# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This code is part of Qiskit.
# (C) Copyright IBM 2017.
# This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may
# obtain a copy of this license in the LICENSE.txt file in the root directory
# of this source tree or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# Any modifications or derivative works of this code must retain this
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,unsupported-assignment-operation
A collection of DEPRECATED quantum information functions.
Please see the `qiskit.quantum_info` module for replacements.
import warnings
import math
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
from qiskit.quantum_info import pauli_group
# circuit manipulation.
# Define methods for making QFT circuits
[docs]def qft(circ, q, n):
"""n-qubit QFT on q in circ."""
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.',
for j in range(n):
for k in range(j):
circ.cu1(math.pi / float(2**(j - k)), q[j], q[k])
# State manipulation.
[docs]def partial_trace(state, trace_systems, dimensions=None, reverse=True):
Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite matrix.
Note that subsystems are ordered as rho012 = rho0(x)rho1(x)rho2.
state (matrix_like): a matrix NxN
trace_systems (list(int)): a list of subsystems (starting from 0) to
trace over.
dimensions (list(int)): a list of the dimensions of the subsystems.
If this is not set it will assume all
subsystems are qubits.
reverse (bool): ordering of systems in operator.
If True system-0 is the right most system in tensor product.
If False system-0 is the left most system in tensor product.
matrix_like: A density matrix with the appropriate subsystems traced
Exception: if input is not a multi-qubit state.
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future.'
' It is superseded by the `quantum_info.partial_trace` function',
if dimensions is None: # compute dims if not specified
num_qubits = int(np.log2(len(state)))
dimensions = [2 for _ in range(num_qubits)]
if len(state) != 2**num_qubits:
raise Exception("Input is not a multi-qubit state, "
"specify input state dims")
dimensions = list(dimensions)
if isinstance(trace_systems, int):
trace_systems = [trace_systems]
else: # reverse sort trace sys
trace_systems = sorted(trace_systems, reverse=True)
# trace out subsystems
if state.ndim == 1:
# optimized partial trace for input state vector
return __partial_trace_vec(state, trace_systems, dimensions, reverse)
# standard partial trace for input density matrix
return __partial_trace_mat(state, trace_systems, dimensions, reverse)
def __partial_trace_vec(vec, trace_systems, dimensions, reverse=True):
Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite vector.
vec (vector_like): complex vector N
trace_systems (list(int)): a list of subsystems (starting from 0) to
trace over.
dimensions (list(int)): a list of the dimensions of the subsystems.
If this is not set it will assume all
subsystems are qubits.
reverse (bool): ordering of systems in operator.
If True system-0 is the right most system in tensor product.
If False system-0 is the left most system in tensor product.
ndarray: A density matrix with the appropriate subsystems traced over.
# trace sys positions
if reverse:
dimensions = dimensions[::-1]
trace_systems = len(dimensions) - 1 - np.array(trace_systems)
rho = vec.reshape(dimensions)
rho = np.tensordot(rho, rho.conj(), axes=(trace_systems, trace_systems))
d = int(np.sqrt(np.product(rho.shape)))
return rho.reshape(d, d)
def __partial_trace_mat(mat, trace_systems, dimensions, reverse=True):
Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite matrix.
Note that subsystems are ordered as rho012 = rho0(x)rho1(x)rho2.
mat (matrix_like): a matrix NxN.
trace_systems (list(int)): a list of subsystems (starting from 0) to
trace over.
dimensions (list(int)): a list of the dimensions of the subsystems.
If this is not set it will assume all
subsystems are qubits.
reverse (bool): ordering of systems in operator.
If True system-0 is the right most system in tensor product.
If False system-0 is the left most system in tensor product.
ndarray: A density matrix with the appropriate subsystems traced over.
trace_systems = sorted(trace_systems, reverse=True)
for j in trace_systems:
# Partition subsystem dimensions
dimension_trace = int(dimensions[j]) # traced out system
if reverse:
left_dimensions = dimensions[j + 1:]
right_dimensions = dimensions[:j]
dimensions = right_dimensions + left_dimensions
left_dimensions = dimensions[:j]
right_dimensions = dimensions[j + 1:]
dimensions = left_dimensions + right_dimensions
# Contract remaining dimensions
dimension_left = int(np.prod(left_dimensions))
dimension_right = int(np.prod(right_dimensions))
# Reshape input array into tri-partite system with system to be
# traced as the middle index
mat = mat.reshape([
dimension_left, dimension_trace, dimension_right, dimension_left,
dimension_trace, dimension_right
# trace out the middle system and reshape back to a matrix
mat = mat.trace(axis1=1,
axis2=4).reshape(dimension_left * dimension_right,
dimension_left * dimension_right)
return mat
[docs]def vectorize(density_matrix, method='col'):
"""Flatten an operator to a vector in a specified basis.
density_matrix (ndarray): a density matrix.
method (str): the method of vectorization.
Allowed values are:
* 'col' (default) flattens to column-major vector.
* 'row' flattens to row-major vector.
* 'pauli' flattens in the n-qubit Pauli basis.
* 'pauli-weights': flattens in the n-qubit Pauli basis ordered by
ndarray: the resulting vector.
Exception: if input state is not a n-qubit state
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.',
density_matrix = np.array(density_matrix)
if method == 'col':
return density_matrix.flatten(order='F')
elif method == 'row':
return density_matrix.flatten(order='C')
elif method in ['pauli', 'pauli_weights']:
num = int(np.log2(len(density_matrix))) # number of qubits
if len(density_matrix) != 2**num:
raise Exception('Input state must be n-qubit state')
if method == 'pauli_weights':
pgroup = pauli_group(num, case='weight')
pgroup = pauli_group(num, case='tensor')
vals = [
np.trace(np.dot(p.to_matrix(), density_matrix)) for p in pgroup
return np.array(vals)
return None
[docs]def devectorize(vectorized_mat, method='col'):
"""Devectorize a vectorized square matrix.
vectorized_mat (ndarray): a vectorized density matrix.
method (str): the method of devectorization.
Allowed values are
* 'col' (default): flattens to column-major vector.
* 'row': flattens to row-major vector.
* 'pauli': flattens in the n-qubit Pauli basis.
* 'pauli-weights': flattens in the n-qubit Pauli basis ordered by
ndarray: the resulting matrix.
Exception: if input state is not a n-qubit state
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.',
vectorized_mat = np.array(vectorized_mat)
dimension = int(np.sqrt(vectorized_mat.size))
if len(vectorized_mat) != dimension * dimension:
raise Exception('Input is not a vectorized square matrix')
if method == 'col':
return vectorized_mat.reshape(dimension, dimension, order='F')
elif method == 'row':
return vectorized_mat.reshape(dimension, dimension, order='C')
elif method in ['pauli', 'pauli_weights']:
num_qubits = int(np.log2(dimension)) # number of qubits
if dimension != 2**num_qubits:
raise Exception('Input state must be n-qubit state')
if method == 'pauli_weights':
pgroup = pauli_group(num_qubits, case='weight')
pgroup = pauli_group(num_qubits, case='tensor')
pbasis = np.array([p.to_matrix() for p in pgroup]) / 2**num_qubits
return np.tensordot(vectorized_mat, pbasis, axes=1)
return None
[docs]def choi_to_pauli(choi, order=1):
"""Convert a Choi-matrix to a Pauli-basis superoperator.
Note that this function assumes that the Choi-matrix
is defined in the standard column-stacking convention
and is normalized to have trace 1. For a channel E this
is defined as: :math:`choi = (I \\otimes E)(bell_state)`.
The resulting 'rauli' R acts on input states as
.. math::
|{\\rho_{out}}_p\\rangle = R \\cdot |{\\rho_{in}}_p\\rangle.
where :math:`|{\\rho}\\rangle =` ``vectorize(rho, method='pauli')`` for order=1
and :math:`|{\\rho}\\rangle =` ``vectorize(rho, method='pauli_weights')`` for order=0.
choi (matrix): the input Choi-matrix.
order (int): ordering of the Pauli group vector.
``order=1`` (default) is standard lexicographic ordering
(e.g. ``[II, IX, IY, IZ, XI, XX, XY,...]``)
``order=0`` is ordered by weights
(e.g. ``[II, IX, IY, IZ, XI, XY, XZ, XX, XY,...]``)
np.array: A superoperator in the Pauli basis.
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.'
' Use the `quantum_info.Choi` and `quantum_info.PTM` quantum channel'
' classes for similar functionality', DeprecationWarning)
if order == 0:
order = 'weight'
elif order == 1:
order = 'tensor'
# get number of qubits'
num_qubits = int(np.log2(np.sqrt(len(choi))))
pgp = pauli_group(num_qubits, case=order)
rauli = []
for i in pgp:
for j in pgp:
pauliop = np.kron(j.to_matrix().T, i.to_matrix())
rauli += [np.trace(np.dot(choi, pauliop))]
return np.array(rauli).reshape(4**num_qubits, 4**num_qubits)
[docs]def chop(array, epsilon=1e-10):
Truncate small values of a complex array.
array (array_like): array to truncate small values.
epsilon (float): threshold.
np.array: A new operator with small values set to zero.
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.'
' Use `numpy.round` for similar functionality.', DeprecationWarning)
ret = np.array(array)
if np.isrealobj(ret):
ret[abs(ret) < epsilon] = 0.0
ret.real[abs(ret.real) < epsilon] = 0.0
ret.imag[abs(ret.imag) < epsilon] = 0.0
return ret
[docs]def outer(vector1, vector2=None):
"""Construct the outer product of two vectors.
The second vector argument is optional, if absent the projector
of the first vector will be returned.
vector1 (ndarray): the first vector.
vector2 (ndarray): the (optional) second vector.
np.array: The matrix :math:`|v1\\rangle\\langle{v2}|`.
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.'
' Please use `numpy.outer` function for similar functionality.',
if vector2 is None:
vector2 = np.array(vector1).conj()
vector2 = np.array(vector2).conj()
return np.outer(vector1, vector2)
# Measures.
[docs]def concurrence(state):
"""Calculate the concurrence.
state (np.array): a quantum state (1x4 array) or a density matrix (4x4
float: concurrence.
Exception: if attempted on more than two qubits.
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.'
' It is superseded by the `quantum_info.concurrence` function.',
rho = np.array(state)
if rho.ndim == 1:
rho = outer(state)
if len(state) != 4:
raise Exception("Concurrence is only defined for more than two qubits")
YY = np.fliplr(np.diag([-1, 1, 1, -1]))
A = rho.dot(YY).dot(rho.conj()).dot(YY)
w = np.sort(np.real(la.eigvals(A)))
w = np.sqrt(np.maximum(w, 0.))
return max(0.0, w[-1] - np.sum(w[0:-1]))
[docs]def shannon_entropy(pvec, base=2):
Compute the Shannon entropy of a probability vector.
The shannon entropy of a probability vector pv is defined as
$H(pv) = - \\sum_j pv[j] log_b (pv[j])$ where $0 log_b 0 = 0$.
pvec (array_like): a probability vector.
base (int): the base of the logarithm
float: The Shannon entropy H(pvec).
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future.'
' It is superseded by the `quantum_info.shannon_entropy` function',
if base == 2:
def logfn(x):
return -x * np.log2(x)
elif base == np.e:
def logfn(x):
return -x * np.log(x)
def logfn(x):
return -x * np.log(x) / np.log(base)
h = 0.
for x in pvec:
if 0 < x < 1:
h += logfn(x)
return h
[docs]def entropy(state):
Compute the von-Neumann entropy of a quantum state.
state (array_like): a density matrix or state vector.
float: The von-Neumann entropy S(rho).
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future.'
' It is superseded by the `quantum_info.entropy` function.',
# pylint: disable=assignment-from-no-return
rho = np.array(state)
if rho.ndim == 1:
return 0
evals = np.maximum(np.linalg.eigvalsh(state), 0.)
return shannon_entropy(evals, base=np.e)
def __eof_qubit(rho):
Compute the Entanglement of Formation of a 2-qubit density matrix.
rho ((array_like): (4,4) array_like, input density matrix.
float: The entanglement of formation.
c = concurrence(rho)
c = 0.5 + 0.5 * np.sqrt(1 - c * c)
return shannon_entropy([c, 1 - c])
# Other.
[docs]def is_pos_def(x):
"""Return is_pos_def."""
'This function is deprecated and will be removed in the future.'
' It is superseded by the '
' function.', DeprecationWarning)
return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) > 0)