
ZZFeatureMap.compose(other, qubits=None, clbits=None, front=False, inplace=False)

Compose circuit with other circuit or instruction, optionally permuting wires.

other can be narrower or of equal width to self.

  • other (qiskit.circuit.Instruction or QuantumCircuit or BaseOperator) – (sub)circuit to compose onto self.

  • qubits (list[Qubit|int]) – qubits of self to compose onto.

  • clbits (list[Clbit|int]) – clbits of self to compose onto.

  • front (bool) – If True, front composition will be performed (not implemented yet).

  • inplace (bool) – If True, modify the object. Otherwise return composed circuit.


the composed circuit (returns None if inplace==True).

Return type


  • CircuitError – if composing on the front.

  • QiskitError – if other is wider or there are duplicate edge mappings.


>>> lhs.compose(rhs, qubits=[3, 2], inplace=True)
            ┌───┐                   ┌─────┐                ┌───┐
lqr_1_0: ───┤ H ├───    rqr_0: ──■──┤ Tdg ├    lqr_1_0: ───┤ H ├───────────────
            ├───┤              ┌─┴─┐└─────┘                ├───┤
lqr_1_1: ───┤ X ├───    rqr_1: ┤ X ├───────    lqr_1_1: ───┤ X ├───────────────
         ┌──┴───┴──┐           └───┘                    ┌──┴───┴──┐┌───┐
lqr_1_2: ┤ U1(0.1) ├  +                     =  lqr_1_2: ┤ U1(0.1) ├┤ X ├───────
         └─────────┘                                    └─────────┘└─┬─┘┌─────┐
lqr_2_0: ─────■─────                           lqr_2_0: ─────■───────■──┤ Tdg ├
            ┌─┴─┐                                          ┌─┴─┐        └─────┘
lqr_2_1: ───┤ X ├───                           lqr_2_1: ───┤ X ├───────────────
            └───┘                                          └───┘
lcr_0: 0 ═══════════                           lcr_0: 0 ═══════════════════════

lcr_1: 0 ═══════════                           lcr_1: 0 ═══════════════════════