# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2018, 2019, 2020.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
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# pylint: disable=arguments-differ, missing-return-type-doc
Qiskit Aer pulse simulator backend.
import uuid
import time
import datetime
import logging
from numpy import inf
from qiskit.result import Result
from qiskit.providers.models import BackendConfiguration, PulseDefaults
from .aerbackend import AerBackend
from ..aerjob import AerJob
from ..version import __version__
from ..pulse.qobj.digest import digest_pulse_obj
from ..pulse.solver.opsolve import opsolve
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class PulseSimulator(AerBackend):
r"""Pulse schedule simulator backend.
The ``PulseSimulator`` simulates continuous time Hamiltonian dynamics of a quantum system,
with controls specified by pulse :class:`~qiskit.Schedule` objects, and the model of the
physical system specified by :class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.pulse.PulseSystemModel` objects.
Results are returned in the same format as when jobs are submitted to actual devices.
To use the simulator, first :func:`~qiskit.assemble` a :class:`PulseQobj` object
from a list of pulse :class:`~qiskit.Schedule` objects, using ``backend=PulseSimulator()``.
Call the simulator with the :class:`PulseQobj` and a
:class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.pulse.PulseSystemModel` object representing the physical system.
.. code-block:: python
backend_sim = qiskit.providers.aer.PulseSimulator()
# Assemble schedules using PulseSimulator as the backend
pulse_qobj = assemble(schedules, backend=backend_sim)
# Run simulation on a PulseSystemModel object
results = backend_sim.run(pulse_qobj, system_model)
**Supported PulseQobj parameters**
* ``qubit_lo_freq``: Local oscillator frequencies for each :class:`DriveChannel`.
Defaults to either the value given in the
:class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.pulse.PulseSystemModel`, or is calculated directly
from the Hamiltonian.
* ``meas_level``: Type of desired measurement output, in ``[1, 2]``.
``1`` gives complex numbers (IQ values), and ``2`` gives discriminated states ``|0>`` and
``|1>``. Defaults to ``2``.
* ``meas_return``: Measurement type, ``'single'`` or ``'avg'``. Defaults to ``'avg'``.
* ``shots``: Number of shots per experiment. Defaults to ``1024``.
**Simulation details**
The simulator uses the ``zvode`` differential equation solver method through ``scipy``.
Simulation is performed in the rotating frame of the diagonal of the drift Hamiltonian
contained in the :class:`~qiskit.providers.aer.pulse.PulseSystemModel`. Measurements
are performed in the `dressed basis` of the drift Hamiltonian.
**Other options**
:meth:`PulseSimulator.run` takes an additional ``dict`` argument ``backend_options`` for
customization. Accepted keys:
* ``'ode_options'``: A ``dict`` for ``zvode`` solver options. Accepted keys
are ``'atol'``, ``'rtol'``, ``'nsteps'``, ``'max_step'``, ``'num_cpus'``, ``'norm_tol'``,
and ``'norm_steps'``.
'backend_name': 'pulse_simulator',
'backend_version': __version__,
'n_qubits': 20,
'coupling_map': None,
'url': 'https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer',
'simulator': True,
'meas_levels': [0, 1, 2],
'local': True,
'conditional': True,
'open_pulse': True,
'memory': False,
'max_shots': int(1e6),
'description': 'A pulse-based Hamiltonian simulator for Pulse Qobj files',
'gates': [],
'basis_gates': []
def __init__(self, configuration=None, provider=None):
# purpose of defaults is to pass assemble checks
self._defaults = PulseDefaults(qubit_freq_est=[inf],
[docs] def run(self, qobj, system_model, backend_options=None, validate=False):
"""Run a qobj on system_model.
qobj (PulseQobj): Qobj for pulse Schedules to run
system_model (PulseSystemModel): Physical model to run simulation on
backend_options (dict): Other options
validate (bool): Flag for validation checks
Result: results of simulation
# Submit job
job_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
aer_job = AerJob(self, job_id, self._run_job, qobj, system_model,
backend_options, validate)
return aer_job
def _run_job(self, job_id, qobj, system_model, backend_options, validate):
"""Run a qobj job"""
start = time.time()
if validate:
self._validate(qobj, backend_options, noise_model=None)
# Send to solver
openpulse_system = digest_pulse_obj(qobj, system_model, backend_options)
results = opsolve(openpulse_system)
end = time.time()
return self._format_results(job_id, results, end - start, qobj.qobj_id)
def _format_results(self, job_id, results, time_taken, qobj_id):
"""Construct Result object from simulator output."""
# Add result metadata
output = {}
output['qobj_id'] = qobj_id
output['results'] = results
output['success'] = True
output["job_id"] = job_id
output["date"] = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
output["backend_name"] = self.name()
output["backend_version"] = self.configuration().backend_version
output["time_taken"] = time_taken
return Result.from_dict(output)
[docs] def defaults(self):
"""Return defaults.
PulseDefaults: object for passing assemble.
return self._defaults