- TPBGroupedWeightedPauliOperator.evolve(state_in=None, evo_time=0, num_time_slices=1, quantum_registers=None, expansion_mode='trotter', expansion_order=1)¶
Carry out the eoh evolution for the operator under supplied specifications.
- Parameters
state_in (QuantumCircuit) – a circuit describes the input state
evo_time (Union(complex, float, Parameter, ParameterExpression)) – The evolution time
num_time_slices (int) – The number of time slices for the expansion
quantum_registers (QuantumRegister) – The QuantumRegister to build the QuantumCircuit off of
expansion_mode (str) – The mode under which the expansion is to be done. Currently support ‘trotter’, which follows the expansion as discussed in, and ‘suzuki’, which corresponds to the discussion in
expansion_order (int) – The order for suzuki expansion
- Returns
The constructed circuit.
- Return type
- Raises