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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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""" Fermionic Operator """
import itertools
import logging
import sys
import numpy as np
from qiskit.quantum_info import Pauli
from qiskit.tools import parallel_map
from qiskit.tools.events import TextProgressBar
from qiskit.aqua import aqua_globals
from qiskit.aqua.operators import WeightedPauliOperator
from .qiskit_chemistry_error import QiskitChemistryError
from .bksf import bksf_mapping
from .particle_hole import particle_hole_transformation
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class FermionicOperator:
A set of functions to map fermionic Hamiltonians to qubit Hamiltonians.
- *E. Wigner and P. Jordan., Über das Paulische Äquivalenzverbot,
Z. Phys., 47:631 (1928).*
- *S. Bravyi and A. Kitaev. Fermionic quantum computation,
Ann. of Phys., 298(1):210–226 (2002).*
- *A. Tranter, S. Sofia, J. Seeley, M. Kaicher, J. McClean, R. Babbush,
P. Coveney, F. Mintert, F. Wilhelm, and P. Love. The Bravyi–Kitaev
transformation: Properties and applications. Int. Journal of Quantum
Chemistry, 115(19):1431–1441 (2015).*
- *S. Bravyi, J. M. Gambetta, A. Mezzacapo, and K. Temme,
arXiv e-print arXiv:1701.08213 (2017).*
- *K. Setia, J. D. Whitfield, arXiv:1712.00446 (2017)*
def __init__(self, h1, h2=None, ph_trans_shift=None):
This class requires the integrals stored in the '*chemist*' notation
h2(i,j,k,l) --> adag_i adag_k a_l a_j
and the integral values are used for the coefficients of the second-quantized
Hamiltonian that is built. The integrals input here should be in block spin
format and also have indexes reordered as follows 'ijkl->ljik'
There is another popular notation, the '*physicist*' notation
h2(i,j,k,l) --> adag_i adag_j a_k a_l
If you are using the '*physicist*' notation, you need to convert it to
the '*chemist*' notation. E.g. h2=numpy.einsum('ikmj->ijkm', h2)
The :class:`~qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule` class has
:attr:`~qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.one_body_integrals` and
:attr:`~qiskit.chemistry.QMolecule.two_body_integrals` properties that can be
directly supplied to the `h1` and `h2` parameters here respectively.
h1 (numpy.ndarray): second-quantized fermionic one-body operator, a 2-D (NxN) tensor
h2 (numpy.ndarray): second-quantized fermionic two-body operator,
a 4-D (NxNxNxN) tensor
ph_trans_shift (float): energy shift caused by particle hole transformation
self._h1 = h1
if h2 is None:
h2 = np.zeros((h1.shape[0], h1.shape[0], h1.shape[0], h1.shape[0]), dtype=h1.dtype)
self._h2 = h2
self._ph_trans_shift = ph_trans_shift
self._modes = self._h1.shape[0]
self._map_type = None
def modes(self):
"""Getter of modes."""
return self._modes
def h1(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Getter of one body integral tensor."""
return self._h1
def h1(self, new_h1): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Setter of one body integral tensor."""
self._h1 = new_h1
def h2(self): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Getter of two body integral tensor."""
return self._h2
def h2(self, new_h2): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
"""Setter of two body integral tensor."""
self._h2 = new_h2
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Overload == ."""
ret = np.all(self._h1 == other._h1)
if not ret:
return ret
ret = np.all(self._h2 == other._h2)
return ret
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Overload != ."""
return not self.__eq__(other)
def _h1_transform(self, unitary_matrix):
Transform h1 based on unitary matrix, and overwrite original property.
unitary_matrix (numpy.ndarray): A 2-D unitary matrix for h1 transformation.
self._h1 = unitary_matrix.T.conj().dot(self._h1.dot(unitary_matrix))
def _h2_transform(self, unitary_matrix):
Transform h2 to get fermionic hamiltonian, and overwrite original property.
unitary_matrix (numpy.ndarray): A 2-D unitary matrix for h1 transformation.
num_modes = unitary_matrix.shape[0]
temp_ret = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes, num_modes, num_modes),
unitary_matrix_dagger = np.conjugate(unitary_matrix)
# option 3: temp1 is a 3-D tensor, temp2 and temp3 are 2-D tensors
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
for a_i in range(num_modes):
temp1 = np.einsum('i,i...->...', unitary_matrix_dagger[:, a_i], self._h2)
for b_i in range(num_modes):
temp2 = np.einsum('j,j...->...', unitary_matrix[:, b_i], temp1)
temp3 = np.einsum('kc,k...->...c', unitary_matrix_dagger, temp2)
temp_ret[a_i, b_i, :, :] = np.einsum('ld,l...c->...cd', unitary_matrix, temp3)
self._h2 = temp_ret
def _jordan_wigner_mode(self, n):
Jordan_Wigner mode.
Each Fermionic Operator is mapped to 2 Pauli Operators, added together with the
appropriate phase, i.e.:
a_i\^\\dagger = Z\^i (X + iY) I\^(n-i-1) = (Z\^i X I\^(n-i-1)) + i (Z\^i Y I\^(n-i-1))
a_i = Z\^i (X - iY) I\^(n-i-1)
This is implemented by creating an array of tuples, each including two operators.
The phase between two elements in a tuple is implicitly assumed, and added calculated at the
appropriate time (see for example _one_body_mapping).
n (int): number of modes
list[Tuple]: Pauli
a_list = []
for i in range(n):
a_z = np.asarray([1] * i + [0] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
a_x = np.asarray([0] * i + [1] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
b_z = np.asarray([1] * i + [1] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
b_x = np.asarray([0] * i + [1] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
a_list.append((Pauli(a_z, a_x), Pauli(b_z, b_x)))
return a_list
def _parity_mode(self, n):
Parity mode.
n (int): number of modes
list[Tuple]: Pauli
a_list = []
for i in range(n):
a_z = [0] * (i - 1) + [1] if i > 0 else []
a_x = [0] * (i - 1) + [0] if i > 0 else []
b_z = [0] * (i - 1) + [0] if i > 0 else []
b_x = [0] * (i - 1) + [0] if i > 0 else []
a_z = np.asarray(a_z + [0] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
a_x = np.asarray(a_x + [1] + [1] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
b_z = np.asarray(b_z + [1] + [0] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
b_x = np.asarray(b_x + [1] + [1] * (n - i - 1), dtype=np.bool)
a_list.append((Pauli(a_z, a_x), Pauli(b_z, b_x)))
return a_list
def _bravyi_kitaev_mode(self, n):
Bravyi-Kitaev mode.
n (int): number of modes
numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indexes
def parity_set(j, n):
Computes the parity set of the j-th orbital in n modes.
j (int) : the orbital index
n (int) : the total number of modes
numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indexes
indexes = np.array([])
if n % 2 != 0:
return indexes
if j < n / 2:
indexes = np.append(indexes, parity_set(j, n / 2))
indexes = np.append(indexes, np.append(
parity_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2, n / 2 - 1))
return indexes
def update_set(j, n):
Computes the update set of the j-th orbital in n modes.
j (int) : the orbital index
n (int) : the total number of modes
numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indexes
indexes = np.array([])
if n % 2 != 0:
return indexes
if j < n / 2:
indexes = np.append(indexes, np.append(
n - 1, update_set(j, n / 2)))
indexes = np.append(indexes, update_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2)
return indexes
def flip_set(j, n):
Computes the flip set of the j-th orbital in n modes.
j (int) : the orbital index
n (int) : the total number of modes
numpy.ndarray: Array of mode indexes
indexes = np.array([])
if n % 2 != 0:
return indexes
if j < n / 2:
indexes = np.append(indexes, flip_set(j, n / 2))
elif j >= n / 2 and j < n - 1: # pylint: disable=chained-comparison
indexes = np.append(indexes, flip_set(j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2)
indexes = np.append(np.append(indexes, flip_set(
j - n / 2, n / 2) + n / 2), n / 2 - 1)
return indexes
a_list = []
bin_sup = 1
# pylint: disable=comparison-with-callable
while n > np.power(2, bin_sup):
bin_sup += 1
update_sets = []
update_pauli = []
parity_sets = []
parity_pauli = []
flip_sets = []
remainder_sets = []
remainder_pauli = []
for j in range(n):
update_sets.append(update_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup)))
update_sets[j] = update_sets[j][update_sets[j] < n]
parity_sets.append(parity_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup)))
parity_sets[j] = parity_sets[j][parity_sets[j] < n]
flip_sets.append(flip_set(j, np.power(2, bin_sup)))
flip_sets[j] = flip_sets[j][flip_sets[j] < n]
remainder_sets.append(np.setdiff1d(parity_sets[j], flip_sets[j]))
update_pauli.append(Pauli(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool)))
parity_pauli.append(Pauli(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool)))
remainder_pauli.append(Pauli(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool)))
for k in range(n):
if np.in1d(k, update_sets[j]):
update_pauli[j].update_x(True, k)
if np.in1d(k, parity_sets[j]):
parity_pauli[j].update_z(True, k)
if np.in1d(k, remainder_sets[j]):
remainder_pauli[j].update_z(True, k)
x_j = Pauli(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool))
x_j.update_x(True, j)
y_j = Pauli(np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool), np.zeros(n, dtype=np.bool))
y_j.update_z(True, j)
y_j.update_x(True, j)
a_list.append((update_pauli[j] * x_j * parity_pauli[j],
update_pauli[j] * y_j * remainder_pauli[j]))
return a_list
[docs] def mapping(self, map_type, threshold=0.00000001):
Map fermionic operator to qubit operator.
Using multiprocess to speedup the mapping, the improvement can be
observed when h2 is a non-sparse matrix.
map_type (str): case-insensitive mapping type.
"jordan_wigner", "parity", "bravyi_kitaev", "bksf"
threshold (float): threshold for Pauli simplification
WeightedPauliOperator: create an Operator object in Paulis form.
QiskitChemistryError: if the `map_type` can not be recognized.
# ###################################################################
# ########### DEFINING MAPPED FERMIONIC OPERATORS ##############
# ###################################################################
self._map_type = map_type
n = self._modes # number of fermionic modes / qubits
map_type = map_type.lower()
if map_type == 'jordan_wigner':
a_list = self._jordan_wigner_mode(n)
elif map_type == 'parity':
a_list = self._parity_mode(n)
elif map_type == 'bravyi_kitaev':
a_list = self._bravyi_kitaev_mode(n)
elif map_type == 'bksf':
return bksf_mapping(self)
raise QiskitChemistryError('Please specify the supported modes: '
'jordan_wigner, parity, bravyi_kitaev, bksf')
# ###################################################################
# ########### BUILDING THE MAPPED HAMILTONIAN ################
# ###################################################################
pauli_list = WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[])
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("Mapping one-body terms to Qubit Hamiltonian:")
results = parallel_map(FermionicOperator._one_body_mapping,
[(self._h1[i, j], a_list[i], a_list[j])
for i, j in itertools.product(range(n), repeat=2)
if self._h1[i, j] != 0],
task_args=(threshold,), num_processes=aqua_globals.num_processes)
for result in results:
pauli_list += result
if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
logger.debug("Mapping two-body terms to Qubit Hamiltonian:")
results = parallel_map(FermionicOperator._two_body_mapping,
[(self._h2[i, j, k, m], a_list[i], a_list[j], a_list[k], a_list[m])
for i, j, k, m in itertools.product(range(n), repeat=4)
if self._h2[i, j, k, m] != 0],
task_args=(threshold,), num_processes=aqua_globals.num_processes)
for result in results:
pauli_list += result
if self._ph_trans_shift is not None:
pauli_term = [self._ph_trans_shift, Pauli.from_label('I' * self._modes)]
pauli_list += WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=[pauli_term])
return pauli_list
def _one_body_mapping(h1_ij_aij, threshold):
Subroutine for one body mapping.
h1_ij_aij (tuple): value of h1 at index (i,j), pauli at index i, pauli at index j
threshold (float): threshold to remove a pauli
WeightedPauliOperator: Operator for those paulis
h1_ij, a_i, a_j = h1_ij_aij
pauli_list = []
for alpha in range(2):
for beta in range(2):
pauli_prod = Pauli.sgn_prod(a_i[alpha], a_j[beta])
coeff = h1_ij / 4 * pauli_prod[1] * np.power(-1j, alpha) * np.power(1j, beta)
pauli_term = [coeff, pauli_prod[0]]
if np.absolute(pauli_term[0]) > threshold:
return WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=pauli_list)
def _two_body_mapping(h2_ijkm_a_ijkm, threshold):
Subroutine for two body mapping. We use the chemists notation
for the two-body term, h2(i,j,k,m) adag_i adag_k a_m a_j.
h2_ijkm_a_ijkm (tuple): value of h2 at index (i,j,k,m),
pauli at index i, pauli at index j,
pauli at index k, pauli at index m
threshold (float): threshold to remove a pauli
WeightedPauliOperator: Operator for those paulis
h2_ijkm, a_i, a_j, a_k, a_m = h2_ijkm_a_ijkm
pauli_list = []
for alpha in range(2):
for beta in range(2):
for gamma in range(2):
for delta in range(2):
pauli_prod_1 = Pauli.sgn_prod(a_i[alpha], a_k[beta])
pauli_prod_2 = Pauli.sgn_prod(pauli_prod_1[0], a_m[gamma])
pauli_prod_3 = Pauli.sgn_prod(pauli_prod_2[0], a_j[delta])
phase1 = pauli_prod_1[1] * pauli_prod_2[1] * pauli_prod_3[1]
phase2 = np.power(-1j, alpha + beta) * np.power(1j, gamma + delta)
pauli_term = [h2_ijkm / 16 * phase1 * phase2, pauli_prod_3[0]]
if np.absolute(pauli_term[0]) > threshold:
return WeightedPauliOperator(paulis=pauli_list)
def _convert_to_interleaved_spins(self):
Converting the spin order from block to interleaved.
From up-up-up-up-down-down-down-down
to up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
matrix = np.zeros((self._h1.shape), self._h1.dtype)
n = matrix.shape[0]
j = np.arange(n // 2)
matrix[j, 2 * j] = 1.0
matrix[j + n // 2, 2 * j + 1] = 1.0
def _convert_to_block_spins(self):
Converting the spin order from interleaved to block.
From up-down-up-down-up-down-up-down
to up-up-up-up-down-down-down-down
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
matrix = np.zeros((self._h1.shape), self._h1.dtype)
n = matrix.shape[0]
j = np.arange(n // 2)
matrix[2 * j, j] = 1.0
matrix[2 * j + 1, n // 2 + j] = 1.0
# Modified for Open-Shell : 17.07.2019 by iso and bpa
[docs] def particle_hole_transformation(self, num_particles):
The 'standard' second quantized Hamiltonian can be transformed in the
particle-hole (p/h) picture, which makes the expansion of the trail wavefunction
from the HF reference state more natural. In fact, for both trail wavefunctions
implemented in q-lib ('heuristic' hardware efficient and UCCSD) the p/h Hamiltonian
improves the speed of convergence of the VQE algorithm for the calculation of
the electronic ground state properties.
For more information on the p/h formalism see:
P. Barkoutsos, arXiv:1805.04340(https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04340).
num_particles (list, int): number of particles, if it is a list,
the first number is alpha
and the second number is beta.
tuple: new_fer_op, energy_shift
h_1, h_2, energy_shift = particle_hole_transformation(self._modes, num_particles,
self._h1, self._h2)
new_fer_op = FermionicOperator(h1=h_1, h2=h_2, ph_trans_shift=energy_shift)
return new_fer_op, energy_shift
[docs] def fermion_mode_elimination(self, fermion_mode_array):
"""Eliminate modes.
Generate a new fermionic operator with the modes in fermion_mode_array deleted
fermion_mode_array (list): orbital index for elimination
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
fermion_mode_array = np.sort(fermion_mode_array)
n_modes_old = self._modes
n_modes_new = n_modes_old - fermion_mode_array.size
mode_set_diff = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n_modes_old), fermion_mode_array)
h1_id_i, h1_id_j = np.meshgrid(mode_set_diff, mode_set_diff, indexing='ij')
h1_new = self._h1[h1_id_i, h1_id_j].copy()
if np.count_nonzero(self._h2) > 0:
h2_id_i, h2_id_j, h2_id_k, h2_id_l = np.meshgrid(
mode_set_diff, mode_set_diff, mode_set_diff, mode_set_diff, indexing='ij')
h2_new = self._h2[h2_id_i, h2_id_j, h2_id_k, h2_id_l].copy()
h2_new = np.zeros((n_modes_new, n_modes_new, n_modes_new, n_modes_new))
return FermionicOperator(h1_new, h2_new)
[docs] def fermion_mode_freezing(self, fermion_mode_array):
Freezing modes and extracting its energy.
Generate a fermionic operator with the modes in fermion_mode_array deleted and
provide the shifted energy after freezing.
fermion_mode_array (list): orbital index for freezing
tuple(FermionicOperator, float):
Fermionic Hamiltonian and energy of frozen modes
fermion_mode_array = np.sort(fermion_mode_array)
n_modes_old = self._modes
n_modes_new = n_modes_old - fermion_mode_array.size
mode_set_diff = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(n_modes_old), fermion_mode_array)
h_1 = self._h1.copy()
h2_new = np.zeros((n_modes_new, n_modes_new, n_modes_new, n_modes_new))
energy_shift = 0.0
if np.count_nonzero(self._h2) > 0:
# First simplify h2 and renormalize original h1
for __i, __j, __l, __k in itertools.product(range(n_modes_old), repeat=4):
# Untouched terms
h2_ijlk = self._h2[__i, __j, __l, __k]
if h2_ijlk == 0.0:
if __i in mode_set_diff and __j in mode_set_diff \
and __l in mode_set_diff and __k in mode_set_diff:
h2_new[__i - np.where(fermion_mode_array < __i)[0].size,
__j - np.where(fermion_mode_array < __j)[0].size,
__l - np.where(fermion_mode_array < __l)[0].size,
__k - np.where(fermion_mode_array < __k)[0].size] = h2_ijlk
if __i in fermion_mode_array:
if __l not in fermion_mode_array:
if __i == __k and __j not in fermion_mode_array:
h_1[__l, __j] -= h2_ijlk
elif __i == __j and __k not in fermion_mode_array:
h_1[__l, __k] += h2_ijlk
elif __i != __l:
if __j in fermion_mode_array and __i == __k and __l == __j:
energy_shift -= h2_ijlk
elif __l in fermion_mode_array and __i == __j and __l == __k:
energy_shift += h2_ijlk
elif __i not in fermion_mode_array and __l in fermion_mode_array:
if __l == __k and __j not in fermion_mode_array:
h_1[__i, __j] += h2_ijlk
elif __l == __j and __k not in fermion_mode_array:
h_1[__i, __k] -= h2_ijlk
# now simplify h1
energy_shift += np.sum(np.diagonal(h_1)[fermion_mode_array])
h1_id_i, h1_id_j = np.meshgrid(mode_set_diff, mode_set_diff, indexing='ij')
h1_new = h_1[h1_id_i, h1_id_j]
return FermionicOperator(h1_new, h2_new), energy_shift
[docs] def total_particle_number(self):
A data_preprocess_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the number of
particle of the given eigenstate.
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
modes = self._modes
h_1 = np.eye(modes, dtype=np.complex)
h_2 = np.zeros((modes, modes, modes, modes))
return FermionicOperator(h_1, h_2)
[docs] def total_magnetization(self):
A data_preprocess_helper fermionic operator which can be used to
evaluate the magnetization of the given eigenstate.
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
modes = self._modes
h_1 = np.eye(modes, dtype=np.complex) * 0.5
h_1[modes // 2:, modes // 2:] *= -1.0
h_2 = np.zeros((modes, modes, modes, modes))
return FermionicOperator(h_1, h_2)
def _s_x_squared(self):
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
num_modes = self._modes
num_modes_2 = num_modes // 2
h_1 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes))
h_2 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes, num_modes, num_modes))
for p, q in itertools.product(range(num_modes_2), repeat=2): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if p != q:
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, q, q + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, q, q + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, q + num_modes_2, q] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, q + num_modes_2, q] += 1.0
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, p, p + num_modes_2] -= 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, p + num_modes_2, p] -= 1.0
h_2[p, p, p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2] -= 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2, p, p] -= 1.0
h_1[p, p] += 1.0
h_1[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_1 *= 0.25
h_2 *= 0.25
return h_1, h_2
def _s_y_squared(self):
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
num_modes = self._modes
num_modes_2 = num_modes // 2
h_1 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes))
h_2 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes, num_modes, num_modes))
for p, q in itertools.product(range(num_modes_2), repeat=2): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if p != q:
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, q, q + num_modes_2] -= 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, q, q + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, q + num_modes_2, q] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, q + num_modes_2, q] -= 1.0
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, p, p + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, p + num_modes_2, p] += 1.0
h_2[p, p, p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2] -= 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2, p, p] -= 1.0
h_1[p, p] += 1.0
h_1[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_1 *= 0.25
h_2 *= 0.25
return h_1, h_2
def _s_z_squared(self):
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
num_modes = self._modes
num_modes_2 = num_modes // 2
h_1 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes))
h_2 = np.zeros((num_modes, num_modes, num_modes, num_modes))
for p, q in itertools.product(range(num_modes_2), repeat=2): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if p != q:
h_2[p, p, q, q] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2, q, q] -= 1.0
h_2[p, p, q + num_modes_2, q + num_modes_2] -= 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2,
q + num_modes_2, q + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_2[p, p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2, p] += 1.0
h_2[p + num_modes_2, p, p, p + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_1[p, p] += 1.0
h_1[p + num_modes_2, p + num_modes_2] += 1.0
h_1 *= 0.25
h_2 *= 0.25
return h_1, h_2
[docs] def total_angular_momentum(self):
Total angular momentum.
A data_preprocess_helper fermionic operator which can be used to evaluate the total
angular momentum of the given eigenstate.
FermionicOperator: Fermionic Hamiltonian
x_h1, x_h2 = self._s_x_squared()
y_h1, y_h2 = self._s_y_squared()
z_h1, z_h2 = self._s_z_squared()
h_1 = x_h1 + y_h1 + z_h1
h_2 = x_h2 + y_h2 + z_h2
return FermionicOperator(h1=h_1, h2=h_2)