
class IBMQJobManager[source]

Job Manager for IBM Quantum Experience.

The Job Manager is a higher level mechanism for handling jobs composed of multiple circuits or pulse schedules. It splits the experiments into multiple jobs based on backend restrictions. When the jobs are finished, it collects and presents the results in a unified view.

You can use the run() method to submit multiple experiments with the Job Manager:

from qiskit.providers.ibmq.managed import IBMQJobManager
from qiskit.circuit.random import random_circuit

# Build a thousand circuits.
circs = []
for _ in range(1000):
    circs.append(random_circuit(n_qubits=5, depth=4))

# Use Job Manager to break the circuits into multiple jobs.
job_manager = IBMQJobManager()
job_set_foo =, backend=backend, name='foo')

The run() method returns a ManagedJobSet instance, which represents the set of jobs for the experiments. You can use the ManagedJobSet methods, such as statuses(), results(), and error_messages() to get a combined view of the jobs in the set. For example:

results = job_set_foo.results()
results.get_counts(5)  # Counts for experiment 5.

The job_set_id() method of ManagedJobSet returns the job set ID, which can be used to retrieve the job set later:

job_set_id = job_set_foo.job_set_id()
retrieved_foo = job_manager.retrieve_job_set(job_set_id=job_set_id, provider=provider)

IBMQJobManager constructor.



Return job sets being managed in this session, subject to optional filtering.[detailed])

Return a report on the statuses of all jobs managed by this Job Manager.

IBMQJobManager.retrieve_job_set(job_set_id, …)

Retrieve a previously submitted job set., backend[, …])

Execute a set of circuits or pulse schedules on a backend.