford cliff is Hadamard free.
Decompose it into the layers S2 - CZ2 - CX, where
S2_circ is a circuit that can contain only S gates,
CZ2_circ is a circuit that can contain only CZ gates, and
CX_circ is a circuit that can contain CX gates.
cliff (Clifford): a Hadamard-free clifford operator.
validate (Boolean): if True, validates the synthesis process.
cz_synth_func (Callable): a function to decompose the CZ sub-circuit.
cx_synth_func (Callable): a function to decompose the CX sub-circuit.
cx_cz_synth_func (Callable): optional, a function to decompose both sub-circuits CZ and CX.
cz_func_reverse_qubits (Boolean): True only if cz_synth_func is synth_cz_depth_line_mr.
S2_circ: a circuit that can contain only S gates.
CZ2_circ: a circuit that can contain only CZ gates.
CX_circ: a circuit that can contain only CX gates.
QiskitError: if cliff is not Hadamard free.
num_qubits = cliff.num_qubits
destabx = cliff.destab_x
destabz = cliff.destab_z
stabx = cliff.stab_x
if not (stabx == np.zeros((num_qubits, num_qubits))).all():
raise QiskitError("The given Clifford is not Hadamard-free.")
destabz_update = np.matmul(calc_inverse_matrix(destabx), destabz) % 2
# Assert that destabz_update is a symmetric matrix.
if validate:
if (destabz_update != destabz_update.T).any():
raise QiskitError(
"The multiplication of the inverse of destabx and"
"destabz is not a symmetric matrix."
S2_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, name="S2")
for i in range(0, num_qubits):
if destabz_update[i][i]:
if cx_cz_synth_func is not None:
# The cx_cz_synth_func takes as input Mx/Mz representing a CX/CZ circuit
# and returns the circuit -CZ-CX- implementing them both
for i in range(num_qubits):
destabz_update[i][i] = 0
mat_z = destabz_update
mat_x = calc_inverse_matrix(destabx.transpose())
CXCZ_circ = cx_cz_synth_func(mat_x, mat_z)
return S2_circ, QuantumCircuit(num_qubits), CXCZ_circ
CZ2_circ = cz_synth_func(destabz_update)
mat = destabx.transpose()
if cz_func_reverse_qubits:
mat = np.flip(mat, axis=0)
CX_circ = cx_synth_func(mat)
return S2_circ, CZ2_circ, CX_circ
def _calc_pauli_diff(cliff, cliff_target):
"""Given two Cliffords that differ by a Pauli, we find this Pauli."""
num_qubits = cliff.num_qubits
if cliff.num_qubits != cliff_target.num_qubits:
raise QiskitError("num_qubits is not the same for the original clifford and the target.")
# Compute the phase difference between the two Cliffords
phase = [cliff.phase[k] ^ cliff_target.phase[k] for k in range(2 * num_qubits)]
phase = np.array(phase, dtype=int)
# compute inverse of our symplectic matrix
A = cliff.symplectic_matrix
Ainv = calc_inverse_matrix(A)
# By carefully writing how X, Y, Z gates affect each qubit, all we need to compute
# is A^{-1} * (phase)
C = np.matmul(Ainv, phase) % 2
# Create the Pauli
pauli_circ = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits, name="Pauli")
for k in range(num_qubits):
destab = C[k]
stab = C[k + num_qubits]
if stab and destab:
elif stab:
elif destab:
return pauli_circ
[docs]def synth_clifford_depth_lnn(cliff):
"""Synthesis of a Clifford into layers for linear-nearest neighbour connectivity.
The depth of the synthesized n-qubit circuit is bounded by 7*n+2, which is not optimal.
It should be replaced by a better algorithm that provides depth bounded by 7*n-4 [3].
cliff (Clifford): a clifford operator.
QuantumCircuit: a circuit implementation of the Clifford.
1. S. Bravyi, D. Maslov, *Hadamard-free circuits expose the
structure of the Clifford group*,
`arXiv:2003.09412 [quant-ph] <https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09412>`_
2. Dmitri Maslov, Martin Roetteler,
*Shorter stabilizer circuits via Bruhat decomposition and quantum circuit transformations*,
`arXiv:1705.09176 <https://arxiv.org/abs/1705.09176>`_.
3. Dmitri Maslov, Willers Yang, *CNOT circuits need little help to implement arbitrary
Hadamard-free Clifford transformations they generate*,
`arXiv:2210.16195 <https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.16195>`_.
circ = synth_clifford_layers(
return circ