

Return the job limit for the backend.

The job limit information includes the current number of active jobs you have on the backend and the maximum number of active jobs you can have on it.


Job limit information for a backend is provider specific. For example, if you have access to the same backend via different providers, the job limit information might be different for each provider.

If the method call was successful, you can inspect the job limit for the backend by accessing the maximum_jobs and active_jobs attributes of the BackendJobLimit instance returned. For example:

backend_job_limit = backend.job_limit()
maximum_jobs = backend_job_limit.maximum_jobs
active_jobs = backend_job_limit.active_jobs

If maximum_jobs is equal to None, then there is no limit to the maximum number of active jobs you could have on the backend.

Return type



The job limit for the backend, with this provider.


IBMQBackendApiProtocolError – If an unexpected value is received from the server.