
class PulseSimulator(configuration=None, provider=None)[source]

Pulse schedule simulator backend.

The PulseSimulator simulates continuous time Hamiltonian dynamics of a quantum system, with controls specified by pulse Schedule objects, and the model of the physical system specified by PulseSystemModel objects. Results are returned in the same format as when jobs are submitted to actual devices.


To use the simulator, first assemble() a PulseQobj object from a list of pulse Schedule objects, using backend=PulseSimulator(). Call the simulator with the PulseQobj and a PulseSystemModel object representing the physical system.

backend_sim = qiskit.providers.aer.PulseSimulator()

# Assemble schedules using PulseSimulator as the backend
pulse_qobj = assemble(schedules, backend=backend_sim)

# Run simulation on a PulseSystemModel object
results = backend_sim.run(pulse_qobj, system_model)

Supported PulseQobj parameters

  • qubit_lo_freq: Local oscillator frequencies for each DriveChannel. Defaults to either the value given in the PulseSystemModel, or is calculated directly from the Hamiltonian.

  • meas_level: Type of desired measurement output, in [1, 2]. 1 gives complex numbers (IQ values), and 2 gives discriminated states |0> and |1>. Defaults to 2.

  • meas_return: Measurement type, 'single' or 'avg'. Defaults to 'avg'.

  • shots: Number of shots per experiment. Defaults to 1024.

Simulation details

The simulator uses the zvode differential equation solver method through scipy. Simulation is performed in the rotating frame of the diagonal of the drift Hamiltonian contained in the PulseSystemModel. Measurements are performed in the dressed basis of the drift Hamiltonian.

Other options

PulseSimulator.run() takes an additional dict argument backend_options for customization. Accepted keys:

  • 'ode_options': A dict for zvode solver options. Accepted keys are 'atol', 'rtol', 'nsteps', 'max_step', 'num_cpus', 'norm_tol', and 'norm_steps'.

Aer class for backends.

This method should initialize the module and its configuration, and raise an exception if a component of the module is not available.

  • controller (function) – Aer controller to be executed

  • configuration (BackendConfiguration) – backend configuration

  • provider (BaseProvider) – provider responsible for this backend

  • FileNotFoundError if backend executable is not available.

  • AerError – if there is no name in the configuration





Return the backend configuration.


Return defaults.


Return the backend name.


Return the backend properties.


Return the backend Provider.

PulseSimulator.run(qobj, system_model[, …])

Run a qobj on system_model.


Return backend status.


Return the backend version.