Source code for qiskit.aqua.components.optimizers.powell

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# This code is part of Qiskit.
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"""Powell optimizer."""

from typing import Optional
import logging

from scipy.optimize import minimize
from .optimizer import Optimizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class POWELL(Optimizer): """ Powell optimizer. The Powell algorithm performs unconstrained optimization; it ignores bounds or constraints. Powell is a *conjugate direction method*: it performs sequential one-dimensional minimization along each directional vector, which is updated at each iteration of the main minimization loop. The function being minimized need not be differentiable, and no derivatives are taken. Uses scipy.optimize.minimize Powell. For further detail, please refer to See """ _OPTIONS = ['maxiter', 'maxfev', 'disp', 'xtol'] # pylint: disable=unused-argument def __init__(self, maxiter: Optional[int] = None, maxfev: int = 1000, disp: bool = False, xtol: float = 0.0001, tol: Optional[float] = None) -> None: """ Args: maxiter: Maximum allowed number of iterations. If both maxiter and maxfev are set, minimization will stop at the first reached. maxfev: Maximum allowed number of function evaluations. If both maxiter and maxfev are set, minimization will stop at the first reached. disp: Set to True to print convergence messages. xtol: Relative error in solution xopt acceptable for convergence. tol: Tolerance for termination. """ super().__init__() for k, v in locals().items(): if k in self._OPTIONS: self._options[k] = v self._tol = tol
[docs] def get_support_level(self): """ Return support level dictionary """ return { 'gradient': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored, 'bounds': Optimizer.SupportLevel.ignored, 'initial_point': Optimizer.SupportLevel.required }
[docs] def optimize(self, num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function=None, variable_bounds=None, initial_point=None): super().optimize(num_vars, objective_function, gradient_function, variable_bounds, initial_point) res = minimize(objective_function, initial_point, tol=self._tol, method="Powell", options=self._options) return res.x,, res.nfev