# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017, 2019.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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"""Collect sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on 2 qubits."""
from collections import defaultdict
from qiskit.transpiler.basepasses import AnalysisPass
[docs]class Collect2qBlocks(AnalysisPass):
"""Collect sequences of uninterrupted gates acting on 2 qubits.
Traverse the DAG and find blocks of gates that act consecutively on
pairs of qubits. Write the blocks to propert_set as a dictionary
of the form::
{(q0, q1): [[g0, g1, g2], [g5]],
(q0, q2): [[g3, g4]]
Based on implementation by Andrew Cross.
[docs] def run(self, dag):
"""Run the Collect2qBlocks pass on `dag`.
The blocks contain "op" nodes in topological sort order
such that all gates in a block act on the same pair of
qubits and are adjacent in the circuit. the blocks are built
by examining predecessors and successors of "cx" gates in
the circuit. u1, u2, u3, cx, id gates will be included.
After the execution, ``property_set['block_list']`` is set to
a list of tuples of "op" node labels.
# Initiate the commutation set
self.property_set['commutation_set'] = defaultdict(list)
good_names = ["cx", "u1", "u2", "u3", "id"]
block_list = []
nodes = list(dag.topological_nodes())
nodes_seen = dict(zip(nodes, [False] * len(nodes)))
for nd in dag.topological_op_nodes():
group = []
# Explore predecessors and successors of cx gates
if nd.name == "cx" and nd.condition is None and not nodes_seen[nd]:
these_qubits = set(nd.qargs)
# Explore predecessors of the "cx" node
pred = list(dag.quantum_predecessors(nd))
explore = True
while explore:
pred_next = []
# If there is one predecessor, add it if it's on the right qubits
if len(pred) == 1 and not nodes_seen[pred[0]]:
pnd = pred[0]
if pnd.name in good_names and pnd.condition is None:
if (pnd.name == "cx" and set(pnd.qargs) == these_qubits) or \
pnd.name != "cx" and not pnd.op.is_parameterized():
nodes_seen[pnd] = True
# If there are two, then we consider cases
elif len(pred) == 2:
# First, check if there is a relationship
if pred[0] in dag.predecessors(pred[1]):
sorted_pred = [pred[1]] # was [pred[1], pred[0]]
elif pred[1] in dag.predecessors(pred[0]):
sorted_pred = [pred[0]] # was [pred[0], pred[1]]
# We need to avoid accidentally adding a cx on these_qubits
# since these must have a dependency through the other predecessor
# in this case
if pred[0].name == "cx" and set(pred[0].qargs) == these_qubits:
sorted_pred = [pred[1]]
elif pred[1].name == "cx" and set(pred[1].qargs) == these_qubits:
sorted_pred = [pred[0]]
sorted_pred = pred
if len(sorted_pred) == 2 and sorted_pred[0].name == "cx" and \
sorted_pred[1].name == "cx":
break # stop immediately if we hit a pair of cx
# Examine each predecessor
for pnd in sorted_pred:
if pnd.name not in good_names or pnd.condition is not None:
# remove any qubits that are interrupted by a gate
# e.g. a measure in the middle of the circuit
these_qubits = list(set(these_qubits) -
# If a predecessor is a single qubit gate, add it
if pnd.name != "cx" and not pnd.op.is_parameterized():
if not nodes_seen[pnd]:
nodes_seen[pnd] = True
# If cx, check qubits
pred_qubits = set(pnd.qargs)
if pred_qubits == these_qubits and pnd.condition is None:
# add if on same qubits
if not nodes_seen[pnd]:
nodes_seen[pnd] = True
# remove qubit from consideration if not
these_qubits = list(set(these_qubits) -
# Update predecessors
# Stop if there aren't any more
pred = list(set(pred_next))
if not pred:
explore = False
# Reverse the predecessor list and append the "cx" node
nodes_seen[nd] = True
# Reset these_qubits
these_qubits = set(nd.qargs)
# Explore successors of the "cx" node
succ = list(dag.quantum_successors(nd))
explore = True
while explore:
succ_next = []
# If there is one successor, add it if its on the right qubits
if len(succ) == 1 and not nodes_seen[succ[0]]:
snd = succ[0]
if snd.name in good_names and snd.condition is None:
if (snd.name == "cx" and set(snd.qargs) == these_qubits) or \
snd.name != "cx" and not snd.op.is_parameterized():
nodes_seen[snd] = True
# If there are two, then we consider cases
elif len(succ) == 2:
# First, check if there is a relationship
if succ[0] in dag.successors(succ[1]):
sorted_succ = [succ[1]] # was [succ[1], succ[0]]
elif succ[1] in dag.successors(succ[0]):
sorted_succ = [succ[0]] # was [succ[0], succ[1]]
# We need to avoid accidentally adding a cx on these_qubits
# since these must have a dependency through the other successor
# in this case
if succ[0].name == "cx" and set(succ[0].qargs) == these_qubits:
sorted_succ = [succ[1]]
elif succ[1].name == "cx" and set(succ[1].qargs) == these_qubits:
sorted_succ = [succ[0]]
sorted_succ = succ
if len(sorted_succ) == 2 and \
sorted_succ[0].name == "cx" and \
sorted_succ[1].name == "cx":
break # stop immediately if we hit a pair of cx
# Examine each successor
for snd in sorted_succ:
if snd.name not in good_names or snd.condition is not None:
# remove qubits from consideration if interrupted
# by a gate e.g. a measure in the middle of the circuit
these_qubits = list(set(these_qubits) -
# If a successor is a single qubit gate, add it
# NB as we have eliminated all gates with names not in
# good_names, this check guarantees they are single qubit
if snd.name != "cx" and not snd.op.is_parameterized():
if not nodes_seen[snd]:
nodes_seen[snd] = True
# If cx, check qubits
succ_qubits = set(snd.qargs)
if succ_qubits == these_qubits and snd.condition is None:
# add if on same qubits
if not nodes_seen[snd]:
nodes_seen[snd] = True
# remove qubit from consideration if not
these_qubits = list(set(these_qubits) -
# Update successors
# Stop if there aren't any more
succ = list(set(succ_next))
if not succ:
explore = False
self.property_set['block_list'] = block_list
return dag