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The Gaussian Conditional Independence Model for Credit Risk
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.1183
Dependency between individual risk variables and latent variable is approximated linearly.
from typing import Optional, List, Union
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats.distributions import norm
from qiskit.circuit.library import LinearPauliRotations
from .multivariate_distribution import MultivariateDistribution
from .normal_distribution import NormalDistribution
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
[docs]class GaussianConditionalIndependenceModel(MultivariateDistribution):
"""The Gaussian Conditional Independence Model for Credit Risk.
Reference: https://arxiv.org/abs/1412.1183
Dependency between individual risk variables and latent variable is approximated linearly.
def __init__(self,
n_normal: int,
normal_max_value: float,
p_zeros: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
rhos: Union[List[float], np.ndarray],
i_normal: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None,
i_ps: Optional[Union[List[float], np.ndarray]] = None) -> None:
n_normal: Number of qubits to represent the latent normal random variable Z
normal_max_value: Min/max value to truncate the latent normal random variable Z
p_zeros: Standard default probabilities for each asset
rhos: Sensitivities of default probability of assets with respect to latent variable Z
i_normal: Indices of qubits to represent normal variable
i_ps: Indices of qubits to represent asset defaults
self.n_normal = n_normal
self.normal_max_value = normal_max_value
self.p_zeros = p_zeros
self.rhos = rhos
self.K = len(p_zeros)
num_qubits = [n_normal] + [1] * self.K
# set and store indices
if i_normal is not None:
self.i_normal = i_normal
self.i_normal = list(range(n_normal))
if i_ps is not None:
self.i_ps = i_ps
self.i_ps = list(range(n_normal, n_normal + self.K))
# get normal (inverse) CDF and pdf
def F(x):
return norm.cdf(x)
def F_inv(x):
return norm.ppf(x)
def f(x):
return norm.pdf(x)
# set low/high values
low = [-normal_max_value] + [0] * self.K
high = [normal_max_value] + [1] * self.K
# call super constructor
super().__init__(num_qubits, low=low, high=high)
# create normal distribution
self._normal = NormalDistribution(n_normal, 0, 1, -normal_max_value, normal_max_value)
# create linear rotations for conditional defaults
self._slopes = np.zeros(self.K)
self._offsets = np.zeros(self.K)
self._rotations = []
for k in range(self.K):
psi = F_inv(p_zeros[k]) / np.sqrt(1 - rhos[k])
# compute slope / offset
slope = -np.sqrt(rhos[k]) / np.sqrt(1 - rhos[k])
slope *= f(psi) / np.sqrt(1 - F(psi)) / np.sqrt(F(psi))
offset = 2 * np.arcsin(np.sqrt(F(psi)))
# adjust for integer to normal range mapping
offset += slope * (-normal_max_value)
slope *= 2 * normal_max_value / (2 ** n_normal - 1)
self._offsets[k] = offset
self._slopes[k] = slope
[docs] def build(self, qc, q, q_ancillas=None, params=None):
self._normal.build(qc, q, q_ancillas)
for k in range(self.K):
lry = LinearPauliRotations(self.n_normal, self._slopes[k], self._offsets[k])
qc.append(lry.to_instruction(), self.i_normal + [self.i_ps[k]])