
class FermionicOperator(h1, h2=None, ph_trans_shift=None)[source]

A set of functions to map fermionic Hamiltonians to qubit Hamiltonians.


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  • S. Bravyi and A. Kitaev. Fermionic quantum computation, Ann. of Phys., 298(1):210–226 (2002).

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  • S. Bravyi, J. M. Gambetta, A. Mezzacapo, and K. Temme, arXiv e-print arXiv:1701.08213 (2017).

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This class requires the integrals stored in the ‘chemist’ notation

h2(i,j,k,l) –> adag_i adag_k a_l a_j

and the integral values are used for the coefficients of the second-quantized Hamiltonian that is built. The integrals input here should be in block spin format and also have indexes reordered as follows ‘ijkl->ljik’

There is another popular notation, the ‘physicist’ notation

h2(i,j,k,l) –> adag_i adag_j a_k a_l

If you are using the ‘physicist’ notation, you need to convert it to the ‘chemist’ notation. E.g. h2=numpy.einsum(‘ikmj->ijkm’, h2)

The QMolecule class has one_body_integrals and two_body_integrals properties that can be directly supplied to the h1 and h2 parameters here respectively.

  • h1 (numpy.ndarray) – second-quantized fermionic one-body operator, a 2-D (NxN) tensor

  • h2 (numpy.ndarray) – second-quantized fermionic two-body operator, a 4-D (NxNxNxN) tensor

  • ph_trans_shift (float) – energy shift caused by particle hole transformation



Getter of one body integral tensor.


Getter of two body integral tensor.


Getter of modes.



Eliminate modes.


Freezing modes and extracting its energy.

FermionicOperator.mapping(map_type[, threshold])

Map fermionic operator to qubit operator.


The ‘standard’ second quantized Hamiltonian can be transformed in the particle-hole (p/h) picture, which makes the expansion of the trail wavefunction from the HF reference state more natural.


Total angular momentum.


A data_preprocess_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the magnetization of the given eigenstate.


A data_preprocess_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the number of particle of the given eigenstate.


Transform the one and two body term based on unitary_matrix.