
Schedule.exclude(*filter_funcs, channels=None, instruction_types=None, time_ranges=None, intervals=None)[source]

Return a Schedule with only the instructions from this Schedule failing at least one of the provided filters. This method is the complement of self.filter, so that:

self.filter(args) | self.exclude(args) == self
  • filter_funcs (List[Callable]) – A list of Callables which take a (int, ScheduleComponent) tuple and return a bool.

  • channels (Optional[Iterable[Channel]]) – For example, [DriveChannel(0), AcquireChannel(0)].

  • instruction_types (Optional[Iterable[Type[qiskit.pulse.Instruction]]]) – For example, [PulseInstruction, AcquireInstruction].

  • time_ranges (Optional[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]]) – For example, [(0, 5), (6, 10)].

  • intervals (Optional[Iterable[Tuple[int, int]]]) – For example, [(0, 5), (6, 10)].

Return type
